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Platelet aggregation requires the binding of adhesive proteins such as fibrinogen to the heterodimer of membrane glycoproteins IIb (GPIIb) and IIIa (GPIIIa). Human erythroleukemia (HEL) cells synthesize both GPIIb and GPIIIa. Using poly(A+) RNA purified from HEL cells, we constructed a cDNA library in the lambda gt10 phage vector. This library was screened with a 38mer oligonucleotide derived from a platelet GPIIIa peptide, and three overlapping cDNAs were isolated. The three inserts encompassed 3.5 kilobases (kb), including the entire coding region of mature GPIIIa (2,286 basepairs, bp) and 1.3 kb of 3' untranslated sequence. All 222 residues determined directly from platelet GPIIIa tryptic peptides exactly matched the HEL cell-deduced amino acid sequence. The HEL cell sequence matched a previously reported endothelial cell cDNA sequence except for eight nucleotides. Five of these nucleotide differences were silent changes consistent with genetic polymorphisms. The other three differences resulted in changes in the deduced amino acid sequence of GPIIIa; reexamination of the endothelial cell cDNA sequence in these three areas revealed that it is actually identical to the HEL cell sequence. The virtual identity of the endothelial and HEL cell cDNA sequences provides direct evidence that GPIIIa is a subunit common to cell-adhesion receptors present in more than one cell type. We localized the gene for GPIIIa to chromosome 17, the same chromosome to which we had previously mapped the gene for GPIIb.  相似文献   
The identification of regulated gene products that play a role in Schwann cell-axon contact after nerve injuries may have important implications for pain mechanisms and nerve repair processes. Schwann cell-intrinsic defects have been recently shown to cause neuropathies associated with pain (Gillespie et al., 2000). The 7TM GPR7, originally described by O'Dowd et al. (1995) as a likely G-protein coupled receptor, is a human orphan receptor expressed in the nervous system with sequence similarity to both somatostatin and opioid receptors. Using real time quantitative PCRTM we evaluated the expression of GPR7 in sural nerve biopsies from patients with different kinds of peripheral neuropathies. We observed that GPR7 expression was significantly (p < 0.001) increased in sural nerves when an epineurial and endoneurial perivascular inflammatory infiltration was present. The overexpression was particularly noted in patients with painful peripheral neuropathies with an inflammatory, immuno and vasculitic etiology. In order to confirm changes in GPR7 expression at the protein level, we performed immunofluorescence staining on sections of neuropathic human sural nerves. A comparative analysis of rat injured sciatic nerves was also performed. We observed that GPR7 receptor is expressed by Schwann cells and that the amount of Schwann cell-staining in both human and rat nerve is increased in conditions of inflammatory neuropathy. In addition, we observed that the expression of GPR7 was significantly decreased in severe axonal neuropathies, suggesting that GPR7 expression is axon dependent. Immunofluorescence staining in rat cultured Schwann cells suggested that the expression GPR7 increased during Schwann-axon interaction. Taken together these results suggest that molecules such as GPR7 whose expression in Schwann cells varies under pathological conditions may play a role in the pathogenesis of human neuropathies. Altered GPR7 expression may disrupt myelination leading to progression of the neuropathy. Alternatively, GPR7 may play a role in Schwann cell-axon signaling and thereby influence axonal function in neuropathies leading to a painful phenotype.  相似文献   
社区获得性肺炎疗效影响因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周丽  陈科 《上海预防医学》2009,21(12):606-607
社区获得性肺炎是常见住院治疗的呼吸道疾病,其疗效受年龄、病情、体质等因素影响而呈现多样化。回归模型常用以探索影响疗效的因素,定量检测指标通常直接反映病情并提示预后。在住院病史中通常可见一种生理病理状况由多个指标共同判断,它们之间往往存在多重共线性,造成自变量权重偏倚,影响模型预测精度。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To contrast the population and clinical approaches to stroke prevention and to review Canadian data relevant to estimating disease burden, assessing risk factors, designing preventive strategies and organizing health services. METHOD: A narrative review of the published literature and statistical data accessible through the Internet. MAIN FINDINGS: Unlike the clinical approach, which emphasizes individual patients at high risk diagnosed and treated intensively, usually by medical or surgical means (or both), a population approach focuses on the entire population and bases interventions on behavioural and environmental changes. Stroke offers a particularly promising target for prevention. It represents a leading cause of serious disability, death and reduced quality of life. The aging of our population threatens to increase the already considerable burden. Stroke shares several risk factors with other chronic diseases, especially ischemic heart disease. These risk factors vary in their impact on Canadians (population attributable risk proportion), which is a function of their prevalence and strength of association with the occurrence of stroke. Although effective preventive measures are available for people at high risk, they are not being applied systematically among potential beneficiaries. Small reductions in the exposure to risk factors in the entire population offer an alternative, where even modest success may translate into major gain. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical and population approaches to stroke prevention are complementary. Existing national strategies directed at promotion of healthy life-styles (especially physical activity) and hypertension control, when fully implemented, will reduce the frequency, severity and impact of stroke on Canadian society.  相似文献   
Twenty-one children who had been diagnosed as having laryngomalacia by direct laryngoscopy in infancy were reviewed 7 to 12 years later. The natural history of the disease is documented. A wide variation in the time of onset and duration of the stridor was found and there was a high incidence of feeding difficulties. A previously reported association with mental retardation or cerebral palsy is not confirmed. 4 out of the 21 children had early speech problems.  相似文献   
In an infant with Menkes's steely-hair syndrome, early treatment (from 21 days of age) with parenteral copper failed to halt the disease. In addition to urinary tract abnormalities, panlobular emphysema was present a finding not previously noted in the syndrome.  相似文献   
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