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This study compares the frequencies of retrospective self-reported HIV high-risk drug use and sexual behaviors in 127 out-of-treatment injection drug users using the HIV Risk Questionnaire (HRQ) across two administration methods: (a) a brief standard quantity–frequency approach covering the past 30 days and (b) a lengthier timeline follow-back (TLFB) procedure for improving recall. The two procedures produced similar frequencies of risk behavior across most items (80%) and good intra- and interclass correlation coefficients. The TLFB, however, resulted in higher frequencies for two risk behavior questions—sharing of any drug injection equipment and having any type of unprotected sex. The TLFB is a well-established procedure for retrospective assessment of HIV risk behavior and a good choice when precision in measuring these behaviors is a primary focus of the work. In contrast, the brief HRQ-Standard interview procedure appears to be a reasonable choice for clinical, research, and health-related surveys where the primary focus is broader than HIV risk behavior.  相似文献   
Two Caucasian girls, both of normal weight and body mass indices, were diagnosed with type A insulin resistance (IR) in childhood. Case 1 presented with premature adrenarche aged 7 years, then by age 12 years had hirsutism, acne, acanthosis nigricans, and asymptomatic diabetes. Subsequent investigation revealed raised adiponectin (15.3 mg/L) and heterozygous p.Pro1205Leu mutation in the INSR gene encoding the insulin receptor. She experienced postprandial hypoglycaemia on metformin; acarbose was trialled and discontinued aged 16 years, as she became normoglycaemic. Hirsutism was treated with topical eflornithine, oral spironolactone and flutamide, and laser therapy. Unfortunately, diabetes reemerged in young adulthood with obesity. Case 2: during an emergency admission for acute abdominal pain aged 11 years, hyperglycaemia was noted which led to further investigation. An oral glucose tolerance test showed diabetes and ultrasound showed polycystic ovaries. Further investigations revealed raised adiponectin (18 mg/L) and compound heterozygous mutations in the INSR gene: p.Pro1263Ala and p.Ser748Leu (latter probable normal variant). She was treated with metformin and experienced postprandial hypoglycaemia. Symptoms of hyperandrogenism were controlled by flutamide. She maintained a healthy weight and reassessment at young adulthood showed resolution of diabetes. Type A IR may present in childhood with overlapping features of common endocrine entities such as premature adrenarche and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Patients with abnormal glucose tolerance yet normal weight merit screening with adiponectin; raised adiponectin levels prompt insulin receptor mutational analysis. Postprandial hypoglycaemia is characteristic. Management includes optimization of glycaemic control with oral hypoglycaemic agents and maintenance of healthy weight, and controlling the effects of hyperandrogenism.  相似文献   
A 51-year-old woman presented with a large abdominopelvic mass suspicious on preoperative imaging for ovarian malignancy. At laparotomy, a large cystic mass was found originating from the uterus and adherent to the proximal ileum. Pathologic evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of cystic leiomyoma.  相似文献   
ObjectiveWe evaluated the long-term results of sigmoid vaginoplasty in women with gynecologic malignancies after radical pelvic surgery, with specific focus on safety and effects of the procedure on patients' sexuality and self image.MethodsThis prospective study included women with gynecologic malignancies who underwent partial or complete colpectomy as part of the cancer treatment. In all cases a pedicled sigmoid loop was used for the neovaginal reconstruction. Systematic clinical examination was performed and validated questionnaires about sexuality (Female Sexual Function Index), quality of life (SF-12) and susceptibility to depression (ADSk-15) were answered by all patients at the earliest 6 months after vaginoplasty.ResultsSeven patients with sigmoid vaginoplasty, recruited between 11/2003 and 02/2008, were evaluated in the present analysis. Mean patients age was 48 ± 8.49 years. Mean neovaginal length was 6.4 cm (range: 2–12 cm). The mean Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)-score of all patients was 16.6 ± 12.6. In the subset of sexually active patients the mean FSFI-score was 22.5 ± 9.4 higher. Regarding early operative morbidity and complications, sigmoid vaginal reconstruction appears to be a safe procedure, though in a long-term assessment 85% of the patients developed a vaginal stenosis with the need for operative bougienage.ConclusionsThe vaginal reconstruction using a sigmoid loop is a safe and well accepted procedure in patients with gynecologic malignancies. However lower sexuality scores seem to be achieved than in non-cancer patients after equivalent vaginoplasty. Cancer-related physical and psychological comorbidity seem to have negative effects on the overall outcome and patient's satisfaction.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: We studied hypophosphatasia (HP) mutations in 19 cases prenatally detected by ultrasonography without familial history of HP. We correlated the mutations with the reported ultrasound signs, and discussed genetic counseling with regard to the particular dominantly inherited prenatal benign form of HP. METHOD: The coding sequence of the tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP) gene was analyzed by DNA sequencing, and 3D modeling was used to locate the mutated amino acids with regard to the functional domains of TNSALP. RESULTS: Although reported ultrasound signs were heterogeneous, two mutated alleles were found in 18 of the 19 cases studied, indicating recessive transmission of the disease. Functional domains of TNSALP were affected by 74% of missense mutations. In all the cases, including one with only a heterozygous mutation, molecular, biological, and familial data do not corroborate the hypothesis of prenatal benign HP. The mutation c.1133A>T observed in the prenatal benign form of HP and common in USA was not found in this series. CONCLUSION: The results point out the prenatally detectable allelic heterogeneity of HP. The nature of the detected mutations and the evidence of recessive inheritance do not support these cases being affected with prenatal benign HP.  相似文献   
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