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饶曼人  刘丰 《药学学报》1988,23(2):100-103
尼群的平20μg/kg iv显著降低麻醉犬血压的过程,冠状窦流量明显增加。持续3h,冠状窦氧含量增加,氧摄取率、心肌耗氧量、二氧化碳产生率降低,持续了3h以上,说明该剂适用于高血压伴心肌缺血。  相似文献   
The psychiatric and psychosocial evaluation of the heart transplant candidate can identify particular predictors for postoperative problems. These factors, as identified during the comprehensive evaluation phase, provide an assessment of the candidate in context of the proposed transplantation protocol. Previous issues with compliance, substance abuse, and psychosis are clear indictors of postoperative problems. The prolonged waiting list time provides an additional period to evaluate and provide support to patients having a terminal disease who need a heart transplant, and are undergoing prolonged hospitalization. Following transplantation, the patient is faced with additional challenges of a new self-image, multiple concerns, anxiety, and depression. Ultimately, the success of the heart transplantation remains dependent upon the recipient's ability to cope psychologically and comply with the medication regimen. The limited resource of donor hearts and the high emotional and financial cost of heart transplantation lead to an exhaustive effort to select those patients who will benefit from the improved physical health the heart transplant confers.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of detecting approximal imperfections of composite fillings using three intraoral radiographic systems in vitro. Class II composite resin restorations (108) with three radiopacities (264, 306, 443% Al 99.5) of which 27 had marginal openings or overhangs, respectively, were conventionally (Ektaspeed plus) and digitally (Dexis, Digora) radiographed. Images were assessed by 10 observers for the presence of marginal gaps and overhangs, as well as for their need of restorative treatment according to a five-point confidence rating scale. The validity of the observations were expressed as areas under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (Aroc). Repeated measures analysis of variance revealed significant effects of 'radiographic system' and 'diagnostic purpose'. Marginal overhangs (Aroc = 0.90) were significantly easier to diagnose than openings (Aroc = 0.63). Marginal gaps were better detected on conventional and Dexis radiographs than on Digora images. the range of sensitivities and specificities of the treatment decision was 0.53-0.56 and 0.87-0.88, respectively. It was concluded that the validity of detecting marginal defects of composite resin restorations based on radiographs was only slightly affected by the radiographic system being used. The diagnosis of marginal gaps frequently resulted in false-positive and false-negative decisions.  相似文献   
郑运松  徐会吾 《医学争鸣》2009,(21):2435-2437
目的:探讨Balo病同心圆硬化(BCS)的磁共振表现特征及其病理基础.方法:回顾性分析4例Balo病同心圆硬化患者的MRI表现,均经激素治疗临床症状好转后行MRI复查.结果:4例患者中,1例单发,3例多发,最多者病灶5个.病变主要累及大脑半球皮层下和深部白质区,共发现11个病灶,其中顶叶半卵圆中心和颞叶的发病比例高.典型同心圆样病灶8个,直径1~2.3cm,同心圆层数为3~5个.在T1WI加权像呈等、低信号相间;T2WI,FLAIR像上呈等、高信号交替环,病灶周围有轻度水肿表现,上述表现与镜下脱髓鞘区与髓鞘保留区相间相对应.其余3个不典型的病灶呈斑片状或煎蛋样改变;增强后1例病灶呈点状或边缘线状强化.结论:Balo病同心圆性硬化的MRI及其增强扫描具有特征性表现,可作为本病诊断的主要方法,并可用于疗效的观察.  相似文献   
The effect of barium on blood in the gastrointestinal tract   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


To determine long-term adherence to evidence-based secondary preventive combination pharmacotherapy in survivors of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and to investigate the association between adherence to recommended therapy and all-cause mortality in claims data.


Prospective cohort study based on claims data of an 18.75?% random sample of all persons insured with the local statutory health insurance fund AOK Hesse. Study population included patients with hospital discharge diagnoses of AMI between 2001 and 2005 excluding those who died within the first 30?days after AMI or who had been hospitalised with an AMI in the previous 2?years. A total of 3,008 patients were followed up until death, cancellation of insurance, or the end of the study period on 31 December 2007, whichever came first (median follow-up: 4.2?years).


Drug adherence to single drug groups as determined by proportion of days covered ≥80?% was 21.8?% for antiplatelet drugs, 9.4?% for beta-blockers, 45.6?% for ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers and 45.1?% for lipid-lowering drugs. A total of 924 (39.7?%) patients met our definition of guideline adherence: Drugs available from three of four relevant drug groups on the same day for at least 50?% of the observation time. Of the patients adhering to the guidelines, 17.3?% died and of the non-adherents, 32.4?% died. All-cause mortality was 28?% lower for guideline-adherent patients than for the non-adherent group (adjusted HR 0.72, 95?% CI 0.60–0.86).


In everyday practice, post AMI patients benefit from guideline-oriented treatment, but the percentage of adherent patients should be improved.  相似文献   
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