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Consanguineous marriages are strongly favoured among the populations of South India. In a study conducted on 407 infants and children, a total of 35 genetic diseases was diagnosed in 63 persons: 44 with single gene defects, 12 with polygenic disorders, and seven with Down's syndrome. The coefficient of inbreeding of the total study group, F = 0.0414, was significantly higher than that previously calculated for the general population, F = 0.0271, and autosomal recessive disorders formed the largest single disease category diagnosed. The results suggest that long term inbreeding may not have resulted in appreciable elimination of recessive lethals and sub-lethals from the gene pool.  相似文献   
A 16 year old with recurrent meningococcal infections is reported. Absence of haemolytic activity in both the classical and alternative pathways resulted from an absence of functional C8. Addition of functional C8 restored hemolytic activity. Antigenically deficient C8 was present in the serum and isoelectric focusing of serum confirmed the absence of the C8 beta chain. Following the infusion of fresh frozen plasma, we followed the decay in C8 functional activity as well as total haemolytic activity. C8 activity peaked at about 3 h with a half-life survival estimated to be 28 h. The kinetics of total haemolytic activity showed a slower decay with an exponential decline over 72 h and a half-life of 55 h. Fresh frozen plasma may be of value in the treatment of patients with C8 deficiency and acute Neisserial infections.  相似文献   
Epidemiologic observations and laboratory research have suggested that dietary selenium reduces the risk of colon cancer. Selenium-enriched brewer's yeast as a dietary supplement reduces the incidence of and mortality from cancer of the colon in humans. It is not clear whether the observed inhibitory effect is due to selenomethionine, or to other forms of selenium, or to a mixture of the selenium compounds present in selenium-enriched brewer's yeast. Therefore, bioassay described in this study examined the chemopreventive efficacy of 10 and 15 ppm selenomethionine, equivalent to 3.6 and 5.4 ppm as selenium, against azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colon carcinogenesis. At five weeks of age, groups of male F344 rats were fed diets containing 0 (control diet), 10 or 15 ppm selenomethionine. At seven and eight weeks of age, all rats except those in vehicle-treated groups received s.c. injections of AOM at a dose rate of 15 mg/kg body wt. The rats were maintained on their respective diets for 52 weeks and were then sacrificed. Colon tumors were processed and evaluated histopathologically. Colon tumor incidence and multiplicity were analyzed statistically. No obvious toxic effects were observed following dietary administration of 10 or 15 ppm selenomethionine as indicated by body weight gain. Administration of 10 or 15 ppm selenomethionine had no significant effect on colon tumor incidence and multiplicity. This study suggests that i) selenomethionine lacks chemopreventive efficacy against AOM-induced colon carcinogenesis and ii) other forms of selenium or a mixture of selenium compounds present in selenium-enriched brewer's yeast need to be evaluated for their chemopreventive efficacy.  相似文献   
The exterior of bacteriophage T4 capsid is coated with two outer capsid proteins, Hoc (highly antigenic outer capsid protein; molecular mass, 40 kDa) and Soc (small outer capsid protein; molecular mass, 9 kDa), at symmetrical positions on the icosahedron (160 copies of Hoc and 960 copies of Soc per capsid particle). Both these proteins are nonessential for phage infectivity and viability and assemble onto the capsid surface after completion of capsid assembly. We developed a phage display system which allowed in-frame fusions of foreign DNA at a unique cloning site in the 5' end of hoc or soc. A DNA fragment corresponding to the 36-amino-acid PorA peptide from Neisseria meningitidis was cloned into the display vectors to generate fusions at the N terminus of Hoc or Soc. The PorA-Hoc and PorA-Soc fusion proteins retained the ability to bind to the capsid surface, and the bound peptide was displayed in an accessible form as shown by its reactivity with specific monoclonal antibodies in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. By employing T4 genetic strategies, we show that more than one subtype-specific PorA peptide can be displayed on the capsid surface and that the peptide can also be displayed on a DNA-free empty capsid. Both the PorA-Hoc and PorA-Soc recombinant phages are highly immunogenic in mice and elicit strong antipeptide antibody titers even with a weak adjuvant such as Alhydrogel or no adjuvant at all. The data suggest that the phage T4 hoc-soc system is an attractive system for display of peptides on an icosahedral capsid surface and may emerge as a powerful system for construction of the next generation multicomponent vaccines.  相似文献   
