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Objectives: To elucidate the pressure transfer between intracranial and labyrinthine fluids in patients with well‐defined unilateral Meniere's disease. Study Design: Eleven patients previously exposed to hypobaric pressure agreed to be investigated further with the tympanic membrane displacement (TMD) technique. TMD was used to indirectly analyze perilymph pressure changes as the result of changes in body position. Methods: Repeated measurements for both the diseased and the healthy ears were made with the patients supine and then in a sitting position. The TMD parameters for the maximum inward displacement, the Vi, and the mean volume displacement, the Vm, were calculated and compared. Results: The paired comparison showed statistically significant larger Vi values for both ears in the supine position. A similar tendency was observed for the Vm value. This difference of the Vi was significantly larger for the diseased ear compared with the currently healthy ear. The results were compared to the audiometric and electrocochleographic results previously obtained on the same patients when they were subjected to hypobaric pressure. Patients who experienced the largest differences in hearing level thresholds in the lower frequencies also showed the greatest differences in TMD values as the result of postural changes. Conclusions: Despite the limited number, the statistically supported results suggest a relation between the efficiency of the routes of pressure transfer and the observed effect of hypobaric exposure. The results also indicate that for the patients tested, the routes of communication are more effective in the diseased ear than in the healthy ear—a condition that may relate to the pathogeneses of Meniere's disease.  相似文献   
Tailoring Antireflux Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A hypothesis has been formulated that mandates the adjustment of antireflux surgery to either a total or a partial wrap depending on the motor function of the esophagus to avoid dysphagia and other obstructive complaints. This hypothesis has been tested in a randomized, clinical trial where 106 chronic gastroesophageal reflux patients were allocated to either a total Nissen-Rossetti (n= 53) or a Toupet partial posterior (n= 53) fundoplication, irrespective of their preoperative esophageal motor function. All patients were followed at least 3 years, during which time none had a relapse of moderate to severe reflux symptoms. Motor dysfunctions defined as peristaltic amplitude ≤ 30 mmHg in the distal third and failed primary peristalsis with or without > 20% simultaneous contractions were noted in 67 patients preoperatively, but these patients did not have a specific symptom profile (e.g., dominated by obstructive symptoms) nor did seven patients with “aperistaltic esophagus.” The incidence of dysphagia decreased from 20% preoperatively to 8% (mild) at 3 years after the operation with no difference between the surgical procedures. We were unable to demonstrate a relation between preoperative manometric findings and postoperative symptoms when assessed in the total group or when subdivided by the type of fundoplication (r < 0.3). Flatulence occurred more frequently among those with a total fundic wrap (p < 0.01). When patients representing motor dysfunction (see above) were specifically analyzed, we again observed no difference in outcome between those having a total or a partial fundic wrap. In conclusion, the concept of tailoring antireflux surgery based on the preoperative motor function of the esophagus in patients with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease was not supported by the results of this clinical trial.  相似文献   
Background: Pouch volume appears to be of major importance for subsequent weight loss following any gastric restriction type of surgery for morbid obesity. In order to be able to evaluate pouch volume following Swedish Adjustable Gastric Banding (SAGB), an endoscopic pouch volume classification system was designed in which pouch volume is classified in five categories. The aim of this study was to validate the endoscopic classification system using MRI and barium swallow as reference methods for pouch volume measurement. Methods: Twenty patients (13 women and seven men) were operated for obesity with SAGB. They were investigated a mean of 3 years (6 weeks-5.5 years) after surgery and had at that time lost a mean of 60 (12-112) kg. During the same afternoon they sequentially underwent endoscopy, MRI and barium swallow with an empty stomach. Results: The mean pouch volume measured with MRI was 70 ml (0-180 ml) and with barium swallow was 72 ml (0-195 ml). In 17/20 patients the volume as measured by MRI and barium swallow was in the same volume category as with endoscopy. The correlation measured according to Pearson was significant between endoscopy on one hand and MRI/barium swallow both independently and together (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Based on these results we are confident in using our endoscopic classification system for postoperative follow-up of pouch volume.  相似文献   
Summary The interaction of clorgyline andl-deprenil with the-A and-B forms of human brain monoamine oxidase (MAO) has been studied. Both compounds inhibit cerebrocortical MAO in a manner consistent with a suicide inactivation of the enzyme. The interaction of clorgyline with the-A form of the enzyme appears to take place almost entirely at specific binding sites, and the conditions required for this inhibitor to titrate the concentrations of MAO-A have been elucidated.l-Deprenil has also been used to titrate the concentration of the-B form of MAO in cerebrocortical homogenates, but there is a considerable degree of non-specific binding of this compound. The two inhibitors have been used to titrate the concentrations of the two enzyme forms in frontal cortex homogenates from different age groups. There was a significantly higher MAO-B activity for the age range 73–95 years than for the age range 2–63 years. No significant differences between the two age groups were found for MAO-A. The activity of MAO-A in the samples correlated very well with the concentration of this enzyme form. Titration of the B-form of the enzyme withl-deprenil indicated an increased enzyme concentration with age, although other factors, such as the non-specific binding of this compound, could contribute to this effect.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To examine the effects on bone mineral density of 2 years of treatment with a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist alone or in combination with tamoxifen or tamoxifen alone in premenopausal breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We recruited 89 women from two centers in Stockholm participating in a randomized multicenter trial of three different endocrine approaches in the adjuvant setting (Zoladex in Premenopausal Patients Trial). The women were assigned to receive the LHRH agonist goserelin with or without tamoxifen, tamoxifen alone, or no endocrine therapy. The treatment was given for 2 years. We measured total-body bone density before start of treatment and at 12, 24, and 36 months. RESULTS: After 2 years of treatment, there was a significant loss of bone mineral density (mean change, -5%; P <.001) in the women receiving goserelin alone. The combined goserelin and tamoxifen treatment, as well as tamoxifen alone, resulted in a lesser but statistically significant decline in bone mineral density (mean change, -1.4%; P =.02; and -1.5%; P <.001). One year after cessation of treatment, the goserelin group alone showed a partial recovery from bone loss (mean change, 1.5%; P =.02). CONCLUSION: Two years of ovarian ablation from goserelin treatment caused a significant reduction in bone mineral density but there was a partial recovery from the bone loss 1 year after cessation of treatment. The addition of tamoxifen seems to partially counteract the demineralizing effects of goserelin.  相似文献   
Numerous theories have been presented that attempt to explain the frequent recurrences of pharyngotonsillitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes; these recurrences occur after seemingly adequate antibiotic treatment. We previously have demonstrated that S pyogenes can survive for up to 7 days intracellularly in immortalized human respiratory epithelial cells grown in an antibiotic supplemented medium. Viable S pyogenes were externalized and established an extracellular infection, whenever the extracellular antibiotic was removed. We have investigated the presence of intracellular S pyogenes in two in vivo studies using respiratory epithelial cells collected from patients with tonsillitis and the tonsils of asymptomatic carriers. Electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry demonstrated intracellular S pyogenes in pharyngeal epithelial cells in 13 of 14 patients with tonsillitis (93%). Furthermore, intracellular S pyogenes were found in macrophage-like cells in eight (73%) and in epithelial cells in four (36%) tonsils from 11 asymptomatic S pyogenes carriers. These in vivo data strongly support the hypothesis that intracellular S pyogenes can constitute a reservoir of bacteria with the potential to cause reinfections  相似文献   
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