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The effect of topical carteolol 2% on the intraocular pressures of 12 patients suspected of having glaucoma was measured in a double-crossover trial of six weeks' duration. Carteolol produced a significant reduction in intraocular pressure (p less than or equal to 0.001), when compared with placebo. This represented reductions of 11% and 14%, after one and two weeks of treatment.  相似文献   
Summary This study examined the fate of axon terminals of one of the major sources of hypoglossal afferents, the spinal V nucleus, after XIIth nerve resection in adult Sprague-Dawley rats. In order to anterogradely label trigemino-hypoglossal projections, small quantities of horse radish peroxidase were pressure-injected into the ipsilateral dorsal (mandibular) portion of the spinal V nucleus two days before the animals were killed. Survival periods ranged from 5 to 33 days after nerve injury (dpo). Axonal injury produced relative changes in the association of labelled axon terminals to structures in the hypoglossal nucleus on the injured side. The proportion of horse radish peroxidase-labelled spinal V nucleus terminals with spherical vesicles (S-terminals) that were unapposed to hypoglossal somata or dendrites increased rapidly and reached maximal levels by 11 dpo. By contrast, the isolation of labelled terminals with pleomorphic/flattened vesicles (P/F-terminals) from postsynaptic structures began later, advanced at a slower rate and did not attain maximal levels until 20 dpo. S-terminals not apposed to neuronal cell parts increased at a rate of 2.2 times greater than unapposed P/F-terminals. In addition, at peak levels, the proportion of labelled S-terminals that were detached from somata and dendrites was significantly greater than unapposed, labelled P/F-terminals. Axotomy did not alter the caliber of the labelled axon terminals. However, by 29 days after axotomy, the average diameter of dendrites remaining in contact with SPVN terminals was 1/3 the diameter of dendrites of uninjured neurons apposed to labelled axon terminals. These findings provide the morphological correlate for physiological and pharmacological evidence that the effectiveness of excitatory and inhibitory synapses are down-regulated in a coordinated manner after hypoglossal nerve injury.  相似文献   
Summary Stainless steel welders (n = 103) were examined. To estimate external exposure, personal air sampling was used. Internal exposure was quantified by the determination of nickel levels in erythrocytes, plasma and urine. Men and women (n = 123) were examined for control purposes. In the plasma and erythrocytes of the controls the nickel concentration was below the level of detection (< 1.81 μg/l). The element concentrations in urine were between < 0.1 and 13.3 μg/l. Of the controls 95% showed nickel levels in urine below 2.2 μg/l (reference value). The average concentration of nickel in the air was 93 ± 81 μg/m3. The average concentration of nickel in the plasma samples was 4.9 ± 4.0 μg/l (95th percentile 12.8 μg/L). In erythrocytes nickel could not be detected. The nickel concentrations in the urine of the welders were 18.5 ± 28.5 μg/l on average (95th percentile 52.5 μg/l). Only a weak correlation between the nickel levels of plasma and urine could be detected (Curine = 2.07 + 8.45 Cplasma; r = 0.294; p < 0.01). Based on our results and on the reported literature a future limit value for the nickel concentration in urine should lay between 30 and 50 μg/l. This value corresponds to an external exposure of 500 μg nickel per cubic metre.  相似文献   
A 3 year old child with known pulmonary haemosiderosis suffered acute circulatory collapse secondary to raised pulmonary vascular resistance. Nitric oxide inhalation produced a profound improvement in circulatory parameters and gaseous exchange. Nitric oxide may have a therapeutic role in acute pulmonary hypertensive crisis.  相似文献   
During the treatment of patients with renal failure or renal transplants the most important consideration is to eliminate sources of infection before and after the treatment. Acute or chronic oral infections or bacteraemias resulting from dental procedures may cause serious complications in these patients who already have lowered host resistance caused by immunosuppressant therapy. In order to determine the latest concepts from some international transplantation centres relating to the importance of and the effect of infective sources in the oral cavity, a survey form was prepared which included several questions related to oral foci of infection and renal transplantations.
Results obtained from 22 centres from 12 countries indicated that the majority of the centres included a dental examination in their routine protocol and required completion of any necessary dental treatment before transplantation. However, full agreement among all these centres on the necessity for dental examination as part of the protocol has not yet been reached.  相似文献   
Dislocated arytenoid: an intubation-induced injury.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Three reports describing the morbidity resulting from intubation-induced arytenoid cartilage dislocation are presented. Significant factors contributing to such an injury are: retrognathia, dental malocclusion, a large tongue base and intubation inexperience. We advise that in all patients who undergo a difficult intubation the possibility of arytenoid dislocation should be considered. A ventilating bronchoscope should be readily available upon extubation, to deal with any acute airway problem that may arise. Treatment modalities are discussed and the advantages of a combined anaesthetic and ENT approach highlighted.  相似文献   
An extensive series of experiments has implicated a restricted region of the chick forebrain in the learning process of imprinting. The region is the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV). Previous studies have shown that training is associated with an increase in the area of the postsynaptic density of axospinous synapses in the left but not the right IMHV. The postsynaptic density is a site of high receptor density, and at least some axospinous synapses are excitatory. We found that imprinting is associated with a 59% increase in N-methyl-D-aspartate-sensitive binding of the excitatory amino acid L-[3H]glutamic acid in the left IMHV. The increase is probably due to an increased number of binding sites. The profile of sensitivity of the sites to a series of amino-, phosphono-substituted carboxylic acids (2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate to 2-amino-8-phosphonooctanoate) is characteristic of N-methyl-D-aspartate-type receptors. There were no significant effects of training on binding in the right IMHV. The effect of training on left IMHV binding could not be attributed to light exposure, arousal, or motor activity per se but was a function of how much the chicks learned. The changes in the left IMHV could increase the effectiveness of synaptic transmission in a region crucial for information storage and so form a neural basis for recognition memory.  相似文献   
Laryngeal cancer represents an important cause of cancer in France, and the individual effects of alcohol and tobacco on this cancer site are well known. However the problem of the interaction between these agents is less extensively documented, and the role of the high consumptions of alcohol has not been studied frequently. A case-control analysis was undertaken to investigate the joint effect of alcohol and tobacco by comparing 197 glottic and 214 supraglottic cancer cases to 4135 controls representative of the French general population. Heavy drinkers were available from the two groups of cases, the highest alcohol category being equivalent to a consumption of more than 2 litres of wine per day. The relative risks estimated for heavy drinkers and smokers were high, and the results indicated an even stronger effect of alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking on the upper part of the laryngeal region. Additive and multiplicative models were fitted to the data. The multiplicative hypothesis was found to be the most appropriate, implying that the risks associated with alcohol and tobacco multiply when the exposures occur simultaneously. The public health implications of this result and the contribution of heavy drinkers and smokers to the frequency of upper respiratory and digestive tract cancers are discussed.  相似文献   
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