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苄基四氢巴马汀对心肌动作电位及浦氏纤维跨膜钾...   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:观察普罗布考(probucol)对血管平滑肌细胞(VSMCs)核因子kB(NF-kB)活性的调控作用,以探讨probucol在动脉粥样硬化(AS)和经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术后再狭窄(RS)防治中的某些可能的作用机制。方法:采用电泳迁移位移测定法观察probucol对VSMCsNF-kB活性的影响。结果:H2O2或胎牛血清(NCS)处理VSMCs72h后,NF-kB活性均明显增强;而加入100umol/Lprobucol后,NF-kB活性受到部分抑制,抑制率分别为37.1%和14.8%。结论:Probucol抑制NCS、H2O2诱导的VSMCsNF-kB的活性,可能是其临床有效防治RS及AS的作用机制之一。  相似文献   
数字减影泪道造影术的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:评价数字减影泪道造影术在临床检查泪道阻塞中的应用价值。方法:利用数字减影泪道造影术对82只正常眼及56只溢泪眼进行检查。并对图像进行分析。结果:数字减影泪道造影术能够提供清晰的泪道图像并对泪道阻塞的部位及泪道改变作出准确的判断。结论:数字减影泪道造影术是一种快速、有效和无损伤的检查方法。在泪道阻塞的诊断和治疗中将起重要作用。  相似文献   
血管运动性鼻炎激光治疗鼻腔粘膜致敏区的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :随访和对比激光治疗血管运动性鼻炎鼻腔粘膜不同区域的致敏性 ,以明确最佳治疗点。方法 :随机选择确诊的血管运动性鼻炎 1 0 3例 ,分为下鼻甲、中鼻甲、中鼻甲前 1 /3段 3组进行激光治疗。结果 :下鼻甲组总有效率为 66.7% ,中鼻甲组为 97.1 % ,中鼻甲前 1 /3段为 94.4% ,两中鼻甲组与下鼻甲组总有效率差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 0 5) ,中鼻甲组与中鼻甲前 1 /3段组总有效率差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5)。结论 :中鼻甲前 1 /3段是血管运动性鼻炎患者鼻粘膜最敏感的区域 ,是最佳激光治疗点。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of arotinoid acid (Ro13-7410) on the morphological and functional alterations of leukemia HL-60 cell line and compared with those of RA.Methods Differentiation of HL-60 cells was assessed by morphology and by NBT reduction.Trypan blue exclusion was used to determine viability.Apoptosis was assessed by changes in cell morphology and by measurement of fragmented DNA using the PCD-assay-kit.Telomerase PCR ELISA-kit tested telomerase activity.The cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry.Results Incubation of the HL-60 cells with 10(-6)-10(-8) mol/L Ro13-7410 resulted in suppression of cell growth.Apoptotic cells were detected following exposure to 10(-6) mol/LRo13-7410 for 3 hours by measurement of the 'in situ' enzymatic labeling of DNA breaks with biotinylated dUTP.Ultrastructural examination of Ro13-7410-treated samples showed cells with chromatin compaction and cytoplasm condensation and the presence of 'apoptotic bodies'.Cells induced into apoptosis were accompanied by increase of intracellular free Ca[2+].Percentage of HL-60 cells reduced NBT following incubation with Ro13-7410 was lower than with all-trans retinoic acid (RA) (27% vas 85%).Telomerase PCR-ELISA assay showed that HL-60 cells cultured in the absence of inducing agents had significant telomerase activity.Telomerase activity declined gradually after 10(-6) mol/L Ro13-7410 treatment, and changes becoming evident at 1 day.The inhibition of telomerase activity at day 5 of treatment with Ro13-7410 was less effective than with RA.DNA flow cytofluorimetric analysis revealed that Ro13-7410 caused partial cell arrest in the G(2)/M phase after a 2-day treatment and the percentage of cells arrested in the G(2)/M phase increased after 4-days treatment.With RA-treated cells, a reduction in the percentage of cells in the G(2)/M phase was observed after 2-day of treatment.Conclusion Our study shows that Ro13-7410 suppresses HL-60 cells growth mainly via the induction of apoptosis and is less effective than RA in induction differentiation.Ro13-7410 dramatically inhibits telomerase activity during the course of induction and results in G(2)/M arrest within 2 days.These findings suggest that Ro13-7410 is worthy of further study for its effects on leukemic cells.  相似文献   
