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H Anholt  J Moan 《Cancer letters》1992,61(3):263-267
CaD2 mammary carcinomas transplanted into the feet of mice were treated with tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine (AlPcS4) and laser light at 680 nm. A light dose of 135 J/cm2 was either given as continuous radiation (15 min) or fractionated with 15 s exposure, 15 s darkness, 15 s exposure and so on for 30 min. The CaD2 tumors were found to respond better to a fractionated exposure than to the same energy given in one exposure. The reason for this is assumed to be a relocalization of the dye upon illumination, seen as a rapid decrease in fluorescence. When the laser light was turned off, the fluorescence returned to almost the initial value.  相似文献   
The essential features of treatment for chemical sensitivity are: 1) Encouraging the provision of clean air, food, water, and surroundings. 2) Identifying substances to which the patient is sensitive, with subsequent a) enhanced avoidance, or b) specific immunotherapy to reduce the patient's reactivity to those substances. 3) Assessing and enhancing the patient's nutritional status to maximize the body's ability to detoxify and to minimize the free-radical production and oxidative stress of xenobiotics. 4) Addressing concurrent problems such as infections, immunosuppression, and other medical conditions in an appropriate fashion. 5) Evaluating the patient's psychologic status and addressing any social and emotional problems in a compassionate manner. The author believes that multiple chemical sensitivity is a real condition with documented physiologic abnormalities. It is not a functional or psychologic illness or a belief system of the patient. Second, this condition is diagnosable and treatable by various means. These treatment options not only make common sense but usually result in significant improvement for these unfortunate patients, who deserve the very best efforts of their health care providers.  相似文献   
Nephrotoxic cysteine conjugates derived from a variety of halogenated alkenes are enzymatically activated via the beta-lyase pathway to yield reactive sulfur-containing metabolites which bind covalently to cellular macromolecules. Mitochondria contain beta-lyase enzymes and are primary targets for binding and toxicity. Previously, mitochondrial protein and/or DNA have been considered as molecular targets for cysteine conjugate metabolite binding. We now report that metabolites of nephrotoxic cysteine conjugates form covalent adducts with rat kidney mitochondrial phospholipids. Rat kidney mitochondria were incubated with the 35S-labeled conjugates S-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl)-L-cysteine (TFEC), S-(2-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethyl)-L-cysteine (CTFC), S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine, and S-(1,2,3,4,4-pentachlorobutadienyl)-L-cysteine. Quantitation of metabolite binding to whole mitochondria and to mitochondrial protein and lipid fractions revealed that as much as 42% of the 35S-label associated with the mitochondria was found in the lipid fraction. Total lipids were also extracted from 35S-treated mitochondria and separated by thin-layer chromatography. 35S-Containing metabolites were found in the lipid fractions from mitochondria treated with each of the conjugates. Lipids from both [35S]CTFC- and [35S]-TFEC-treated mitochondria contained major 35S-labeled lipid adducts which had similar mobility by thin-layer chromatography. Fatty acid analysis, 19F and 31P NMR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometric analyses confirmed that the major TFEC and CTFC adducts are thioamides of phosphatidylethanolamine.  相似文献   
Two-color flow cytometry was carried out to determine the correlation between cell-mediated immunity and the levels of proteinuria in 30 patients with membranous nephropathy. Lymphocyte subpopulations were measured by two-color flow cytometry using various monoclonal antibodies of the Leu series. Clinically, the patients were divided into four stages as follows: 1. untreated nephrotic stage, 2. prednisolone (PSL) treated nephrotic stage, 3. persistent proteinuric stage (incomplete remission, ICR) and 4. complete remission (CR). Two-color flow cytometry showed a significant decrease in Leu 2a+15+ (suppressor T) cells and relative increase in Leu 3a+8+ (suppressor inducer T) cells in the untreated nephrotic stage. The mean Leu 3a+8-/Leu 2a+15+ (helper/suppressor) cell ratio was normalized in the persistent proteinuric stage or complete remission after treatment with PSL. Patients with membranous nephropathy showed a significant elevation of Leu 2a+DR+ cells after treatment with PSL. The abnormalities of suppressor T cells and suppressor inducer T cells in the peripheral blood appear to reflect the levels of proteinuria in patients with membranous nephropathy. It was concluded that PSL might stimulate Leu 2a positive cells and then increase the number of Leu 2a+15+ cells in the peripheral blood of patients with membranous nephropathy.  相似文献   
A case-control study of squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract conducted in Heidelberg and Giessen (FRG) provided information on occupational factors in 200 patients and 800 controls (adjusted to sex, age and area of living; 4:1 matched design). The number of subjects exposed to wood dusts, organic chemicals, coal products or to cement was significantly elevated in the tumour group. An increased risk for head and neck cancer was observed after exposition to wood dust (RR = 2,2), organic compounds (RR = 2,4), coal products (RR = 2,7) and especially to cement (RR = 4,4). The cancer risk due to cement exposition showed a positive correlation to the duration of exposition and remained significantly elevated after adjustment for alcohol and tobacco consumption.  相似文献   
Results of an hierarchical factor analysis with university students (N = 101) do not support the construct validity of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). Although the MAB Full Scale IQ seems to be a valid measure of general mental ability, the construct validity of the Verbal and Performance scale IQs is not supported. Therefore, the Verbal and Performance IQs should be interpreted with caution, if at all. In addition, re-analysis of previous investigations of the MAB underscores the importance of ascertaining the reading level of subjects prior to the administration of the MAB. Marginal reading proficiency, especially on a timed paper-and-pencil test such as the MAB, will confound results.  相似文献   
Analysis of accident logs in child day care centers indicates that biting is common, especially among toddlers 13 to 30 months of age. Children of this age often lack appropriate verbal skills and resort to aggressive means to achieve their goals. Still awkward in gross-motor skills, toddlers can also suffer self-bites following accidental falls. According to medical reports, human bites sometimes are more virulent than animal bites and can cause severe trauma. Although the AIDS virus has been cultured from saliva, transmission from saliva alone has not been documented. Bite injuries in day care, however, usually are minor and can be treated by washing, applying cold compresses, and comforting the child. Suggested methods to diminish the frequency of biting in day care include physical changes within the room, behavior modification, and other classroom management techniques.  相似文献   
To study the effect of alcohol on glucose and insulin metabolism,a simultaneous infusion of glucose and insulin was given for150 min to healthy volunteers, once during alcohol and onceduring calorie-free gingerale (control) ingestion. During alcoholintake, the average steady-state (between 100 and 150 min) glucoseof 5.44±0.39 mmol/1. and the average steady-state insulinof 6.3±1.1 ng/ml were significantly higher than those(4.0±0.39 mmol/1. of glucose and 4.4±0.6 ng/mlof insulin) observed during the control state. Despite the highersteady-state insulin concentrations, the glucose metabolismwas significantly less during alcohol ingestion. These findingssuggest alcohol-induced impairment in glucose metabolism iscaused by a decreased tissue sensitivity to insulin.  相似文献   
One of our patients had trouble maintaining therapeutic and safe levels of theophylline, even though we were careful in planning and monitoring her drug regimen. This case report shows how we were able to use principles of pharmacokinetics to distinguish among plausible explanations for her experience. We discovered that she was not taking the drug consistently as prescribed and that supervised administration resolved apparent contradictions between doses and serum levels. We believe that physicians can use the same information and methods that we used to get better and safer results from theophylline therapy.  相似文献   
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