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Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has dramatically reduced the incidence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and increased AIDS survival time, but little is known about its impact on cancer. Data from adults in the San Francisco, California, AIDS surveillance registry were computer matched with the California Cancer Registry. Age-, sex-, and race-adjusted standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were computed, and proportional hazards models evaluated the effect of HAART use on cancer incidence and cancer survival time. Among 14,210 adults with AIDS diagnosed in 1990-2000, 482 non-AIDS-defining cancers were diagnosed. Compared with rates for the general population, significantly increased cancer incidence rates were observed for anal (SIR = 13.4), Hodgkin's lymphoma (SIR = 11.5), liver (SIR = 3.6), oral cavity and pharynx (SIR = 2.6), respiratory (SIR = 2.6), leukemia (SIR = 2.4), skin melanoma (SIR = 2.4), and prostate (SIR = 1.7) cancers. Risk of liver cancer was lower with HAART use (relative hazard (RH) = 0.32). Risk of anal cancer increased after 1995 (RH = 2.9). Respiratory cancer (RH = 0.40) and Hodgkin's lymphoma (RH = 0.17) showed increased cancer survival time with HAART use, while anal cancer survival may have been slightly decreased (RH = 1.4). The impact of HAART on non-AIDS-defining cancer incidence rates and survival is not uniform, and the mechanism(s) responsible for these differences should be investigated further.  相似文献   
In the present study, we show by adhesion assays and ultrastructural studies that platelets can bind to CD34+ cells from human blood and bone marrow and that this interaction interferes with the accurate detection of endogenously expressed platelet glycoproteins (GPs). The interaction between these cells was found to be reversible, dependent on divalent cations, and mediated by P-selectin. Enzymatic characterization showed the involvement of sialic acid residues, protein(s). The demonstration of mRNA for the P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) in the CD34+ cells by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis suggests that this molecule is present in these cells. Under conditions that prevent platelet adhesion, a small but distinct subpopulation of CD34+ cells diffusely expressed the platelet GPIIb/IIIa complex. These cells were visualized by immunochemical studies. Furthermore, synthesis of mRNA for GPIIb and GPIIIa by CD34+ cells was shown using PCR analysis. The semiquantitative PCR results show relatively higher amounts of GPIIb mRNA than of PF4 mRNA in CD34+CD41+ cells in comparison with this ratio in platelets. This finding is a strong indication that the PCR results are not caused by contaminating adhering platelets. MoAbs against GPIa GPIb alpha, GPV, P- selectin, and the alpha-chain of the vitronectin receptor did not react with CD34+ cells. The number of CD34+ cells expressing GPIIb/IIIa present in peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplants was determined and was correlated with platelet recovery after intensive chemotherapy in 27 patients. The number of CD34+CD41+ cells correlated significantly better with the time of platelet recovery after PBSC transplantation (r = .83, P = .04) than did the total number of CD34+ cells (r = .55). Statistical analysis produced a threshold value for rapid platelet recovery of 0.34 x 10(6) CD34+CD41+ cells/kg. This study suggests that if performed in the presence of EDTA the flow cytometric measurement of GPIIb/IIIa on CD34+ cells provides the most accurate indication of the platelet reconstitutive capacity of the PBSC transplant.  相似文献   
Morrison  AE; Ludlam  CA; Kessler  C 《Blood》1993,81(6):1513-1520
Data have been collected from 47 centers in Europe and North America on the treatment with porcine factor VIII concentrate of 74 acute bleeding episodes in 65 patients with acquired hemophilia. The median initial anti-human factor VIII auto-antibody inhibitor level was 38 Bethesda unit (BU)/mL (range 1.2 to 1,024) whereas that against porcine was 1 BU/mL (range 0 to 15). The mean initial dose of porcine factor VIII infused was 84 IU/kg, which increased the plasma factor VIII:C activity by 0.85 IU/mL. Therapy was continued for a mean of 8.5 days during which time the average number of infusions was 11. Objective clinical responses were rated as good or excellent in 78% of recipients. Side effects were uncommon; only one patient experienced a severe anaphylactic reaction necessitating the discontinuation of porcine FVIII therapy. After therapy, no increase in the median level of anti- human FVIII or anti-porcine antibody was noted in the group as a whole, although 13 patients showed individual increases in either anti-human or anti-porcine antibody levels or both of more than 10 BU/mL. Of the 7 patients who subsequently rebled, 5 were successfully re-treated and 2 did not respond to further porcine factor VIII treatment. Porcine factor VIII is safe and clinically effective treatment for bleeding episodes associated with acquired hemophilia and should be considered as first-line therapy for patients whose acquired anti-factor VIII:C antibody cross-reacts with porcine factor VIII:C at low levels.  相似文献   
