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Intermittent force in orthodontic tooth movement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A single orthodontic activation lasting one hour can initiate tooth movement. The purpose of this study is to examine tooth movement, osteoclasts, and root resorption in rats following several one-hour activations. Rats (n = 144) were randomly assigned to intermittent (multiple activations of 1 hr/day), continuous, and sham appliances. Twelve rats were killed at 3, 5, 7, and 14 days. Tooth movement, osteoclasts, osteoclast %, and root resorption % were quantified. Continuous force moved molars mesially at days 3 and 14 (p < 0.05), but intermittent and sham did not. Intermittent and continuous force increased osteoclast numbers at days 3, 5, and 7 (p < 0.05). Continuous force increased osteoclast surface on days 3 and 14 (p < 0.05). Continuous force increased root resorption at days 5, 7, and 14 (p < 0.05). These results demonstrate that orthodontic force for one hour in 24 stimulates osteoclasts at compression sites but does not stimulate tooth movement or root resorption.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate the relationship between condylar bony change and disk displacement with respect to the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. STUDY DESIGN: We performed a cross-sectional retrospective study of the pretreatment helical computed tomography scans of 129 orthognathic surgery patients. RESULTS: Condylar bony change, unilaterally or bilaterally, was found in 35.7% of the subjects and 24.4% of the joints. Disk displacement, unilaterally or bilaterally, was seen in 41.4% of the subjects and 29.5% of the joints. The type of craniofacial deformity was significantly associated with condylar bony change and disk displacement. No association of clinical symptoms with respect to craniofacial deformity, condylar bony change, or disk displacement was found except in the case of TMJ sounds. CONCLUSION: The results suggested that craniofacial deformity might be related to TMJ disorders, but the only clinical symptom associated with types of craniofacial deformity was TMJ sounds.  相似文献   
T-cell cytokine profiles, anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis antibodies and Western blot analysis of antibody responses were examined in BALB/c, CBA/CaH, C57BL6 and DBA/2J mice immunized intraperitoneally with different doses of P. gingivalis outer membrane antigens. Splenic CD4 and CD8 cells were examined for intracytoplasmic interleukin (IL)-4, interferon (IFN)-gamma and IL-10 by FACS analysis and levels of anti-P. gingivalis antibodies in the serum samples determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Western blot analysis was performed on the sera from mice immunized with 100 microg of P. gingivalis antigens. The four strains of mice demonstrated varying degrees of T-cell immunity, although the T-cell cytokine profiles exhibited by each strain were not affected by different immunizing doses. While BALB/c and DBA/2J mice exhibited responses that peaked at immunizing doses of 100-200 microg of P. gingivalis antigens, CBA/CaH and C57BL6 demonstrated weak T-cell responsiveness compared with control mice. Like the T-cell responses, serum antibody levels were not dose dependent. DBA/2J exhibited the lowest levels of anti-P. gingivalis antibodies followed by BALB/c with CBA/CaH and C57BL6 mice demonstrating the highest levels. Western blot analysis showed that there were differences in reactivity between the strains to a group of 13 antigens ranging in molecular weight from 15 to 43 kDa. Antibody responses to a number of these bands in BALB/c mice were of low density, whereas CBA/CaH and C57BL6 mice demonstrated high-density bands and DBA/2J mice showed medium to high responses. In conclusion, different immunizing doses of P. gingivalis outer membrane antigens had little effect on the T-cell cytokine responses and serum anti-P. gingivalis antibody levels. Western blot analysis, however, indicated that the four strains of mice exhibited different reactivity to some lower-molecular-weight antigens. Future studies are required to determine the significance of these differences, which may affect the outcome of P. gingivalis infection.  相似文献   
Periodontal infection and preterm birth: results of a prospective study   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have suggested that chronic periodontal infection may be associated with preterm births. The authors conducted a prospective study to test for this association. METHODS: A total of 1,313 pregnant women were recruited from the Perinatal Emphasis Research Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Complete periodontal, medical and behavioral assessments were made between 21 and 24 weeks gestation. After delivery, medical records were consulted to determine each infant's gestational age at birth. From these data, the authors calculated relationships between periodontal disease and preterm birth, while adjusting for smoking, parity (the state or fact of having born offspring), race and maternal age. Results were expressed as odds ratios and 95 percent confidence intervals, or CIs. RESULTS: Patients with severe or generalized periodontal disease had adjusted odds ratios (95 percent CI) of 4.45 (2.16-9.18) for preterm delivery (that is, before 37 weeks gestational age). The adjusted odds ratio increased with increasing prematurity to 5.28 (2.05-13.60) before 35 weeks' gestational age and to 7.07 (1.70-27.4) before 32 weeks' gestational age. CONCLUSIONS: The authors' data show an association between the presence of periodontitis at 21 to 24 weeks' gestation and subsequent preterm birth. Further studies are needed to determine whether periodontitis is the cause. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: While this large prospective study has shown a significant association between preterm birth and periodontitis at 21 to 24 weeks' gestation, neither it nor other studies to date were designed to determine whether treatment of periodontitis will reduce the risk of preterm birth. Pending an answer to this important question, it remains appropriate to advise expectant mothers about the importance of good oral health.  相似文献   
