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The purpose of this study was to examine whether Streptococcus mutans is implicated in the generation of fluorescence detected in carious lesions. Enamel surfaces and dentin cavities of extracted human teeth were subjected to artificial caries generation by exposing them either to a culture medium containing S. mutans or to a lactic acid buffer for 2 weeks. Fluorescence from the lesions was detected with confocal laser scanning microscopy or fluorescence microscopy at various excitation wavelengths, and maximum fluorescence radiance was computed using imageanalyzing software. Culture media of S. mutans were also examined for fluorescence generation. The results demonstrated that S. mutans-induced enamel and dentin lesions exhibited increased fluorescence in the red and green spectral regions, with the signal stronger in the red region. In the blue region, however, fluorescence signals in the corresponding area were below the background level. Significantly weaker or virtually no fluorescence was detected in lactic acid-demineralized lesions at all excitation wavelengths. Neither bacterial cells nor culture media generated any fluorescence. These results indicate that, although the presence of S. mutans may be a prerequisite for the emission of fluorescence from carious lesions, some interaction of S. mutans with exposed tooth matrix elements may also be required for the generation or unmasking of fluorophores.  相似文献   
The effect of ketoprofen creams on periodontal disease in rhesus monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ketoprofen creams were evaluated for the treatment of periodontal disease in a placebo-controlled, double-blind study in the rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta. Two formulations containing ketoprofen (1%), with or without vitamin E, were evaluated against appropriate controls (8 monkeys per group). Two weeks prior to treatment, the animals received prophylaxis on only the left side of the mouth (spontaneous model). Selected teeth on the right side of the mouth were ligated (ligature model). The creams were administered to the gingiva once daily at a standard dose of 1.8 ml per monkey for 6 months. Clinical assessments were made 2 wk before initiation, at baseline and 1, 2, 3 and 6 months post-treatment. The clinical parameters included plaque formation, gingival redness, edema, bleeding on probing and Ramfjord Attachment Level measurements (RAL). Radiographs were taken at 2 wk before initiation, baseline and at 3 and 6 months post-treatment. Digital subtraction radiography was used to measure vertical linear bone loss along the interproximal root surfaces of the left and right mandibular first molars. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) was collected for biochemical assays on PGE2, TxB2, LTB4, IL-1β and TNFα. There were no significant differences among groups with respect to gingival indices. Radiographic data demonstrated significant positive effects on bone activity in both groups treated with ketoprofen formulations with improvement over time in the ligature model (0.01 ≤p≤ 0.04). The placebo group exhibited bone loss of 1.96±0.48 and 1.40±0.56 mm per site at 3 and 6 months, respectively. The group treated with ketoprofen cream showed an apparent bone gain of 0.28±0.41 and 0.78±0.47 mm per site at 3 and 6 months, respectively. The group treated with ketoprofen cream containing vitamin E showed a mean bone loss of 0.41–0.48 mm per site at 3 months with improvement to an apparent bone gain of 0.31±0.44 mm per site at 6 months. The biochemical data demonstrated early and significant suppression of GCF-LTB4 by both ketoprofen formulations at 1 month, which preceded the significant suppression of GCF-PGE2 at 2 and 3 months in the ligature model (p≤0.003) and at 2 to 6 months in the spontaneous model (p≤0.02). We conclude that ketoprofen at 1% level in suitable topical vehicles can effectively inhibit GCF-LTB4 and GCF-PGE2 and positively alter alveolar bone activity in the ligature-induced model of periodontitis in the monkey.  相似文献   
A statistical thermodynamical approach to the study of anion-induced adsorption of Cd(II) from halide solutions is presented. The simultaneous adsorption of metal complex and ligand is introduced in the isotherms by considering two possible mechanisms — competitive adsorption and surface complexation. These isotherms have been tested for the system Cd(II) in KBr at several ionic strengths. The experimental surface excesses of Cd(II) calculated from single-step chronocoulometry can be simulated, giving an explanation for the desorption of the metal complex at positive potentials. Also, the change in ligand adsorption promoted by the adsorption of the metal complex has been calculated. Both approaches lead to the conclusion that the anionic tricoordinate metal complex CdBr3? and the tetracoordinate CdBr42? are the absorbed species on the electrode surface, with CdBr42? dominating at higher bromide concentrations.  相似文献   
Fluorescence polarization (FP) was examined as a rapid quantitative method to assay the proteases in subgingival plaque. Protease activity was measured by a decrease in FP at 0.5-min intervals over 5 min, using BODIPY®--casein, a protein substrate. To quantitate activity, the least absolute deviation (LAD) slope for each assay was determined. Protease activity increased with the quantity of plaque (r=0.416, P<0.001). Of the 208 subgingival plaque samples, 87 contained detectable protease activity, with a mean of about 4 μg trypsin equivalents above a general background of 1 μg per site. The mean plaque protease activity of 89 paired samples from 15 individuals had decreased by 1.1 μg trypsin equivalents per site when measured at 8 months after tooth scaling and root planing (P<0.01). Most isolates of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Prevotella nigrescens, and Prevotella intermedia implicated in the pathogenesis of adult periodontitis exhibited high activity in the FP assay. The assay is rapid, quantitative and requires only one-tenth of the plaque sampled using a single pass with a Gracey curette at a single tooth site.  相似文献   
Finite element models were created to study the stress and strain distribution around a solitary BAnemark implant. The influence of a number of clinically relevant parameters was examined: bone-implant interface (fixed bond versus frictionless free contact), bone elastic properties, unicortical versus bicortical implant fixation and the presence of a lamina dura. Bone loading patterns in the vicinity of the implant seem to be very sensitive to these parameters. Hence they should be integrated correctly in numerical models of in vivo behaviour of oral implants. This necessitates the creation of patient-dependent finite element models.  相似文献   
Histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural features of the giant cells appearing in the tissue surrounding an ameloblastoma are presented. These giant cells exhibited strong activity of a highly stable form of acid phosphatase, and were positive for alpha-1-antichymotrypsin. Ultrastructurally, the cytoplasm of the giant cells contained numerous mitochondria, and the cell membrane was comparatively smooth. Therefore, it is proposed that these multinucleated giant cells are reactive to the invasion of ameloblastoma and are histiocytic in origin.  相似文献   
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