定量PCR检测缺失型DMD/BMD携带者的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究DMD/BMD携带者临床诊断的有效手段。方法 :运用双重定量PCR及剂量系数分析 ,检测 2 6例正常对照 ,7例肯定携带者和 2 1例可疑携带者 ,部分结果与短片段重复顺序多态性方法及CK值作了比较。结果 :确定了判定参考标准 ,可疑携带者中 ,患儿母亲检测阳性率为 5 7.9% ,8例经短串联重复顺序多态性分析 ,得到了完全验证。结论 :定量PCR检测DMD/BMD携带者快速、敏感、准确 ,可在临床诊断中应用。  相似文献   
运用原位DNA末端标记法研究细胞凋亡对乳腺癌预后的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Wu J  Shao Z  Jiang M 《中华肿瘤杂志》1997,19(2):100-102
研究临床乳腺癌标本中细胞凋亡的发生情况,评价其在预测后在的意义。方法搜集91例浸润性乳腺癌的石蜡组织切片,运用原位DNA断裂位点的末端标记法,检测细胞凋亡,计算凋亡细胞占肿瘤细胞的百分比,求得凋亡指数。结果本组病例细胞凋亡发生率为91.2%,凋亡指数分为两组:0~0.21和0.28~0.62,凋亡指数高低与腋淋巴结转称相关(P<0.01)。生存率单因素分析中,凋亡指数高的病例,无病生存率(P=0.0095)及总生存率(P=0.0348)均优于凋亡指数低的病例。但Cox模型多因素分析末能指示凋亡指数是一个独立的预后指标。结论在乳腺癌组织中,细胞凋亡是一种自发现象,其发生情况各有不同,研究初步提示了细胞凋亡在乳腺癌预后中的作用,了解了凋亡和腋淋巴结转移的相关性。  相似文献   
SUMMARY  Animal and human studies have related the sleeping/waking brain to the immune system. Because women are more susceptible to certain immunological illnesses, and sex steroids regulate immune functions, it was investigated whether the diurnal sleep/wake pattern of aspects of cellular immune functions and interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-2-like activities differed during low and high progesterone phases of the menstrual cycle.
Eleven healthy women, mean age 24y, were assessed over 24h with serial venous blood samples. Peripheral blood monocytes were assayed for mitogen responses, i.e. phytohemagglutin (PHA) and pokeweed (PWM) and natural killer (NK) cell activities. Plasma was assayed for IL-1 and IL-2-like activities, cortisol and progesterone. Data were standardized by Z transformation and analysed by repeated-measures analysis of variance by comparing high ( N = 5) vs. low ( N = 6) progesterone phases.
During the high progesterone phase, delayed slow-wave sleep (SWS) onset time and reduced amount of SWS was accompanied by a delay in the decline of NK cell activity, but rise in PHA activity following sleep onset. With the low progesterone phase, the pattern was similar to men with an early sleep decline in NK cell and late sleep rise in PHA activities. PWM rose during the night and plasma IL-1-like activity peaked during midday and during nocturnal sleep irrespective of the amount of progesterone.
Slow-wave sleep and sleep-related NK cell and PHA activities differed over the menstrual cycle, but not PWM response. Increases in plasma IL-1 functions during midday and night are consistent with predisposition to sleepiness during these times.  相似文献   
In this article, we discuss recent findings that describe how maternal T cells respond upon encountering fetal antigens. Many earlier studies have characterized changes in the maternal T-cell repertoire of both humans and mice, yet it has been difficult to understand the significance of these findings since there has been no way to decipher if the alterations were the result of encounters with fetal antigens or were nonspecific changes related to pregnancy itself. Now, in the mouse, the availability of TCR transgenic mice and other technological advances allow direct visualization of the fate of maternal T cells that are reactive to the fetus and provide a means to probe the mechanisms by which tolerance to the fetus is maintained. This article focuses on how the fetus more closely resembles "developmental self' than a true allograft and how the study of maternal T-cell interactions with fetally derived antigens can be useful as a model for the study of peripheral T-cell tolerance.  相似文献   
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