Sera from cases of elephantiasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti infection promoted an intense adhesion of peripheral blood leukocytes to W. bancrofti microfilariae in vitro. A similar adhesion was also seen using sera from some normal persons living for several years in areas where filariasis is endemic. No such adhesion was evident with sera from microfilaria carriers or from normal subjects from nonendemic areas. The adhesion was complement independent and was associated with the immunoglobulin G fraction of serum. 51Cr release studies suggested the occurrence of cell-mediated cytotoxicity to W. bancrofti microfilariae in the presence of elephantiasis serum. Microfilariae of Litomosoides carinii could be isolated free of blood cells, from the blood of infected rats. In the presence of serum, or its immunoglobulin G fraction, from patients with elephantiasis, L. carinii microfilariae adhered to human peripheral blood leukocytes or rat spleen cells.  相似文献   
In this study, acute and chronic responses of pancreatic hepatocytes induced in F-344 rats by copper depletion-repletion protocol to certain hepatocarcinogens were examined. Administration of a single dose of tannic acid (subcutaneous), aflatoxin B1 (gavage), or lasiocarpine (intraperitoneally) caused characteristic nucleolar segregation in parenchymal cells of liver as well as in pancreatic hepatocytes. Chronic dietary administration of 2-acetylaminofluorene (0.025%) for 12 to 32 weeks led to the development of glutathione S-transferase-P-positive pancreatic hepatocytes in the pancreas. In addition, oval cell proliferation was observed in close association with pancreatic hepatocytes, but not in other areas of pancreas containing residual acinar cells. Oval cells in the pancreas and in the liver that developed in rats after chronic 2-acetylaminofluorene treatment and pancreatic duct cells stained positively with rat liver oval cell marker OV-6 antibodies by immunoperoxidase. These findings indicate that pancreatic hepatocytes respond to carcinogens in a fashion similar to parenchymal cells of liver.  相似文献   
Reperfusion after ischemia results in endothelial cell injury and Kupffer cell activation. Inflammatory cytokines thus released can induce major histocompatibility complex antigens and increase the immunogenecity of the graft. An orthotopic rat liver allotransplant model was used to test the hypothesis that prevention of reperfusion injury by infusion of polyethylene glycol superoxide dismutase (PEG-SOD) would result in long-term allograft survival in the presence of subthreshold immunosuppressive dosages. ACI rats were used as donors, and Lewis strain rats as recipients. Orthotopic liver transplantation was initially performed to identify a subthreshold dose of the immunosuppressant FK-506, which would be unable to extend survival longer than control untreated rats with this strain combination. After testing three intramuscular FK-506 doses of 0.04, 0.08, and 0.16 mg/kg, it was observed that an FK-506 dose of 0.04 mg/kg/day for 14 days was unable to extend survival longer than in untreated recipients. This dose of FK-506 was used in combination with PEG-SOD at doses of 1000, 3000, 10,000, or 30,000 units. Recipient animals were treated intravenously with PEG-SOD as a loading dose to facilitate tissue penetration on day 1, and beginning on the day of transplantation, every 2 days for the duration of the study. Results of histologic studies and mean survival time were compared in untreated recipients and in rats treated with PEG-SOD plus 0.04 mg/kg/day FK-506. Mean survival time was increased significantly in these animals (p < 0.007) to 40.6 ± 25.6 days as compared with either untreated rats (10.0 ± 2.7 days) or rats treated with 0.04 mg/kg FK-506 alone (13.7 ± 4.2 days). Histologic examination demonstrated a significant reduction in the cellular infiltrate in rats treated with PEG-SOD plus FK-506, as compared with recipients treated with either agent alone or left untreated. Our results therefore suggest a potential approach to reducing immunosuppression in transplantation. (J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL 1995;95:1276-81.)  相似文献   
Effect of prenatal iron deficiency on myelination in rat pups.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In this study, a histopathologic examination of the brain from iron-deficient or iron-supplemented rat pups was carried out. Pups were obtained from female rats, which were fed an iron-deficient or iron-supplemented diet during both pregnancy and lactation. Immediately after anesthesia and the collection of blood, pups were fixed by intracardiac infusion of 2% glutaraldehyde. Brain and cervical spinal cord were fixed, embedded in paraffin, and cut at 6-mu thickness. Myelin was identified using Luxol fast blue stain. As compared with controls (hematocrit, 30.8%), 11-day-old iron-deficient pups (hematocrit, 11.9%) showed reduced myelination in the spinal cord. Although myelination increased somewhat in the iron-deficient 17-day-old pups (hematocrit, 8.5%), the amount of myelin in the spinal cord and white matter of cerebellar folds was reduced as compared with that of the corresponding controls. These observations show the importance of prenatal iron adequacy in myelinogenesis.  相似文献   
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