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Objective: Our aim is to evaluate the capacity of intrapartum translabial ultrasound (ITU) with pushing in the prediction of difficulty of fetal extraction in vacuum assisted deliveries. Prospective, observational study performed (2/2015–8/2015) on 75 nulliparous women, ≥37 weeks with singleton pregnancies at full dilatation who had ITU-with-pushing performed, previous to vacuum-placement for fetal extraction. Working on the translabial sagittal-plane, we assessed: Angle-Progression (AoP), Progression-Distance (PD) and Head-Direction (HD); in the axial plane we evaluated: Midline-Angle (MLA) and Head-Perineum-Distance (HPD). Vacuum extractions were classified as easy-difficulty (ED) (≤3 vacuum-pulls), difficult-unsuccessful (DD) (>3 vacuum-pulls). We did not assess occipito-posterior-presentations.

Results: Seventy nulliparous were studied (44-ED,26-DD). We observed no differences in obstetric, neonatal or intrapartum characteristics between the two study groups, with the following exceptions: newborn weight (3272?±?438?g versus 3540?±?372?g; p?=?0.011) and number of vacuum-pulls (1.4-ED-vs-4.4-DD; p?<?0.0005). AoP-pushing was 143.9°?±?14.6° in ED and 115.1°±?12.9° in DD (p?<?0.0005); Head-Up was 79.5% versus 38.4% (p?<?0.0005); PD-Pushing was 42.7?±?11.3?mm versus 30.4?±?9.8?mm (p?<?0.0005); MLA-Pushing was 27.6°±?26.6° versus 57.5°±26.5°(p=0.025); HPD-Pushing was 40.8?±?10.0?mm versus 47.4?±?10.9?mm (p?=?0.039).

Conclusion: We identified that the presence of an AoP-Pushing?>?128° predicts an Easy-Vacuum-Delivery (≤3 Vacuum-Pulls) in >85% of cases (Sen 80%–FPR 9.3%).  相似文献   
The effect of variation in temperature (37-32 and 27 degrees C) on electrical and mechanical activity of depolarized and isoprenaline- or barium-reactivated guinea pig ventricular strips was studied. Lowering the temperature brings a marked prolongation of isoprenaline-induced slow action potentials. In addition the maximal rate of depolarization was strongly reduced at lower temperatures. These effects were observed at an extracellular Ca2+ concentration of either 0.9 or 2.5 mM. The accompanying mechanical activities was significantly increased by reduction in temperature. Barium-induced slow action potentials were similarly affected by temperature variations. These observations suggest that hypothermia exert a sort of calcium antagonistic action probably coupled to a reduction of repolarizing outward potassium currents.  相似文献   
Journal of Neurology - Evidence of immune-mediated neurological syndromes associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection is limited. We therefore...  相似文献   
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