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Three hundred and twenty samples of subgingival plaque were obtained from 80 caucasian girls, ranging from 10 to 13 years of age. The samples were analyzed to verify the influence of age upon colonization of the gingival sulcus by microorganisms potentially pathogenic to the periodontal tissues. The gingival and plaque status were evaluated through the gingival index (GI) and plaque index (PlI) and the microflora was assessed by the enzymatic method benzoyl-arginine-naphthylamide (BANA). The results of the BANA test were positive for 62.50% of the tested individuals and 40% of the examined sites. The influence of age was statistically significant on BANA reactivity, and the number of positive sites was greater at 11 (57.5%) than at 12 years (28.8%).  相似文献   
The degree of metabolic acidosis at birth has been calculated in cord artery and vein samples from 21 term fetuses with cord artery pH less than 7.20. The aim of the study was to compare base deficit values calculated from either Siggaard-Andersen alignment nomogram (BD blood) or the Acid-Base chart (BD extra cellular fluid, BDecf). BDblood was found to be consistently higher in the cord artery as compared with BDecf, 13.2 +/- 3.5 and 9.9 +/- 2.9 mmol/l (Mean +/- SD), respectively. A significant correlation was found between cord artery PCO2 and BDblood whereas BDecf appeared unaffected by PCO2. In cases with cord entanglement BDecf a-v differences were increased to 3.4 +/- 2.3 mmol/l as compared with the small a-v difference noted in acidotic cases without cord entanglement, 1.1 +/- 1.25 mmol/l. It is speculated that with acutely emerging, intermittent asphyxia due to cord compression, a cord artery and vein difference in metabolic acidosis may exist and where the vein captures the basal level and the artery the acute changes. It is concluded that BDecf in both cord artery and vein add valuable information on the mechanisms behind metabolic acidosis.  相似文献   
This study aimed at identifying the signal(s) that elicit myositis-induced neuroplastic changes in background activity and responsiveness of spinal neurones. It is based on previous data suggesting that in dorsal horn neurones, responsiveness to peripheral input on one hand and background activity on the other are probably controlled by different mechanisms. In anaesthetized rats, myositis was induced in the gastrocnemius-soleus muscle and the activity of single dorsal horn neurones was recorded in segment L3. Impulse traffic and axoplasmatic transport in dorsal roots L4 and L5 were selectively blocked by lignocaine or vinblastine for various time periods relative to the induction of the myositis. The results show that the main triggering signal for the myositis-induced changes in both responsiveness and background activity is the altered impulse activity in primary afferent fibres. In contrast, 'no axonally transported chemical signal controlling the discharge behaviour of dorsal horn neurones was found. However, the time course of the electrical signals that cause the myositis-induced changes in background activity and responsiveness is different. For changes in responsiveness, a rather narrow time window of 2 h directly after induction of the myositis existed, during which the impulses from the inflamed muscle must reach the spinal cord. Accordingly, to prevent the increase in responsiveness, the electrical input had to be blocked during the first 2 h; a block of the same duration at another time had no effect. The change in background activity seems to be due to a continuous input from the inflamed muscle which adds up over the hours. Therefore, with regard to background activity, blocking the electrical signals is effective at any time, but only a block of long duration has a significant effect.  相似文献   
Using hierarchical cluster analysis, applied to 47 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) incident in South-West Stockholm (SWS) during the period from January 1973 to June 1992, we identified three major clinicoepidemiological subgroups. The first subgroup, 25.5% of the cases (26.7 ± 6.7 years), recorded a peak incidence at ages 20–29 years and presented significant differences from other subgroups, a high proportion of cases with onset at low age preceded by respiratory infection (83.3%) and with normal motor conduction velocity (50.0%). Also found, were less affected biological parameters, a rapidly progressive course and independence in gait at one month after onset. A second subgroup, 27.7% of cases, was severely affected, clinically and functionally. It consisted predominantly of young individuals (22.7 ± 11.1 years), with a high incidence (69.2% of cases) in autumn. A third subgroup, comprising 40.47; of cases, was older (61.1 ± 11.0 years) and, in general, also severely affected. The incidence of this form appeared to be invariant with time.  相似文献   
A chemically defined medium for the culture of mature oligodendrocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new chemically defined medium consisting of equal parts of Dulbecco modified Eagle's and Ham's F-12 media supplemented with insulin, sodium selenite, putrescine, and D+ galactose, which allows the long-term survival of mature oligodendrocyte pure cultures, is described. Immunohistochemical staining has shown that over 90% of the cells become positive for myelin proteins shortly following subculture. Contaminating astrocytes (2%) do not survive in this medium. Biochemical data have indicated that these purified oligodendrocytes express 2'3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase and UDP-galactose ceramide galactosyltransferase activities. Electron microscopical examination revealed that the oligodendrocytes were mostly of medium-dark type and appeared to be identical to cells cultured in serum-containing medium. The ability to maintain pure oligodendrocyte cultures in such a defined medium will allow investigations concerning exogenous and endogenous factors involved in oligodendrocyte metabolism.  相似文献   
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