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Simultaneous electrical stimulation of tissue with the measurement of blood flow using an electromagnetic flowmeter system almost invariably results in large flow measurement inaccuracies. These inaccuracies are because the electrical energy from stimulating artefacts is amplified along with the flow signals. The paper describes the building and use of an inexpensive circuit to remove stimulation artefacts from electromagnetic flow measurements.  相似文献   
Evolution of neurotransmitter receptor systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence of hormones, neurotransmitters, their receptors and biosynthetic and degradative enzymes is clearly not only associated with the present and the recent past but with the past several hundred million years. Evidence is mounting which indicates substantial conservation of protein structure and function of these receptors and enzymes over these tremendous periods of time. These findings indicate that the evolution and development of the nervous system was not dependent upon the formation of new or better transmitter substances, receptor proteins, transducers and effector proteins but involved better utilization of these highly developed elements in creating advanced and refined circuitry. This is not a new concept; it is one that is now substantiated by increasingly sophisticated studies. In a 1953 article discussing chemical aspects of evolution (Danielli, 1953) Danielli quotes Medawar, "... endocrine evolution is not an evolution of hormones but an evolution of the uses to which they are put; an evolution not, to put it crudely, of chemical formulae but of reactivities, reaction patterns and tissue competences." To also quote Danielli, "In terms of comparative biochemistry, one must ask to what extent the evolution of these reactivities, reaction patterns and competences is conditional upon the evolution of methods of synthesis of new proteins, etc., and to what extent the proteins, etc., are always within the synthetic competence of an organism. In the latter case evolution is the history of changing uses of molecules, and not of changing synthetic abilities." (Danielli, 1953). Figure 4 outlines a phylogenetic tree together with an indication of where evidence exists for both the enzymes that determine the biosynthesis and metabolism of the cholinergic and adrenergic transmitters and their specific cholinergic and adrenergic receptors. This figure illustrates a number of important points. For example, the evidence appears to show that the transmitters and their associated enzymes existed for a substantial period before their respective receptor proteins. While the transmitters and enzymes appear to exist in single cellular organisms, there is no solid evidence for the presence of adrenergic or cholinergic receptors until multicellular organisms where the receptors appear to be clearly associated with specific cellular and neuronal communication (Fig. 4). One can only speculate as to the possible role for acetylcholine and the catecholamine in single cell organisms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Prolonged excitation of fluorescent probes leads eventually to loss of their capacity to emit light. A decrease in the number of detected photons reduces subsequently the resolving power of a fluorescence microscope. Adverse effects of fluorescence intensity loss on the quality of microscopic images of biological specimens have been recognized, but not determined quantitatively. We propose three human-independent methods of quality determination. These techniques require no reference images and are based on calculation of the actual resolution distance, information entropy, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We apply the three measures to study the effect of photobleaching in cell nuclei stained with propidium iodide (PI) and chromomycin A3 (CA3) and imaged with fluorescence confocal microscopy. We conclude that the relative loss of image quality is smaller than the corresponding decrease in fluorescence intensity. Furthermore, the extent of quality loss is related to the optical properties of the imaging system and the noise characteristics of the detector. We discuss the importance of these findings for optimal registration and compression of biological images.  相似文献   
Plasmapheresis for lupus nephritis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J A Robinson 《The New England journal of medicine》1992,327(14):1028-9; author reply 1029-30
The influence of inducing motor responses of low and high force at different times in the cardiac cycle was examined. A handgrip response was used which allowed the separation of response initiation from response completion. Based on earlier work, we expected initiation, rather than completion, to initiate poststimulus cardiac acceleration. We also thought that preparation for a high force response might alter preparatory changes of interbeat interval differently from preparation for a low force response. Fifteen college-aged male subjects performed a warned reaction time task in which a visual stimulus signalled a handgrip requiring either a high or a low force to close. NoGo trials in which an inhibit signal was presented occurred on 12% of the trials. Stimuli occurred either on the R-wave of the electrocardiogram or 300 ms later. Reaction speed was varied in different trial blocks by rewarding response times of 200 ms (+/- 50 ms), 300 ms, or 400 ms. Results based on the timing of response initiation were essentially identical to those based on the timing of response completion. High force relative to low force was associated with both earlier response initiation and earlier cardiac acceleration. Force did not alter preparatory cardiac deceleration. Force and response speed did, however, alter the level of heart rate after response occurrence. Thus, response initiation (or an earlier response process) appears to induce a cardiac acceleration whose level is influenced by the speed and force of the motor response.  相似文献   
Familial pericentric inversion of chromosome 8   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight children from seven presumably unrelated families were identified independently as having an unbalanced recombinant chromosome resulting in the presence of extra material on the short arm of a chromosome 8. Parental chromosomes were analyzed, and one member of each couple (four fathers and three mothers) was found to carry a pericentric inversion of a chromosome 8 [inv(8)(p23q22)]. The propositi had an unbalanced recombinant chromosome [rec(8),dup q,inv(8)(p23q22)]. The affected infants all had developmental delay, congenital heart disease, and unusual appearance. A common origin of the pericentric inversion was suggested because of geographic location and Mexican--American ancestry of the seven families.  相似文献   
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