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To evaluate prognostic significance of echogenic lesion within small hepatocellular carcinoma (SHCC, less than or equal to 2 cm in diameter), clinical and pathological findings of 32 cases with SHCC containing echogenic lesion (echogenic SHCC) were compared with those of 55 cases with non-echogenic SHCC. Compared with the non-echogenic SHCC group, the frequency of clinical stage I was significantly higher, and there were significantly more cases with solitary tumor relative to cases with multiple tumors in the echogenic SHCC group. Histologically, the incidence of the HCC composed of well-differentiated tumor cells corresponding to Edmondson's grade I was significantly higher in the echogenic SHCC group than in the non-echogenic SHCC group. Although HCCs tended to become progressively less differentiated with increasing tumor sizes in the both groups, the process of cellular change appeared to proceed more slowly in the echogenic SHCC group. Survival rate after tumor detection was 73% at three years, 56% at five years and 48% at seven years and nine years in the echogenic SHCC group, while it was 46% at three years, 42% at five years and 0% at seven years in the non-echogenic SHCC group. The present results showed that the presence of echogenic lesion within SHCC could be useful prognostic indicator.  相似文献   
Airborne pollens collected in a pollen collector (Virtual Impactor) was treated with a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled monoclonal antibody (KW-S10) which was strictly specific to Japanese cedar pollen antigen (Cry j I). Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the intensity of fluorescence of the pollen samples treated with the antibody was greater than that of non-treated reference pollen or the antibody treated Hinoki-cypress pollen. By use of this method, it may be possible to display the airborne pollen concentration within 20 min after sampling.  相似文献   
Pyoderma gangrenosum is a rare, chronic, inflammatory ulcerative skin disease of unknown etiology and pathogenesis. It is often associated with systemic disease. We describe a patient with pyoderma gangrenosum associated with ulcerative colitis and aseptic abscesses of the subcutis and spleen, which have been rarely reported previously. These manifestations were cleared by combined therapy with minocycline hydrochloride and diaphenylsulfone.  相似文献   
Oriented astroglial cell growth on micropatterned polystyrene substrates   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In an effort to develop a permissive environment for neural stem cell differentiation, directional growth of astrocytes has been achieved on polymer substrates in vitro. Manipulating a combination of physical and chemical cues, astrocyte adhesion and alignment in vitro were examined. To provide physical guidance, micropatterned polymer substrates of polystyrene (PS) were fabricated. Laminin was selectively adsorbed onto the grooves of the patterned surface. Rat type-1 astrocytes were seeded onto the micropatterned PS substrates, and the effects of substrate topography and the adsorption of laminin to the PS substrates on the behavior and morphology of the astrocytes were explored. The astrocytes were found to align parallel to the micropatterned grooves at initial seeding densities of approximately 7500, 13,000, and 20,000 cells/cm(2) due to the effects of the physical and chemical guidance mechanisms. Adsorbing laminin in the microgrooves of the micropatterned PS substrates improved cell adhesion and spreading of cytoskeletal filaments significantly. At these initial seeding densities, over 85% astrocyte alignment in the direction of the grooves was achieved on the micropatterned PS substrates with laminin adsorbed in the grooves. This combination of guidance cues has the potential to provide a permissive substrate for in vivo regeneration within the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Attempts at protein transduction into specific restricted brain areas have remained unsuccessful. We attempted targeted, direct in vivo protein transduction by microinjecting beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) with hemagglutinating virus of Japan envelope (HVJ-E) vector into the rat nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). The medulla oblongata including the NTS was removed 6h post-injection and cryostat sections were histochemically stained to detect beta-gal enzymatic activity. beta-gal-positive cells were present in these sections as was beta-gal activity determined by colorimetric analysis. beta-gal-positive cells were not present in the rats microinjected only beta-gal protein without HVJ-E vector. Our findings suggest that direct in vivo protein transduction into specific restricted brain areas is possible. The type of targeted delivery system we present may have wide applications in the administration of therapeutic proteins to the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Defensins are cationic antimicrobial peptides with a broad spectrum. Recently human beta-defensin 2 (hBD-2) has been isolated from psoriatic skin; however, its exact localization and fate have not been fully understood. We studied the distribution pattern of hBD-2 in skin tissues of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases. In the upper spinous and granular layer of psoriasis vulgaris hBD-2 was present in the cytoplasm. In the horny layer the positive signals were in a basket-weave pattern, indicating possible accumulation of hBD-2 in the intercellular space. The similar pattern of hBD-2 distribution was observed in the lesions of nummular eczema and atopic dermatitis. hBD-2 was not detected in the section of normal elbow and knee skin. When isolated psoriatic scales were stained, hBD-2 was detected in a wrapping paper-like distribution pattern surrounding the corneocytes. In horny layer of psoriatic skin hBD-2 was closely associated or colocalized with elafin, which is known to be in extracellular space, as demonstrated by double staining. Western blot analysis using cultured human keratinocytes detected hBD-2 with an expected size in the conditioned medium and in the cell lysates when stimulated with 5% FCS or IL-alpha. These results indicate that hBD-2 was synthesized and remained in cytoplasm in the upper spinous and granular layer, and then secreted into intercellular space in the horny layer. This dynamic change in hBD-2 distribution in epidermis is certainly relevant to function as an innate host defense mechanism against invading micro-organisms.  相似文献   
Clostridium botulinum serotype B toxins 12S and 16S were separated by using a beta-lactose gel column at pH 6.0; toxin 12S passed through the column, whereas toxin 16S bound to the column and eluted with lactose. The fully activated neurotoxin was obtained by applying the trypsin-treated 16S toxin on the same column at pH 8.0; the neurotoxin passed through the column, whereas remaining nontoxic components bound to the column. The toxicity of this purified fully activated neurotoxin was retained for a long period by addition of albumin in the preparation.  相似文献   
Gap junctional intercellular communication is a function that plays an important role in maintaining cell and tissue homeostasis and in regulating cell growth, development, and differentiation. Change in this function when contacting fibroblasts with various polymer microspheres was estimated using the metabolic cooperation assay system. When the cells were in contact with the microspheres after their adhesion onto a substrate, the function did not alter. However, when they were in contact with precoated microspheres on test dishes, the function was inhibited as the quantity of microspheres increased. Moreover, the inhibition level increased as the diameters of polyethylene and polystyrene microspheres decreased. However, no inhibition was observed if precoated microspheres were composed from poly(L-lactic acid). These findings suggest that the size and the material of microspheres, and how cells recognize the microspheres, are factors affecting cell function of gap junctional intercellular communication. Therefore, estimating this function may provide valuable information about the biocompatibility of many kinds of materials even in the form of particles.  相似文献   
We compared the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase gene sequence among 13 strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolated over the last 50 years. Although overall homology was remarkably high, the sequence variability demonstrated the existence of at least three distinct lineages, which must have co-circulated for considerable periods. The sequence variability also appears to reflect some accumulation of mutations over time. Strictly correlating with the lineages, the translation products could be classified into three size classes. One class lacked the interchain disulfide bond, and another represented unusual precursor protein of biologically inactive form. The lineages correlated to some extent with virulence and place of isolation of the strains. However, antigenic variations, which were neither cumulative nor progressive, did not correlate with the lineages. These analyses showing multiple lineages were greatly facilitated by a precise calculation of synonymous substitutions, which had been largely free from selective pressures and had occurred frequently and evenly throughout the coding region.  相似文献   
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