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A consistent analytical method incorporating sulfuric acid (H2SO4) digestion and ICP-MS quantification has been developed for TiO2 quantification in biotic and abiotic environmentally relevant matrices. Sample digestion in H2SO4 at 110°C provided consistent results without using hydrofluoric acid or microwave digestion. Analysis of seven replicate samples for four matrices on each of 3 days produced Ti recoveries of 97%?±?2.5%, 91?% ±?4.0%, 94%?±?1.8%, and 73?% ±?2.6% (mean?±?standard deviation) from water, fish tissue, periphyton, and sediment, respectively. The method demonstrated consistent performance in analysis of water collected over a 1 month.  相似文献   
An experimental study evaluating the contributions of graft composition (particulate vs. whole) and revascularization (immediate reanastomosis vs. delayed) to cervicofacial fat transplantation was conducted in rats. Distant (inguinal fat) grafts were bilaterally transplanted to a muscular bed in the cervicofacial region as a free flap (anastomosis to carotid and jugular vessels) or as a free graft (either particulate or whole). Postoperative assessment was made by comparison of pre- and post-operative weights and histologic examination of all specimens, and by acrylic microangiography in select animals of each group. The fat flaps exhibited minimal loss of tissue volume, and showed a normal histologic appearance of the adipocytes and extensive vascular elements within the grafts. Conversely, considerable volume loss occurred in both the particulate and whole fat grafts. Histologically, the free graft was characterized by cellular disruption, atrophic adipocytes, and areas of acellularity. Whole grafts had histologic evidence of vessels located primarily at the periphery, whereas particulate grafts had increased intragraft vessels. Only the fat flaps showed observable intragraft vasculature by microangiography. These findings suggest that reduction of fat grafts into smaller components, eg, by liposuction harvesting, does not improve graft survival or decrease posttransplant resorption.  相似文献   
The occurrence and distribution of protein p38 (synaptophysin) were investigated by immunofluorescence. Immunoreactivity for protein p38-like antigen was detected within axons of radicular nerve trunks entering the tooth and within nerve terminals close to blood vessels. Immunoreactive structures were also observed in the para-odontoblastic region. It is proposed that protein p38, translocated within small synaptic vesicles from neuronal perikarya along the axons, may be a reliable marker for detection of nerve endings in human tooth.  相似文献   
A panoramic radiograph obtained during orthodontic treatment revealed an intracoronal radiolucency within an unerupted permanent second molar. This unusual entity was successfully treated by surgical and endodontic intervention, followed by restorative and orthodontic treatment. These treatments enabled the tooth to maintain pulpal vitality, erupt, complete root formation, and function. This report will review the proposed etiologies for this condition, discuss the need for surgical intervention, and present the details of the case.  相似文献   
A total of 51 adult subjects participated in a three-period crossover trial to test plaque-removal effectiveness of a prebrushing mouthrinse. Subjects refrained from brushing to allow plaque to accumulate for 24 hours before the test. The accumulated plaque was graded using Turesky's method. The subjects then used one of three treatment regimens, were retested for accumulated plaque and regraded. The three treatments tested were a commercial prebrushing mouthrinse and no toothbrushing; a commercial prebrushing mouthrinse and brushing with a dentifrice for 30 seconds; a prebrushing water rinse and brushing with a dentifrice for 30 seconds. The analysis of the data found that both groups that brushed removed significantly more plaque than the group that did not brush. However, both the prebrushing rinse group and the water rinse group achieved the same amount of plaque removal through 30 seconds of toothbrushing with a dentifrice.  相似文献   
The Authors present the results of a clinical study concerning 30 IDDM patients and 24 healthy subjects to evaluate periodontal disease. The results show a higher incidence of PI, PD and BTI in diabetic patients.  相似文献   
The surgical removal of an impacted mandibular third molar may result in damage to the inferior alveolar nerve and may cause disabling anaesthesia of the lip; anaesthesia of the lower gingivae and anterior teeth may also result. Assessing the likelihood of injury depends to a great extent on preoperative radiographic examination. Seven radiological diagnostic signs have been mentioned in the literature; the reliability of these signs as predictors of likely nerve injury have been evaluated through retrospective and prospective surveys. Three signs were found to be significantly related to nerve injury and a further two were probably important clinically.  相似文献   
It is predictable for patients to experience postoperative pain and inflammation. Until recently, therapeutic strategies for the management of these sequelae have been symptomatic rather than preventive. This article reviews prophylactic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication for preventing postoperative discomfort, and includes recommendations on patient selection and medication regiment.  相似文献   
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