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An expert system for evaluation of X-ray diffraction patterns of urinary calculi is described and evaluated. The software was developed using the PERSONAL CONSULTANT expert system shell from Texas Instruments.  相似文献   
The cloning of cDNAs that encode functional glutamate receptors makes it possible to produce antibodies that can be used as high-affinity probes for the localization and characterization of these receptors in the mammalian brain. We have made antibodies to different regions of the first cloned member of this family, GluR1, using bacterially overproduced antigen. On Western blots, these antisera detect glycoprotein(s) of 105 kDa present in crude membranes of the hippocampus and cerebellum. The 105-kDa band is associated with postsynaptic densities, and it is observed in cultured cells upon transfection with the GluR1 cDNA. Although glutamate receptors are thought to be the most prevalent excitatory ligand-gated ion channel in the mammalian brain, immunohistochemistry reveals that the receptors recognized by these antisera are localized predominantly in neurons of the cerebellum and some structures of the limbic system, including the hippocampus, the central nucleus of the amygdala, and portions of the septum. This pattern of expression is, in general, consistent with the distribution of GluR1 mRNA as determined by in situ hybridization histochemistry. Our results suggest that glutamate excitatory circuits recognized by these antisera are predominantly found in regions of the limbic system that are reciprocally interconnected.  相似文献   
Three patients with hypereosinophilia showed different forms of peripheral neuropathy: severe polyneuropathy of prevalently sensory type (case 1), mild sensory neuropathy (case 2), acute mononeuropathy of the median nerve with subclinical polyneuropathy (case 3). Hypereosinophilia was probably idiopathic, however the presence of atypical findings suggested transition to vasculitides or collagen disease. Sural nerve biopsy in cases 1 and 2 showed features of axonopathy in both, although of different severity, reflecting the variability of clinical involvement and, probably, heterogeneous pathogenic mechanisms. Peripheral nerve involvement associated with hypereosinophilia may be related to neurotoxicity of eosinophils, or to vascular damage.  相似文献   
Thrombocytopenia was induced in mongrel dogs by two mechanisms: immunologically, by intravenous injection of heterologous antiplatelet antibody, and non-immunologically, by circulating the blood through glass beads in anesthetized animals. The platelet content of 5-HT was monitored before and during the recovery of the blood platelet counts. This period is associated with the normalization of the mean platelet survival time and with a progressive increase in the mean age of the circulating platelet population. A continuous increment in platelet 5-HT closely followed the increase in platelet counts in both models of thrombocytopenia, and a strong correlation was found between the platelet age and 5-HT content. These findings support the concept that platelets accumulate 5-HT during their physiological aging process, contradicting the notion that a negative balance in 5-HT content results at the end of their physiological lifespan in circulation. These results are not in conflict with the concept that circulating platelets release and re-uptake 5-HT.  相似文献   
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