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Clinical analysis of 107 cases with chemical burns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From 1978 to 1987 107 cases of chemical burns were treated. The patients were mainly young and middle age people (83.08%), with mean burned areas 17.8%. The majority of involved parts were low extremities. 57.44% of burned eyes became blind. Mean days in hospital were 43 days. Cure rate was 98.13% and death rate 1.87%. We emphasized that burned wounds must instantly be washed down with water, intoxication resulting from chemical matters must be effectively treated. Diagnosis of depth of burned wound by acids and means of prevention of chemical burns were also discussed.  相似文献   
强化婴幼儿奶粉中叶酸的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强化叶酸的奶粉在0.05M K_2HPO_4缓冲液中,经均质,调pH4.5,15000g离心20分钟,其清液调pH4.0,进行CGS树脂离子交换层析,用10ml KClK_2HPO_4洗脱,调pH7.0,进行HPLC测定,采用300x3.9mm ODS反相柱,移动相0.05M K_2HPO+MeOH(91+9),流速1ml/分,紫外检测器波长285nm,灵敏度0.0050D。方法相对标准偏差为±3.3%,回收率为87%,最小检测量为0.02μg/ml。  相似文献   
Y Q Li  W Yuan  S L Zhang 《中国中西医结合杂志》1992,12(12):719-21, 737, 708
Xiao Er Ke Chuan Ling Oral Liquid (KCL) is a Chinese herbal preparation consisted of 10 herbs such as Prunus armeniacae, Scutelaria baicalensis, Lonicera japonica etc. 30 children suffering from bronchopneumonia and/or acute bronchitis were treated with KCL (treated group) and another 30 cases were treated with penicillin and aminophylline (control group). Results: cure rate and effective rate in treated group was 26.6%, and 93.3% respectively. While in control group was 30% and 96.6% respectively. No significant differences were seen between them(P > 0.05). The pharmacodynamic experiment showed KCL had potent pharmacological action. The experiment on tracheal fragment of Guinea pig in vitro showed it caused moderately strong smooth muscle relaxation, through inhibition the effect of histamine and acetylcholine. Asthma induction experiment of Guinea pig in vivo showed KCL could significantly prolong the latent period of asthma and alleviate asthmatic symptom. Ammonium water cough induction experiment in mice showed it may apparently prolong cough latent period and reduce times of cough relapse and alleviate cough symptom. KCL had potent antipyretic effect on fever model induced by triple vaccine in rabbits. Bacteriostatic and antiviral experiment in vitro showed the drug had quite strong inhibitory effects for Streptococcus hemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, Flexners Dysentery bacillus, Diplococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and it could potently inhibit the respiratory syncytial virus. KCL is an effective drug in treating bronchopneumonia and acute bronchitis.  相似文献   
影响脐血IgE值因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 本研究对影响脐血IgE值的可疑因素进行分析 ,探讨影响儿童食物过敏的可疑因素。方法 选取孕期妇女 10 5名及其所生婴儿 ,采用标准问卷调查获取资料 ,对影响脐血IgE的因素进行分析。 结果 母亲的过敏性疾病史、父亲过敏性疾病史中的皮炎表现型、孕期妇女过敏性疾病发作史、有过敏史妇女孕后期摄入过量的牛奶和鸡蛋均与脐血IgE值的上升有关 ,且上述 5个因素对脐血IgE水平的影响依次降低。 结论 母亲的过敏性疾病史和父亲过敏性疾病史中的皮炎表现型是导致新生儿脐血IgE值升高的主要危险因素 ;同时 ,妊娠期加强对有过敏史妇女的保护 ,防止过敏性疾病的复发 ,在孕后期控制有过敏史妇女牛奶、鸡蛋等大分子食物致敏原的摄入 ,有助于降低脐血IgE值。  相似文献   
后天性外耳道狭窄的手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨后天性外耳道狭窄的手术治疗方法及效果。方法对26例(27耳)外耳道狭窄行外耳道成形术或厢乳突根治鼓室成型术,取大腿内侧自体游离中厚皮片植皮,碘仿纱条压迫并扩张耳道。结果26例病人27耳随访6个月至8年,24耳外耳道宽敞,无再狭窄;3耳出现轻度狭窄,发生率11.1%(3/27),效果满意。结论对后天性外耳道狭窄的治疗可根据狭窄的原因、部位及程度等不同情况采用外耳道成形、游离中厚皮片移植或同时进行乳突根治鼓室成型术等手术治疗,术后局部换药,即能取得较好效果。  相似文献   
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