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Elevated levels of markers for thrombin activation are associated with plaque echogenicity and degree of stenosis in patients with carotid artery stenosis. The Activated Protein C-Protein C Inhibitor (APC-PCI) complex reflects activation of the Protein C system and is a measure of thrombin generation. The aim of the present study was to examine APC-PCI complex in patients undergoing thrombendartherectomy for carotid artery stenosis, and to relate the findings to clinical characteristics and plaque morphology as determined by ultrasound.

Materials and Methods

Blood was obtained from 125 patients (39 female, median age 71 years) with carotid artery stenosis admitted from September 2005 to May 2007. The APC-PCI complex was measured using a sandwich immunofluorometric method and compared to an age- and sex-matched healthy control-group. Clinical and demographic characteristics, routine laboratory markers and ultrasound characteristics were analysed using univariate and multivariate analysis.


APC-PCI complex concentration was significantly increased in patients with carotid artery stenosis (median 0.21 µg/L; 10th to 90th percentile 0.15-0.36) compared to a healthy control-group (0.19 µg/L; 0.11-0.31; P = .009). There was no significant difference in APC-PCI-values between asymptomatic (n = 48) and symptomatic (n = 77) patients with carotid artery stenosis (0.22 vs. 0.20 µg/L; p = 0.626). Patients with minor stroke (n = 31) had a higher median APC-PCI-concentration (0.27 µg/L; 0.15-0.63) than patients with amaurosis fugax (0.19 µg/L; 0.15-0.36) or transient ischemic attack (0.21 µg/L; 0.12-0.36) (p = 0.016). No association was found between APC-PCI-values and the degrees of carotid artery stenosis or the time from the latest neurological symptoms to blood sampling. Patients with echolucent plaques had significantly lower APC-PCI concentrations (0.20 µg/L; 0.14-0.35 vs. 0.24 µg/L; 0.15-0.60; p = 0.043), according to the Gray-Weale classification.


Patients with carotid artery disease exhibit increased concentrations of APC-PCI compared to a healthy control-group, particularly those patients with echogenic plaques, who have significantly higher APC-PCI levels than patients with echolucent plaques.  相似文献   
In schizophrenia, speech production deficits in patients with positive formal thought disorder (FTD e.g. loosening of associations and derailment) have been attributed to impairments in the semantic network. The brain area implicated in the retrieval of associated (i.e. relational) concepts is the hippocampus, a key region in the psychopathology of schizophrenia. However, its role in schizophrenic speech production and FTD in particular is yet little understood.

To investigate the neural correlates of associative verbal retrieval, twelve patients with schizophrenia with varying degrees of FTD and twelve matched healthy control subjects underwent a free verbal association (FVA), a semantic (SVF) and a phonological verbal fluency (PVF) task while brain activity was measured with fMRI. The tasks varied in the relational binding operations needed for linking the stimulus to the respective response.

Compared to control subjects, patients revealed attenuated left hippocampal activity during both semantic word generation tasks (FVA, SVF). Contrasting verbal fluency with FVA, a failure in recruiting the anterior cingulate gyrus emerged in the patient group. A negative correlation was found between right middle temporal activity and the severity of FTD during FVA.

