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Degeneration within the hippocampus was examined at the light microscopic level using the Gallyas silver stain two, four or nine months after bilateral transection of the fimbria-fornix and commissural connections. At two or four months after the lesion the strata oriens and radiatum of the subicular end of the CA1 subfields were strongly argyrophilic as was the inner third of the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. At nine months post-lesion argyrophilia diminished but clearly persisted in the same layers. Electron microscopic examination revealed a large number of electron-dense axon terminals in the argyrophilic areas, most of them making asymmetric synaptic contacts with dendritic spines. These findings suggest that at least a portion of the Schaffer collaterals of the CA3 pyramidal cells and associational collaterals of hilar neurons were in a process of acute degeneration at all time points after the initial surgical trauma. This persistent synaptic reorganization of intrahippocampal circuits may be related to abnormal electrical activity observed several months after fimbria-fornix transection.  相似文献   
Radiological findings in 12 cases of "Mediterranean" lymphoma are analyzed, 4 of which are associated with gammapathy. These findings have not permitted differentiation of this type of lymphoma from those classically described, although there are two signs that strongly suggest this diagnosis: extension of the lesions along wide areas of the small intestine, almost always including the duodenum, and spiculation of the mucosal fold edges, representing massive plasmocyte infiltration of the lamina propria. The principal clinical, immunological, and pathological aspects are described, as well as the radiological differential diagnosis.  相似文献   
Several methods for the measurement of dead time and for evaluation of the dependencies required to correct dynamic studies for dead-time losses are described. Two program variants were written to produce time-activity curves in the selected areas of interest of the dynamic studies with computer's correction of dead-time losses; these variants are part of the system of programs for complex processing of scintigraphic studies set up for a Clincom instrument. The first variant performs correction on the basis of the registered count rate in the whole image, while the second variant makes use of the additional reference source positioned on the periphery of the camera visual field.  相似文献   
The effects of certain factors on the performance of the cell transformation test of Styles were examined by testing the demonstrability of transformation of cells of a subclone of BHK21 C13 in response to treatment with 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, benzo[a]pyrene and 2-acetamidofluorene. An important requirement for success was supplementation of the soft agar medium with a serum which supported microcolony formation by a high proportion of the cells. Increasing the concentration of an unsuitable serum improved the results obtained; this suggests that the serum was inadequate rather than inhibitory. Alteration of the concentration of S-9 fraction used to activate the precarcinogens benzo[a]pyrene and 2-acetamidofluorene had little effect on the induction of transformation by either. A clearer distinction between the transformation frequencies for control and treated cells was usually obtained when 500 microm rather than 200 microm was the minimum diameter set for definition of transformation. It is suggested that, to assess the validity of results obtained with compounds which appear to induce transformation only at highly toxic levels, transformation frequencies for treated cells should be compared with those for control cells seeded at comparable densities.  相似文献   
Summary A rapid inexpensive method is presented for detecting peripheral blood lymphocyte chromatin activation by the neutral red topo-optical reaction, which causes strong and easily measurable birefringence in the lymphocyte nuclei. This reaction can be enhanced by fixing the cells with 150 mM/l NaCl in 70% ethanol and/or by treating the unfixed cellular suspensions with 0.2 M/l HCl to remove histones. In histone-removed preparations, 30 min DNase I treatment almost completely abolished the birefringent reaction, whereas RNase treatment resulted in only 18% loss.Chromatin activation induced by enzyme inhibition increased chromatin birefringence significantly. The same phenomenon could be induced in sensitive subjects' lymphocytes by specific antigens or haptens much more rapidly. The monocytes were not activated to a significant extent. In non-sensitive subjects different kinetics of antigen or hapten-dependent activation and no cytotoxic effects have been observed. Depletion of T-lymphocytes in vivo in SLE patients or by in vitro treatment with 0.5 mM/l KCN as well as with 0.02% trypsin has caused a significant drop in the mean chromatin birefringence. The effect of trypsin was reversible.  相似文献   
Summary Prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) as a possible mediator was studied. Its plasma content was determined by radioimmunoassay. Changes in the DNA synthesis were followed by autoradiography. In active polymorphous light eruption (PLE) and porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) a remarkable increase (over 300 pg/ml) in plasma content occurred, especially in cases involving large skin areas. Values returned to normal in remission. PGF2 administered i.d., significantly increased the DNA synthesis of the epidermal cells 48 h after injection similar to the effect of three minimal erythema dosis UV-irradiation. This was more pronounced in PLE patients than in controls. These findings suggest some role of PGF2 in producing the inflammatory and perhaps proliferative components of the skin symptoms in PLE. PGF2 — in parallel to literary data concerning PGE — seems to be a mediator of UV-induced changes in DNA synthesis of the epidermal cells. Offprint requests to: Irene Horkay, MD (address see above)  相似文献   
The distal epiphyseal fractures cases for 10 years period have been reported. The authors state that it is always worth-while to carry out an operation in group "B" of the Müller's scheme, while in group "A" and "C" only selected cases are worth to operate. In the 17 cases being observed till now no disturbed growth has been found.  相似文献   
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