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窄蒂并远端吻合血管的巨大枕颈背真皮下血管风薄皮瓣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年曾介绍了枕颈背(OCD)真皮下血管网薄皮瓣的应用。现报告其后完成拐一种改进设计,即在原基因上于远端继续延伸扩大,与肩胛皮瓣相融合,以形成近端蒂窄,远端附加血管吻合的巨大皮瓣。这样既保证了皮瓣的血供,增加了面积,又扩大了其应用范围。共行5例全活。本文瓣是巨大面颈皮瓣软组织损的较理想的修复方法之一。  相似文献   
<正> 唾石就是发生在唾液腺上的结石。笔者曾患颚下腺结石,经用中药《修琴堂方》唾石散治愈,现报告如下。自7年前发现左侧顎下有拇指大肿瘤,经耳鼻科诊为唾石。未经特殊治疗。1983年12月中旬无任何诱因,突然出现左侧颚部肿胀,耳下及口腔内发热疼痛,认为并发炎症,而用抗生素治疗10余天,疼痛、肿胀缓解。不久上述症状  相似文献   
This article reports the effect of comprehensivemanagement on the prevention of stroke observedduring 1981 t0 1984 in Guangzhong ncighborhood,Hongkou District, Shanghai, which was chosenrandomly as a prevention group. About 50000people were included. A non-prevention; groupincluding about 70 000 people was selected randomfyfrom other 12 neighborhoods of the same district.The results of the study show that the effect of convprehensive management on stroke prevention in thecommunity is remarkable, especially in cutting strokeincidence. For example, the mean stroke incidencewas 34.56/100000/year in the prevention group whereas it was 103.23/100 000/year in the non-prevention group during 1981 t0 1984. Comparison of thetwo groups showed u-9.66, the difference beingextremely significant (p<0.01). We found that strokemortafity in the prevention group was much lower than that of the non-prevention group, except in 1981.The difference in stroke mortality between the twogroups was very significant (p<0.01). The protectionrate for stroke using comprehensive measurementwas up t0 66.52% and the average effective indexwas 2.99.  相似文献   
奉建芳  陆彬 《中国药师》2002,5(8):458-460
目的:考察基因重组人干扰素α2a聚氨氰丙烯酸丁酯纳米球(rIFNα2a-PBCA-NS),小鼠ig给药的生物利用度及安全性。方法:小鼠经iv或ig给药,一定时间后取血,采用细胞病变抑制法测定rIFNα2a含量并计算生物利用度;通过冻干rIFNα2a-PBCA-NS iv,ip,ig给药的急性毒性试验、局部刺激性试验、血管刺激性试验、溶血试验及过敏性试验来确定其安全性。结果:rIFNα2a-PBCA-NS的ig生物利用度(3.39%)为原药rIFNα2a(0.22%)的15倍,rIFNα2a毒性很小,rIFNα2a-PB-CA-NS用于iv,ip,ig给药的毒性均低于PBCA-NS。结论:rIFNα2a-PBCA-NS的小鼠ig给药生物利用度明显高于原药rIFNα2a,且具有较好的安全性。  相似文献   
用1KHz短纯音测试正常青年42人耳诱发性耳声发射(EOAE)获得100%检出率。其阈值为3.18±8.54dB(SL),耳间阈差为5.71±4.27dB。本文用长延迟时间及短扫描时间窗观察EOAE的持续时间。正常青年人的EOAE持续时间>20ms者占78.71%。用快速傅里叶变换对8例EOAE行幅值频谱分析,发现正常EOAE的频谱主要分布在1~3 KHz范围内,其主峰频率均值为1362.50±229.92Hz。  相似文献   
放疗后继发口腔颌面部癌瘤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Twenty-two patients with postradiation cancer of oral and maxillofacial regions treated in our hospital from 1969 to 1985 are reported. Of them, 3 patients had double postradiation cancers. The shortest interval between the two primary cancers was 3 years, the longest was 32 years with a median of 9 years. Of 15 patients treated with 60Co, 9 patients developed cancers and 6 sarcomas. In 4 patients treated with deep X-ray, cancers developed in 3 and sarcoma in one. Three patients were treated with 60Co, deep X-ray and radium implantation, all of them developed cancers. Radiation dose ranged from 3000 to 10,000 cGy but in most of the patients it was 7000-8000 cGy. In 19/22 patients the postradiation cancers were resected, giving 3 and 5 year survival rates of 50% and 23%. Only 1 patient survived for 14 years. Three patients treated by non-operative methods all died within 1-2 years. More aggressive treatments in patients with postradiation cancer are therefore indicated.  相似文献   
患者 ,女 ,39岁 ,于 1999年 10月 13日以“右下腹痛 6天”为主诉就诊。来院前在当地卫生室按“阑尾炎”治疗 ,曾连续 4天静滴“青霉素”,效不佳。到我院检查后考虑 :子宫肌瘤合并感染或卵巢肿瘤扭转 ,收住院。皮试后给青霉素 80 0万 u加液、0 .2 %甲硝唑液 2 50 ml静滴液完后约 10分钟患者突然全身寒战、呼吸浅快 ,经解痉镇静及对症处理 ,寒战持续 1余分钟缓解。继之高热达 4 1℃ ,考虑液体反应 ,高热持续 2小时渐下降至 38℃左右 ,当晚于硬膜外麻醉下剖腹探查 ,术中见子宫肌瘤 ,行子宫次切及阑尾切除术。手术顺利 ,安返病房。患者神志清 ,…  相似文献   
为了解新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)时重要器官实际灌流状态,我们采用了脉冲多普勒方法,对12例重度HIE患儿颈内动脉和肾动脉的血流速度进行了动态测定,现报告如下。 资料与方法 一、对象 重度HIE组12例 为我院收治的HIE患儿,均符合济南会议制定的HIE临床诊断依据和分类标准。其中男7例,女5例;胎龄37.4±  相似文献   
《伤寒论》共113方中,有67个方剂中用过甘草。从剂量上看,一两6方(汉代剂量,十六两为一斤,~斤相当于现在5009),二两43方,三两8方,四两5方,其它5方。除甘草场和桔梗场生用外,其它均为炙用。由此可以看出,甘草在仲景组方中所占的位置和比重,认真研究和探讨仲景用甘草的规律,有助于加强对仲景学术思想的认识。现将甘草在《伤寒论》方中的运用规律略述如下。l益气和中,调和诸药,以防伤正代表方:麻黄汤、获等四逆汤、白虎汤、竹叶石膏汤。麻黄汤主症是头痛、发热、身疼、恶风、无汗而喘,甘草在此方中既调麻黄、杏仁之宣降,又…  相似文献   
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