The hippocampus seems to play a major role in word generation. In schizophrenia, attenuated hippocampal activity during semantic tasks strengthens the hypothesis of impaired relational memory processes, affecting thought and language.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of rosacea with ocular involvement in a child that remitted with prolonged anti‐inflammatory oral tetracycline therapy and provide general expert recommendations. A 14‐year‐old girl presented with discrete papules and pustules on both cheeks with blepharitis and conjunctivitis. Ophthalmologic examination confirmed bilateral severe blepharitis, as well as a corneal infiltrate in the right eye with additional neovascularization. The diagnosis of rosacea with ocular involvement was made. In addition to the existing antibiotic and anti‐inflammatory topical eye therapy, systemic treatment with minocycline 50 mg twice a day was started. After marked improvement, the dose was reduced to 50 mg once a day. After further amelioration, treatment was switched to maintenance therapy with 40 mg of prolonged‐release doxycycline. Three years after a 12‐month course of anti‐inflammatory therapy, the patient remained recurrence free.  相似文献   
HPV 16 L1 capsomeres purified from Escherichia coli represent a promising and potentially cost-effective alternative to the recently licensed VLP-based vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer. However, recombinant protein preparations from bacteria always bear the risk of contaminating endotoxins which are highly toxic in humans and therefore have to be eliminated from vaccine preparations. In this study, we measured the LPS concentration at various stages of the purification of HPV 16 L1 from E. coli and determined that it enhances the immunogenicity of HPV 16 VLPs and capsomeres. We confirmed the immunogenicity of the L1 capsomeres in TLR4−/− mice without the enhancing effect of the LPS and then elaborated a suitable protocol using Triton X-114 phase separation for the removal of LPS without any significant protein loss or influence on the structural integrity of the particles. The LPS-free capsomeres purified from E. coli induced neutralizing L1-specific antibodies. Our results demonstrate the excellent potential of capsomeres as an economically interesting alternative vaccine to prevent cervical cancer that could be made available in developing countries.  相似文献   
Parkinson's is a heterogeneous, complex condition. Stratification of Parkinson's subtypes will be essential to identify those that will benefit most from a cell replacement therapy. Foetal mesencephalic grafts can alleviate motor symptoms in some Parkinson's patients. However, on‐going synucleinopathy results in the grafts eventually developing Lewy bodies, and they begin to fail. We propose that Parkinson's patients with PARKIN mutations may benefit most from a cell replacement therapy because (a) they often lack synucleinopathy, and (b) their neurodegeneration is often confined to the nigrostriatal pathway. While patients with PARKIN mutations exhibit clinical signs of Parkinson's, post‐mortem studies to date indicate the majority lack Lewy bodies suggesting the nigral dopaminergic neurons are lost in a cell autonomous manner independent of α‐synuclein mechanisms. Furthermore, these patients are usually younger, slow progressing and typically do not suffer from complex non‐nigral symptoms that are unlikely to be ameliorated by a cell replacement therapy. Transplantation of dopaminergic cells into the putamen of these patients will provide neurons with wild‐type PARKIN expression to re‐innervate the striatum. The focal nature of PARKIN‐mediated neurodegeneration and lack of active synucleinopathy in most young‐onset cases makes these patients ideal candidates for a dopaminergic cell replacement therapy. Strategies to improve the outcome of cell replacement therapies for sporadic Parkinson's include the use of adjunct therapeutics that target α‐synuclein spreading and the use of genetically engineered grafts that are resistant to synucleinopathy.  相似文献   
An intricate problem during open human fetal surgery for spina bifida regards back skin closure, particularly in those cases where the skin defect is much too large for primary closure. We hypothesize that tissue engineering of fetal skin might provide an adequate autologous skin substitute for in utero application in such situations. Eight sheep fetuses of four time‐mated ewes underwent fetoscopic skin biopsy at 65 days of gestation. Fibroblasts and keratinocytes isolated from the biopsy were used to create fetal dermo‐epidermal skin substitutes. These were transplanted on the fetuses by open fetal surgery at 90 days of gestation on skin defects (excisional wounds) created during the same procedure. Pregnancy was allowed to continue until euthanasia at 120 days of gestation. The graft area was analyzed macroscopically and microscopically. The transplanted fetal dermo‐epidermal skin substitutes was well discernable in situ in three of the four fetuses available for analysis. Histology confirmed healed grafts with a close to natural histological skin architecture four weeks after in utero transplantation. This experimental study generates evidence that laboratory grown autologous fetal skin analogues can successfully be transplanted in utero. These results have clinical implications as an analogous procedure might be applied in human fetuses undergoing prenatal repair to facilitate primary skin closure. Finally, this study may also fertilize the field of fetal tissue engineering in general, particularly when more interventional, minimally invasive, and open fetal surgical procedures become available.  相似文献   
The feeling of being addressed is the first step in a complex processing stream enabling successful social communication. Social impairments are a relevant characteristic of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). Here, we investigated a mechanism which—if impaired—might contribute to withdrawal or isolation in MDD, namely, the neural processing of social cues such as body orientation and gesture. During funtional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data acquisition, 33 patients with MDD and 43 healthy control subjects watched video clips of a speaking actor: one version with a gesture accompanying the speech and one without gesture. Videos were filmed simultaneously from two different viewpoints: one with the actor facing the viewer head‐on (frontal) and one side‐view (lateral). After every clip, the participants were instructed to evaluate whether they felt addressed or not. Despite overall comparable addressment ratings and a large overlap in activation patterns in MDD and healthy subjects for gesture processing, the anterior cingulate cortex, bilateral superior/middle frontal cortex, and right angular gyrus were more strongly activated in patients than in healthy subjects for the frontal conditions. Our analyses revealed that patients showed specifically higher activation than healthy subjects for the frontal condition without gesture in regions including the posterior cingulate cortex, left prefrontal cortex, and the left hippocampus. We conclude that MDD patients can recognize and interpret social cues such as gesture or body orientation; however, they seem to require more neural resources. This additional effort might affect successful communication and contribute to social isolation in MDD.  相似文献   
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