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金尔伦治疗急性颅脑损伤的剂量效应研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨金尔伦(盐酸纳洛酮)在治疗大鼠液压脑损伤后神经功能恢复和病理损害程度的剂量效应.方法将104只SD大鼠随机分为4组,伤后早期分别腹腔注射0.03 mg/Kg(小剂量组)、0.3 mg/Kg(中剂量组)、3 mg/Kg(大剂量组)金尔伦和等量生理盐水(对照组),连续7 d.结果中、大剂量组动物伤后脑神经功能恢复、脑水肿减轻程度及光、电镜检查显著优于对照组及小剂量组.结论伤后早期使用中剂量和大剂量金尔伦(盐酸纳洛酮)对大鼠液压颅脑损伤有明显的治疗效果.  相似文献   
郑景浩  苏肇伉 《上海医学》1995,18(3):128-130
小儿先心病术后左房夺和肺动脉压力的监测在ICU中十分重要。心电图是论断和评价心脏疾患的常用方法。本文分析了32例小儿先心病手术前后(伴肺动脉高压16例)6个肢体导联心电图中P波和QRS波时限总和及振幅总和与左房、肺动脉压力的关系。结果表明两者均有良好的相关性(r=0.85 ̄0.88,r=0m74 ̄0.80,P〈0.01),该法简单、方便,可广泛开展,尤其在术后未放置PA和LA管或在IOU中已拨除L  相似文献   
超声引导下肿瘤内注射^90钇玻璃微球的肝癌综合治疗   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
董宝玮  梁萍 《中华医学杂志》1994,74(8):471-473,T048
超声引导下对28例肝癌病人进行了肿瘤内注射^90钇玻璃微球(Y-90GT MS)为主的综合性治疗(部分病人配合肿块周边注射无水酒精及门静脉穿刺化疗)。随访2~16个月(平均7.9个月),病人全健在。肿瘤缩小率为91%,其中显著缩小达75%;肿块回声呈致密增强,少数呈混合型或等回声型;肿瘤内及周边血流信号显著减少;原甲胎蛋白升高者13例,11例显著下降,其中6例降至正常;病人症状减轻,全身情况改善。  相似文献   
目的:通过对准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)患者主客观因素与疗效的相关性分析,了解临床影响术后视力的主观、客观因素。方法:对2002年间在我院行ASIK的164例患者325只眼(其中3例为单眼)进行连续性临床观察研究,分别进行术前、术后问卷式主客观因素调查,并对患者手术疗效进行相关性统计学分析。结果:患者术前对手术效果的期望值、手术中疼痛程度与手术后视力有显著相关性。结论:解除患者术前忧虑及避免术中疼痛对提高术后疗效有重要意义。  相似文献   
内膜下血管成形术是治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的主要方法之一,本文详细叙述了近年来内膜下血管成形术的新发展,包括适应证的拓展,各项操作新技术的进展,在小腿动脉中的应用及并发症的正确处理。为今后此技术更加广泛地应用提供了思路。  相似文献   
体外构建子宫内膜是利用组织工程学原理,在体外构建结构、形态与功能上与体内子宫内膜相似的三维模拟体。种子细胞分离培养、生物支架材料的合理选择及体外构建方法的优化是体外构建子宫内膜的重要因素。构建的子宫内膜在病理研究、三维培养体系、胚胎发育学及移植等方面具有重要的研究意义。只有更进一步模拟自然子宫的结构,优化构建技术路线和培养条件,才可以再造出真正意义上的组织工程化子宫。  相似文献   
胆固醇通过分布于十二指肠和近段空肠黏膜上皮细胞刷状缘膜的Niemann—Pick C1样蛋白1摄取,ATP结合盒G5、G8抑制小肠对胆固醇的摄取过程。进入上皮细胞的胆固醇大多数被乙酰辅酶A,胆固醇转乙酰基酶2酯化,随后通过组装形成乳糜微粒,经淋巴管进入血循环;另一部分胆固醇则以未酯化形式直接进入血循环形成高密度脂蛋白颗粒。这些过程受核受体——肝脏X受体的调控。年龄、性别、黏膜屏障和小肠传输速度也影响胆固醇的吸收。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: At present, there is still lack of effective drugs for chronic spinal cord injury, whereas it is found recently that estrogen has a neuroprotective effect on brain and spinal cord injuries. OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of estrogen on the apoptosis of nerve cells after gradual chronic spinal cord injury in ovariectomized rats. DESIGN: A randomized controlled animal trial. SETTING: Institute of Orthopaedics, the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University. MATERIALS: Sixty-five female Wistar rats of common degree, weighing 220–250 g, were provided by the experimental animal center of Lanzhou University. The rats were randomly divided into sham-operated group (n =5), estrogen-treated group (n =30) and saline control group (n =30), and the latter two groups were observed at 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 60 days respectively, and 5 rats for each time point. METHODS: All the rats were treated with bilateral oophorectomy 2 weeks before the experiment. T10 vertebral lamina was revolved into using plastic screw. The spinal canal impingement was not induced initially. After that, the original incision was opened to expose the screw every 7–10 days. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The apoptosis and Caspase-3 positive cells in the damaged spinal cord were detected using terminal deoxynucleotidal transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) method and Caspase-3 immunohistochemical staining at 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 60 days after chronic spinal cord injury respectively. RESULTS: Totally 65 rats were used, and the deleted ones during the experiment were supplemented by others. Changes of Caspase-3 expression after spinal cord injury: In the sham-operated group, only a small amount of Caspase-3 proteins were observed in the rat spinal cord, mainly located in motor neurons of spinal cord anterior horn. In the estrogen-treated group and saline control group, positive cells expressed occasionally at 1 day postoperatively, began to increase obviously at 7 days after injury, strongly expressed at 14 and 28 days, but decreased at 60 days, mainly located in the neurons of spinal cord gray matter anterior horn, and they expressed fewer in the motor neurons and white matter of ventral horn, and there were obvious differences between the estrogen-treated group and saline control group at 7, 14, 28 and 60 days (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Estrogen can reduce the apoptosis of nerve cells and promote the recovery of neurological function following gradual chronic spinal cord injury.  相似文献   
血管纹(stria vascularis)位于蜗管外侧壁,为代谢活跃的上皮组织,具有分泌K 和吸收内淋巴液电解质的功能,并产生内淋巴正电位。内淋巴中高浓度的K 聚积及内、外淋巴  相似文献   
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