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We report the case of a littoral‐cell angioma of the spleen, a recently described benign vascular tumour, whose imaging and pathological characteristics have been discussed only by a few authors. The diagnosis was made after elective splenectomy. The CT images, scintigraphy and histological specimens are presented, and differential diagnoses discussed.  相似文献   
Vitiligo and psoriasis are both common skin disorders. However, psoriasis strictly confined to pre-existing vitiligo areas is rare and suggests a causal relationship. We report here on two patients with a strict anatomical colocalization of vitiligo and psoriasis. The histopathological examinations showed typical changes for both diseases together with a dense infiltrate of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. By immunohistochemistry, intracytoplasmatic granzyme B and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were detected within the T-cell population, suggesting the functional activity of these cells and the creation of a local T helper 1 (Th1)-cytokine milieu. Additionally, in one patient we could identify anti-melanocytic T cells by tetramer staining and enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) analysis. These skin-infiltrating lymphocytes might trigger, by the local production of Th-1 cytokines such as TNF-alpha and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), the eruption of psoriatic plaques in patients with a genetic predisposition for psoriasis.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Antidepressants are commonly used drugs with potential for numerous drug interactions. This study aims to systematically review the literature on drug interactions with antidepressants. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE (1966 to November 2003) and EMBASE (1980 to 2003), using the heading drug interactions combined with individual antidepressant names. We restricted searches to English-language articles and human studies. We screened drug interaction texts and review articles for relevant studies. We included articles reporting original human data on drug interactions with antidepressants commonly used in North America. Articles were independently evaluated by 2 reviewers on clinical effect, clinical significance, and quality of evidence. Discrepancies were resolved by consensus. RESULTS: There were 904 eligible interactions, involving 9509 patients, for a total of 598 summary interactions. Of these, 439 (73%) demonstrated an interaction, 148 (25%) had no effect, and 11 (2%) had conflicting evidence. For 510 interactions (85%), the quality of evidence was poor. It was fair for 67 (11%) interactions and good for 10 (2%) interactions. There were no interactions with excellent quality of evidence. There were 145 (24%) interactions of major clinical significance. These were predominantly hypertensive emergencies and serotonin syndrome. Most interacting drugs had central nervous system (CNS) activity. As expected, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) appear to be the most problematic family in terms of potential for serious drug interactions. CONCLUSIONS: Drug interactions with antidepressants are an important cause for concern, but this concern is based primarily on poor evidence. We recommend caution when combining antidepressants with other CNS drugs, particularly when coadministering MAOIs with other substances.  相似文献   
Published data devoted to making and characterization of the properties of polymeric wound dressings with proteolytic action are reviewed. These data are indicative of individual dependence of the physicochemical properties, activity, and stability of each particular enzyme on the type of polymer matrix and the method of immobilization. In order to obtain wound dressings, which are active in physiological medium and retain their activity upon sterilization, it is necessary to optimize the composition and characteristics of a polymer matrix and the enzyme included into its structure. __________ Translated from Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 24–28, August, 2006.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence that the assessment of eosinophilic airway inflammation using induced sputum and measurement of airway hyperresponsiveness provides additional, clinically important information concerning asthma control. The aim of this study was to directly compare the effects of different treatments on these markers in patients with asthma and persistent symptoms, despite the use of low-dose inhaled corticosteroids. A double-blind four-way crossover study was performed, which compared a 1-month treatment with budesonide 400 mug b.i.d., additional formoterol, additional montelukast and placebo in 49 patients with uncontrolled asthma despite budesonide 100 mug b.i.d., with each treatment separated by a 4-week washout period. The change in sputum eosinophil count with formoterol (2.4 to 3.8% change, 0.6-fold reduction, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5-0.9) differed significantly from placebo (2.8 to 2.5% change, 1.1-fold reduction, 95% CI 0.7-1.6) and high-dose budesonide (2.7 to 1.6% change, 1.6-fold reduction, 95% CI 1.2-2.2). The effects of montelukast did not differ from placebo. The changes in methacholine airway responsiveness were small and did not differ between treatments. High-dose budesonide had the broadest range of beneficial effects on other outcomes, including symptom scores, morning peak expiratory flow and forced expiratory volume in one second. In conclusion, treatment given in addition to low-dose inhaled corticosteroids results in modest benefits. Formoterol and high-dose budesonide have contrasting effects on eosinophilic airway inflammation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin has risen in every part of the world where reliable cancer registration data are found. OBJECTIVE: Our study aims to describe the changing incidence of and survival from invasive cutaneous malignant melanoma in Malta, by analysing the data from the 211 cases that were registered at the Malta National Cancer Registry between 1993 and 2002. RESULTS: The age standardized incidence rates for invasive cutaneous malignant melanoma rose from 3.7 per 100,000 population per year for males and 5.1 for females in the first 5-year period, to 8.0 per 100,000 population per year for males and 5.9 for females in the second 5-year period. In both sexes, numbers of thin (< or = 1.0 mm) invasive melanomas increased significantly between 1993 and 2002; males also registered a significant increase in intermediate-thickness (1.01-4.0 mm) melanomas. The increase in numbers of thin and intermediate-thickness melanomas between the two 5-year periods was greatest in patients aged 60 years and over. The overall absolute 5-year survival rate for the first period was 74% and for the second period 92%. CONCLUSION: Numbers of reported cases of invasive cutaneous malignant melanoma in Malta have more than doubled during the 10-year study period. This is mostly due to a marked rise in the diagnosis of thin melanomas in both sexes, occurring mainly in patients aged 60 years and over. As thin melanomas are of low metastasizing potential, this has resulted in an increase in survival between the two 5-year study periods.  相似文献   
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