Replacing a maxillary incisor is a challenge from both a functional and esthetic standpoint. Techniques that strive to return the site to be reconstructed to its optimal state, thereby mimicking the natural dentition, must be employed. This case report serves to outline the steps necessary to reconstruct a commonly encountered maxillary prosthetic challenge. With a combination of surgical and prosthetic steps, an optimal prosthetic result can be achieved. This cooperation between general dentist, surgeon, and laboratory technician will serve to provide predictable and long-lasting return to a near-normal anatomic state, thereby offering our patients the highest level of care for prosthetic replacement.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although a growing body of evidence indicates that oral irrigation with water has therapeutic benefits in periodontitis, the mechanisms of action have not been elucidated. The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the effects of oral irrigation (Water Pik Oral Irrigator) on the clinical signs of adult periodontitis (AP) and on the levels of interleukin-1 beta (IL-beta), prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in GCF, and (2) to analyze the influence of the periodontitis-related IL-1 genotype (IL-1GT) on these variables. METHOD: A single-center, blinded study in otherwise healthy humans (n= 52) with localized mild to moderate AP was carried out, using the following groups: group A (n= 12), no oral hygiene for 14 days; group B (n=20), routine oral hygiene (ROH) for 14 days; group C (n=20), supra-gingival oral irrigation plus ROH for 14 days. Group A patients were crossed-over to group C for 14 days (=day 28) after a professional prophylaxis. Group assignment was randomized by a coin toss, with the exception of group A subjects, who were self-selected as per recommendations of the internal review board for human subjects. GCF was sampled from 3 study teeth per patient and analyzed for IL-1 beta, PGE2, IL-10 and IFN gamma by ELISA on days 0, 7, 14 and 28. Probing pocket depths (PPD), clinical attachment levels (CAL), bleeding on probing (BOP), gingival index (GI) and plaque index (PI) were measured by a calibrated examiner (TWS) on days 0, 14 and 28. Analysis of covariance was performed using SAS 6.12 and Proc Mixed with group and IL-1GT as the factors and the baseline levels as the covariate, with output being least squares means and least significant difference (LSD). Significant differences were declared if the p-value for the F-statistic was < or =0.05. RESULTS: Oral irrigation plus ROH resulted in a significant reduction in PPD, BOP, GI and PI, as well as IL-beta levels by 7 days and PGE2 levels by 14 days, relative to ROH or no oral hygiene. Interestingly, decreased IL-1 beta levels in patients using oral irrigation plus ROH was accompanied by a trend for increased levels of the "anti-inflammatory" cytokine IL-10. ROH reduced GI, BOP and PI, and PGE2 levels by 14 days, but had no effect on IL-1 beta or IL-10 levels relative to no oral hygiene. The effects of no oral hygiene were reversed by a prophy followed by oral irrigation plus ROH for 14 days. No clinical differences were evident between IL-1 GT (+) patients (n= 1) and GT (-) patients (n=40), but the former had significantly elevated levels of GCF IL-10 and borderline increases in IL-1 beta (p=0.07). CONCLUSIONS: Oral irrigation with water for 14 days had an improved therapeutic benefit for AP over that of routine oral hygiene alone and this improvement was accompanied by a down-modulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine profile in GCF.  相似文献   
A most common type of early malocclusion that the pediatric dentist comes in contact with daily is the developing Class II Division 2 malocclusion (Fig 1-a,b). It is the malocclusion that the parents of the children we serve bring to our attention. Parental concern is the early crowding that develops in the anterior of the lower arch with risk of periodontal involvement. This malocclusion is readily amenable to interception at age 7 or 8 and can proceed with a protocol of defined objectives and predictable outcomes (Fig 2). With efficient and effective utility arch wire (UAW) mechanics a state of normalcy can be achieved within six to eight months of treatment.  相似文献   
Generalised early-onset periodontitis (GEOP) is characterized by acute inflammatory bursts, resulting in rapid destruction of the periodontal apparatus in young adults. An impaired host defense seems to play an important role as etiological factor of periodontitis, especially in the development of GEOP. As the gram-negative Porphyromonas gingivalis has been identified as one of the causative anaerobic bacteria, the humoral immune response to this micro-organism is of particular interest in patients with GEOP. To evaluate the local immune status, we measured total and P. gingivalis-reactive salivary IgA in GEOP patients and in age- and gender-matched periodontally normal controls. We found a significantly lower concentration and secretion rate of total salivary IgA in the GEOP group. Although no differences were detected in the concentration or secretion of P. gingivalis-reactive IgA between groups, the specific fraction of P. gingivalis-reactive IgA of the total IgA was significantly higher in the GEOP group. These findings indicate an inhibition of total secretory IgA in GEOP, while the P. gingivalis-reactive humoral immune system in saliva is, however, activated. P. gingivalis seems to selectively activate IgA lymphocyte clones and induces a switch in the fraction of specific IgA.  相似文献   
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