Crosslineage T-cell receptor delta (TCR delta) rearrangements are widely used as tumor markers for the follow up of minimal residual disease in childhood B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The major drawback of this approach is the risk of false-negative results due to clonal evolution. We investigated the stability of V delta 2D delta 3 rearrangements in a group of 56 childhood B-precursor ALL patients by PCR and Southern blot analysis. At the PCR level, V delta 2D delta 3-to-J alpha rearranged subclones (one pathway for secondary TCR delta recombination) were demonstrated in 85.2% of V delta 2D delta 3-positive patients tested, which showed that small subclones are present in the large majority of patients despite apparently monoclonal TCR delta Southern blot patterns. Sequence analysis of V delta 2D delta 3J alpha rearrangements showed a biased J alpha gene usage, with HAPO5 and J alpha F in 26 of 32 and 6 of 32 clones, respectively. Comparison of V delta 2D delta 3 rearrangement status between diagnosis and first relapse showed differences in seven of eight patients studied. In contrast, from first relapse onward, no clonal changes were observed in six patients studied. To investigate the occurrence of crosslineage TCR delta rearrangements in normal B and T cells, fluorescence-activated cell sorter-sorted peripheral blood CD19+/CD3- and CD19-/CD3+ cell populations from three healthy donors were analyzed. V delta 2D delta 3 rearrangements were detected at low frequencies in both B and T cells, which suggests that V delta 2-to-D delta 3 joining also occurs during normal B-cell differentiation. A model for crosslineage TCR delta rearrangements in B-precursor ALL is deduced that explains the observed clonal changes between diagnosis and relapse and is compatible with multistep leukemogenesis of B-precursor ALL.  相似文献   
In four healthy volunteers, we analyzed in detail the immediate in vivo effects on circulating neutrophils of subcutaneous administration of 300 micrograms of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). Neutrophil activation was assessed by measurement of degranulation. Mobilization of secretory vesicles was shown by a decrease in leukocyte alkaline phosphatase content of the circulating neutrophils. Furthermore, shortly postinjection, Fc gamma RIII was found to be upregulated from an intracellular pool that we identified by immunoelectron microscopy as secretory vesicles. Intravascular release of specific granules was shown by increased plasma levels of lactoferrin and by upregulation of the expression of CD66b and CD11b on circulating neutrophils. Moreover, measurement of fourfold elevated plasma levels of elastase, bound to its physiologic inhibitor alpha 1- antitrypsin, indicated mobilization of azurophil granules. However, no expression of CD63, a marker of azurophil granules, was observed on circulating neutrophils. G-CSF--induced mobilization of secretory vesicles and specific granules could be mimicked in whole blood cultures in vitro, in contrast to release of azurophil granules. Therefore, we postulate that the most activated neutrophils leave the circulation, as observed shortly postinjection, and undergo subsequent stimulation in the endothelial microenvironment, resulting in mobilization of azurophil granules. Our data demonstrate that G-CSF should be regarded as a potent immediate activator of neutrophils in vivo.  相似文献   
Diagnosis of meningeal localization of lymphoid malignancies by means of cytologic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be difficult. Thus far no reliable CSF tumor markers have been identified. CD27 is a transmembrane disulfide-linked 55-kD homodimer present on most peripheral blood T cells and on a subset of B cells. CD27 is also expressed on human malignant B cells and high levels of soluble CD27 can be present in the serum of patients with B-cell malignancies. The aim of this study is to determine prospectively the diagnostic value of CSF sCD27 as a tumor marker in patients with meningeal localization of lymphoid malignancies. CSF sCD27 levels were determined by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The optimal cut-off value using receiver operator characteristics curves was found to be 10 U/mL. sCD27 levels were normal in all 50 control patients (lumbar disc protrusion) and in 39 of 40 samples obtained from patients with either solid tumors or acute myeloid leukemia. Of 104 CSF samples from 70 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) undergoing routine central nervous system (CNS) staging, sCD27 was false positive and false negative in only one sample each. In 70 samples from 45 patients suspected of meningeal localization of ALL or NHL, the sCD27 test had an excellent sensitivity (100%) and specificity (82%). In 7 patients with positive CSF studied longitudinally, sCD27 levels correlated very well with remission and relapse. sCD27 levels were not nonspecifically increased by the administration of cytostatic drugs. Finally, sCD27 was also elevated in the 4 patients studied with primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). CSF sCD27 is a promising tumor marker in patients with either meningeal localization of lymphoid malignancies or PCNSL, and can be useful in the differential diagnosis of CNS involvement by either lymphoid malignancies or solid tumors.  相似文献   
Lasser  EC; Lang  JH; Lyon  SG; Hamblin  AE; Howard  MM 《Radiology》1981,140(1):11-15
An in vitro is described that attempts to detect patients with a potential for adverse systemic reactions to contrast material. This test involves measuring the rate of conversion of prekallikrein to kallikrein under certain standard conditions. In a preliminary retrospective study, the test could be used to identify such patients with a sensitivity of 88%, a specificity of 82%, and a predictive value of 79%.  相似文献   
Breast neoplasms: duplex sonographic imaging as an adjunct in diagnosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sonographic breast imaging has been useful in the differentiation of cystic from solid masses. It has also been helpful in the characterization of palpable breast masses in the absence of corresponding abnormalities. The authors undertook a prospective study that incorporated pulsed Doppler analysis into sonographic real-time imaging of solid breast masses. Thirty-eight patients were examined. In 12 of the patients there were positive Doppler signals, while in 26 patients there were no Doppler signals. The 12 patients showing positive Doppler signals proved to have infiltrating ductal carcinoma, while the 26 patients with negative Doppler signals proved to have benign breast disorders. Pulsed Doppler analysis as a supplement to sonographic real-time imaging shows promise for the identification of breast carcinoma.  相似文献   
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