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Fresh bone marrow from 43 cases of myeloma and three cases of plasma cell leukaemia has been phenotyped both by indirect immune-rosetting and, on fixed cytospin preparations, by indirect immunofluorescence. Both clustered and unclustered B cell associated antibodies from the IIIrd International Workshop on Human Leucocyte Differentiation Antigens were used. The results confirm the lack of many pan-B antigens on the surface of myeloma plasma cells, i.e. CD19-23, 37, 39, w40. Strong surface reactivity is seen with CD38 antibodies and with one CD24 antibody (HB8). Weak reactions are sometimes obtained with CD9, 10 and 45R. On cytospin preparations CD37, 39 and w40 are sometimes weakly positive, and anti-rough endoplasmic reticulum antibodies are always strongly positive. Specific and surface-reacting antiplasma cell antibodies are still lacking.  相似文献   
The response of human, rabbit and guinea-pig thymocytes in culture to blastogenic stimulants such as phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and staphylococcal filtrate (SF) was usually considerably less than that seen with equivalent numbers of peripheral blood and lymph node lymphocytes.  相似文献   
The origin of the raised serum IgG3 in primary biliary cirrhosis has been examined. Blood lymphocytes from patients with PBC and from age- and sex-matched controls were cultured, and the culture supernatants were assayed for IgG and IgG3. Lymphocytes from PBC patients spontaneously synthesized a higher percentage IgG3/total IgG than did control lymphocytes, as determined by ELISA. The increased synthesis of IgG3 in culture correlated with serum IgG3 in the patients. This strongly suggests that the raised serum IgG3 in these patients is due to increased synthesis of this isotype. Following PWM stimulation, the proportion of IgG3/IgG synthesized by normal (and most PBC) lymphocytes increased and the difference in IgG3 synthesized by PBC and control lymphocytes became less marked. The kappa/lambda light chain ratio of the IgG3 was assayed by ELISA but no evidence was found for clonally restricted synthesis of IgG3 by PBC blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   
One hundred three consecutive patients referred for treatment of chronic pelvic pain underwent MMPI testing, and 60 had diagnostic laparoscopy. A physical cause for the pain was found in 45 (75%) of the 60. However, three fourths (34) of patients with an organic cause for the pain also had evidence of psychopathology on the MMPI. Reassurance and education as to the role of stress in causing or exacerbating pain complaints appeared helpful. Most patients improve without major surgery.  相似文献   
The Microbact 24E (MB24E) system is a commercial microsystem for the identification of common clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae and non-fermenting Gram negative bacilli, and consists of dehydrated substrates distributed in the wells of microtitre trays. This system was compared with the API20E for the identification of 386 bacterial isolates, which included 284 clinical and 102 environmental organisms. There was 97% and 91% agreement for the identification of clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram negative bacilli, respectively. The identification of environmental isolates by both systems was less satisfactory. The API20E has a more extensive database than the MB24E and is thus more reliable for the identification of rare or unusual organisms, but the MB24E is cheaper, is easy and convenient to use, and is suitable for a routine microbiology laboratory.  相似文献   
Effect of aging on neuroglobin expression in rodent brain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Neuroglobin (Ngb), a recently discovered O2-binding heme protein related to hemoglobin and myoglobin, protects neurons from hypoxic-ischemic injury in vitro and in vivo. In immunostained mouse brain sections, we found widespread expression of Ngb protein in neurons, but not astrocytes, of several brain regions that are prominently involved in age-related neurodegenerative disorders. Western blots from young adult (3 month), middle-aged (12 month), and aged (24 month) rats showed an age-related decline in Ngb expression in cerebral neocortex, hippocampus, caudate-putamen, and cerebellum. Loss of this neuroprotective protein may have a role in increasing susceptibility to age-related neurological disorders.  相似文献   
Epitopes recognised by a panel of 23 anti-Fc gamma monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) have been subdivided into three groups each having a distinct topographical distribution. One group of mutually inhibitory McAbs are reactive with epitopes expressed on the fy "surface" of the C gamma 2 domain. A second group recognises epitopes in the region of arginine 355 of the C gamma 3 domain whilst the third group recognises epitopes expressed in the inter C gamma 2/C gamma 3 domain region--as evidenced by inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus protein A binding. An antibody of the latter group reactive with IgG1, 2, 4 and IgG3m(15,16) proteins but not IgG3m(5) or IgG3m(21) proteins allows histidine 435 to be identified as a critical residue for expression of the epitope recognised by this antibody.  相似文献   
The diversity of monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)3 target cell types, as well as the capacity of MCP3 to desensitize leukocyte responses to other CC chemokines, suggested that MCP3 may interact with multiple CC chemokine receptors. The purpose of this study is to establish how MCP3 binds and activates monocytes and neutrophils. We show that human monocytes exhibit high-affinity binding for 125I-MCP3 with an estimated Kd of 1–3 nM and about 10000 binding sites/cell. The binding of 125I-MCP3 to monocytes was progressively less well competed by CC chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)lα (Kd = 5–10 nM), RANTES (Kd = 5–10 nM), MCP1 (monocyte chemoattractant and activating factor, or MCAF) (Kd = 60 nM) and MIP1β (Kd > 100 nM). On the other hand, unlabeled MCP3 displaced the binding of radiolabeled MIP1α, RANTES, MCP1 and MIP1β as effectively as the isologous CC chemokines. In agreement with the binding data, pretreatment of monocytes with MCP3 completely desensitized the calcium flux in response to MIP1α and RANTES. However, MIP1α and RANTES failed to desensitize the response of monocytes to MCP3. MCP3 and MCP1 partially desensitized each other's effects on monocytes. These binding and cross-desensitization results suggest that MCP3 binds and signals through other binding sites in addition to those shared with MIP1α, RANTES and MCP1. The unidirectional competition for MIP1β binding and signaling by MCP3 suggests the existence of an as-yet unidentified site for MCP3 shared with MIP1β. The existence of another unique binding site(s) for MCP3 was further shown by the failure of any of the other CC chemokines to compete effectively for MCP3 binding on neutrophils. MCP3 in our study was also the only human CC chemokine that consistently chemoattracted neutrophils. These results suggest that MCP3 is a ligand that can bind and activate a broad range of target cells through receptors shared by other CC chemokines as well as its own receptor.  相似文献   
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