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Kuypers  FA; Lubin  BH; Yee  M; Agre  P; Devaux  PF; Geldwerth  D 《Blood》1993,81(4):1051-1057
In the human erythrocyte membrane phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin reside mainly in the outer leaflet, whereas the aminophospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine, are mainly found in the inner leaflet. Maintenance of phospholipid asymmetry has been assumed to involve interactions between the aminophospholipids and the membrane skeleton, in particular spectrin. To investigate whether spectrin contributes to maintaining the phospholipid transbilayer distribution and kinetics of redistribution, we studied erythrocytes from hereditary spherocytosis patients whose spectrin levels ranged from 34% to 82% of normal. The phospholipid composition and the accessibility of membrane phospholipids to hydrolysis by phospholipases were in the normal range. Spin-labeled phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine analogues that had been introduced into the outer leaflet were rapidly transported at 37 degrees C to the inner leaflet, whereas the redistribution of spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine was slower. The kinetics of transbilayer movement of these spin-labeled phospholipid in all samples was in the normal range and was not affected by the level of spectrin. Although these erythrocyte membranes contained as little as 34% of the normal level of spectrin and were characterized by several physical abnormalities, the composition, distribution, and transbilayer kinetics of the phospholipids were found to be normal. We therefore conclude that spectrin plays, at best, only a minor role in maintaining the distribution of erythrocyte membrane phospholipid.  相似文献   
Rybak  ME; Gimbrone  MA Jr; Davies  PF; Handin  RI 《Blood》1989,73(6):1534-1539
Platelets secrete a low-molecular-weight protein, platelet factor four (PF-4), which binds to and neutralizes heparin and related sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). To examine the interactions of PF-4 with the GAGs present on endothelial cell surfaces, we incubated 125I-PF-4 with cell suspensions derived from confluent monolayers of cultured bovine aortic endothelium. Binding of 125I-PF-4 was inhibited by a 100-fold excess of nonradioactive PF-4 and varied with duration and temperature of incubation. At 4 degrees C, binding reached equilibrium at 20 minutes with kd = 2.87 mumol/L and Bmax of 63.83 pmol/10(5) cells. Binding capacity was reduced 83.4% by brief incubation of endothelial cells with trypsin and 46.67% by incubation with Flavobacterium heparinase, but was unchanged by chondroitin-ABCase treatment. At 37 degrees C, PF-4 was internalized by confluent monolayer of bovine aortic endothelial cells primarily through low-affinity adsorptive endocytosis. The internalized PF-4 was degraded to amino acids and small peptides with 50% conversion after 18-hour incubation. These studies demonstrate that a secreted platelet protein can bind to and enter endothelial cells. Binding may explain the rapid clearance of released PF-4 from plasma and could have important local effects on endothelial structure and function.  相似文献   
Methods of preoperative radiologic localization of insulinoma were compared in 52 patients, 44 of whom had solitary tumors. Examinations performed in these 44 patients were preoperative ultrasonography (US) in 28, angiography in 26, and computed tomography in 23. Prospective sensitivities were 61%, 54%, and 30%, respectively. Imaging sensitivities were lower for the eight patients with multiple insulinomas. In 28 of the 44 patients, intraoperative US was performed without the examiner being aware of the surgical findings. The sensitivity was 84%. Four insulinomas were not palpable but were visualized sonographically. The combined sensitivity of intraoperative US and surgical palpation for detecting solitary insulinomas was 100%. High-frequency intraoperative US is valuable for detecting occult solitary insulinomas and considerably useful for determining the proximity of insulinomas to the pancreatic and bile ducts.  相似文献   
The effects of magnetic resonance (MR) pulse sequences and timing parameters on tumor-liver contrast were studied in an animal model of metastatic liver cancer. Six spin-echo (SE), three inversion-recovery (IR), and four gradient-echo (GRE) sequences were evaluated at 0.6 T before and after injection of super-paramagnetic iron oxide. GRE techniques, irrespective of echo time and flip angle, showed the greatest change in signal intensity (enhancement) of the liver after administration of iron oxide. Single-acquisition GRE sequences (16 seconds) matched the contrast-to-noise ratio (C/N) performance of the most effective 6.4-minute SE sequences. Multiexcitation GRE sequences showed tumor-liver C/Ns per unit time that were significantly (P less than .05) higher than those achieved with SE and IR sequences. GRE sequences, which recruit intravoxel dephasing as an additional source of transverse relaxation enhancement (T2*), show a higher C/N per unit time and in this respect seem superior to SE and IR sequences for MR imaging with superparamagnetic iron oxide.  相似文献   
Complicated pancreatic abscesses: problems in interventional management   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Twenty-five patients with grade D or E pancreatitis underwent percutaneous drainage. These patients required multiple computed tomography (CT) examinations, multiple catheter insertions, multiple catheter manipulations, and long-term catheter drainage. Eight of the 25 patients were successfully treated with catheter drainage alone. Sixteen underwent surgical drainage, ten after attempts at percutaneous drainage and six prior to radiologic drainage. Of the ten patients who had initial percutaneous drainage, only four were clinically improved from the drainage procedure alone. Although the fluid component of the abscess was often adequately drained in all ten patients, surgery was required to remove pieces of necrotic debris. Six patients who underwent surgical debridement had residual abscesses in the post-operative period and were all successfully treated with percutaneous drainage. One patient died from unrelated causes. Successful interventional management of patients with pancreatic abscesses requires intensive radiologic intervention and monitoring and may be better served by a combination of radiologic and surgical means.  相似文献   
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