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BACKGROUND: Radioiodine therapy (RIT) combined with glucocorticoids is an effective therapy for Graves' disease, but it is debatable whether glucocorticoids should be applied in patients without Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). METHODS: The effect of 0.4 - 0.5 mg prednisone every second day over a period of 5 weeks after RIT was monitored over a follow-up period of at least 12 months after RIT. A questionnaire was sent to 186 consecutive patients without GO concerning eye symptoms after RIT. 148 patients (80 %) answered. If eye symptoms had occurred after RIT, additional clinical examination was carried out at our outpatient clinic. The primary endpoint was the absence or onset of GO within the first year after RIT. RESULTS: Within 12 months after RIT the examination confirmed GO in 5 out of 148 patients (3.4 %). In all cases the symptoms were transient. No adverse reaction to the use of prednisone after RIT was noted. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of new GO in the first year after RIT was low and the clinical course of GO was mild when RIT was combined with a low-dose glucocorticoid regimen. Preventive administration of glucocorticoids can therefore be recommended in patients with Graves' disease even without evident GO.  相似文献   
Severe tuberculosis (TB) requiring intensive care unit (ICU) care is rare but commonly known to be of markedly bad prognosis. The present study aimed to describe this condition and to determine the mortality rate and risk factors associated with mortality. Patients with confirmed TB admitted to ICU between 1990 and 2001 were retrospectively identified and enrolled. Clinical, radiological and bacteriological data at admission and during hospital stay were recorded. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify the predictive factors for mortality. A total of 58 TB patients (12 females, mean age 48 yrs) admitted to ICU were included. Mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score at admission was 13.1+/-5.6 and 22 of 58 (37.9%) patients required mechanical ventilation. The in-hospital mortality was 15 of 58 (25.9%); 13 (22.4%) patients died in the ICU. The mean survival of patients who died was 53.6 days (range 1-229), with 50% of the patients dying within the first 32 days. The factors independently associated with mortality were: acute renal failure, need for mechanical ventilation, chronic pancreatitis, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and nosocomial pneumonia. These data indicate a high mortality of patients with tuberculosis requiring intensive care unit care and identifies new independently associated risk factors.  相似文献   
Low molecular weight heparins are widely used in the prophylaxis and treatment of thrombotic disorders. The effect of low molecular weight heparins on coagulation was examined ultrastructurally in an animal model. A test and a control group was formed, each consisting of five rabbits. Nadroparine (225 Institute of Chaoy Unit/kg twice daily) was applied to the test group for 10 days. The control group received 1 ml saline solution subcutaneously. Blood and vascular tissue samples collected at the end of the 10th day were evaluated under a JEM 100 B electron microscope. Platelet degranulation and agglutination was observed in the control group. Fibrin materials were detected in the cytoplasms and surroundings of degranulated platelets. Erythrocyte accumulation was remarkable on the vascular endothelium with intact coagulation periods. In the test group, outer membranes of platelets, hyalomere, and granular structures in the granulomeres were detected to be nearly intact. There were rare erythrocytes in the large vascular lumens. The aggregation phase had occurred but no agglutination was detected. Nadroparine seems to preserve consistency of lipoprotein membranes of platelets and granular structures containing enzymes, which contribute to the coagulation mechanisms.  相似文献   
AIM: Cardiovascular risk factors can be present in children and young adults. We previously found abnormal microvascular function in children who had glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether they also have abnormalities in left ventricular mass (LVM) and arterial stiffness. METHODS: We measured heart dimensions and LVM using echocardiography, and arterial stiffness using pulse wave analysis in 23 children with good glucose handling (postfeeding glucose: 3.9 to 5 mmol/L) and 21 with poor glucose handling (7.7 to 11.4 mmol/L). RESULTS: The time to pulse reflection was slightly shorter in the poorer glucose handlers (mean+/-SD: 143+/-10 vs 153+/-20 ms, P=0.04), suggestive of increased arterial stiffness. Also in this group, there were significant relationships between intraventricular septal thickness, blood pressure and body mass index, but not in the normal glucose handlers. CONCLUSIONS: We have found that normal children who are in the lowest quintile of glucose tolerance in comparison with their peers are exhibiting the first signs of arterial stiffening. In addition, we have seen the beginnings of a relationship between blood pressure, body mass index and left ventricular enlargement in this group. While these changes may not yet be clinically significant, their emergence might be further evidence of early predisposition to cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Three dimensional skin equivalents are widely used in dermatopharmacological and toxicological studies and as autologous transplants in wound healing. In pharmacology, there is tremendous need for monitoring the response of engineered skin equivalents to external treatment. Transplantation of skin equivalents for wound healing requires careful verification of their quality prior to transplantation. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact, non-destructive imaging technique for living tissues offering the potential to fulfill these needs. This work presents an analysis of OCT for high-resolution monitoring of skin equivalents at different stages during the culture process. METHODS: We developed a high-resolution OCT imaging setup based on a commercially available OCT system. A broadband femtosecond laser light source replaces the original superluminescence diode. Tomograms of living skin equivalents were recorded with an axial resolution of 3 mum and correlated with histology and immunofluorescence images. Comparison with standard low-resolution OCT is presented to emphasize the advantages of high-resolution OCT for this application. RESULTS: OCT is particularly able to distinguish between different layers of skin equivalents including stratum corneum, epidermal and dermal layer as well as the basement membrane zone. The high-resolution OCT scans correlate closely with two key benchmarks, histology and immunofluorescence imaging. CONCLUSIONS: This study clearly demonstrates the benefits of high-resolution OCT for identifying living tissue structure and morphology. Compared with the current gold standard histology, OCT offers non-destructive tissue imaging, enabling high-resolution evaluation of living tissue morphology and structure as it evolves.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To establish reference intervals for the fetal right, left and total lung volumes and heart volume between 12 and 32 weeks of gestation. METHODS: Fetal lung and heart volumes were measured using three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound in 650 normal singleton pregnancies at 12-32 weeks. The VOCAL (Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis) technique was used to obtain a sequence of six sections of each lung and the heart around a fixed axis, each after a 30 degrees rotation from the previous one. The rotation axis for the lungs extended from the apex to the upper limit of the diaphragm dome, and the rotation axis for the heart extended from its apex to its connection to the great vessels. The contour of each of these organs was drawn manually in the six different rotation planes to obtain the 3D volume measurement. In 60 cases the fetal lungs and heart volumes were measured by the same sonographer twice and also by a second sonographer once in order to compare the measurements and calculate intra- and interobserver agreement. RESULTS: The total lung volume and heart volume increased with gestation, from respective mean values of 1.6 and 0.6 mL at 12 weeks to 10.9 and 4.3 mL at 20 weeks and 49.3 and 26.6 mL at 32 weeks. The right to left lung volume ratio did not change significantly with gestation (median, 0.7), whereas the heart to total lung volume ratio increased with gestation from about 0.3 at 12 weeks to 0.5 at 32 weeks. In the Bland-Altman plot, the difference between paired measurements by two sonographers was, in 95% of the cases, less than 0.05, 0.5 and 1.9 mL for each lung at 12-13, 19-22 and 29-32 weeks, respectively, and the corresponding values for the heart volumes were 0.04, 0.4 and 2.3 mL. CONCLUSIONS: In normal fetuses the lung and heart volumes increase between 12 and 32 weeks of gestation. The extent to which in pathological pregnancies possible deviations in these measurements from normal prove to be useful in the prediction of outcome remains to be determined.  相似文献   
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