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What's new in pancreatic cancer treatment?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pancreatic cancer represents a major challenge to oncologists because of its high chemoresistant nature and dismal outcomes. Conventional therapy for advanced disease relied for a long time on palliative 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based chemotherapy, but with unsatisfactory results. The introduction of the novel antimetabolite gemcitabine provides new optimism for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, as multiple clinical trials have demonstrated the superiority of gemcitabine over 5-FU and other agents for these patients. The benefits of gemcitabine over conventional therapies include improved response rate and enhanced survival, as well as improvement in disease-related symptoms and quality of life in these patients. With these data, gemcitabine is widely accepted worldwide as the therapy of choice by many oncologists for advanced pancreatic cancer. The current review presents an overview of the clinical studies of gemcitabine over the past decade for the treatment of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Other investigational regimens or uses (e.g., fixed dose-rate infusion, intraarterial infusion, adjuvant use, chemo-radiation, etc) are also reviewed. Received: October 27, 2001 / Accepted: November 16, 2001  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Right-lobe live donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is used by many liver transplant centres for treating adult patients with terminal liver disease, but its incremental benefit for the intended recipient over cadaveric liver graft transplantation has not been determined. The impact of LDLT as a proactive approach on the outcome of patients with acute liver failure was analysed. METHODS: From January 1999 to March 2001, right-lobe LDLT was offered proactively to 50 consecutive patients with acute liver failure and their families. The outcome of those who opted for right-lobe LDLT (n = 34) was compared with that of those who did not opt for LDLT (n = 16). RESULTS: In the group that opted for right-lobe LDLT, 16 patients eventually received a live donor right-lobe graft (14 patients survived) and three patients received a cadaveric liver graft that became available while the potential live donor was undergoing evaluation (all three patients survived). Among the group who did not opt for LDLT, only one patient received a cadaveric liver graft and survived. The former group had a higher overall survival rate (17 of 34 versus one of 16). With a proactive approach, the overall transplant rate was increased from four of 50 to 20 of 50. The morbidity rate among donors was low and none died. CONCLUSION: Right-lobe LDLT improves the overall survival rate of patients with acute liver failure and should be considered as one of the treatment options for adult patients with acute liver failure.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that donor hypernatremia and possibly recipient hyponatremia negatively impact graft function after orthotopic liver transplant (OLT). The purpose of this retrospective investigation was to determine whether measured differences in serum sodium values between cadaveric donors and OLT recipients (DeltaNa(+)) influence immediate postoperative allograft function and short-term patient outcomes. Two hundred and fifty patients that underwent OLT from January 2001 to December 2005 were included in this study. The DeltaNa(+) for each donor recipient pair was correlated with standard postoperative liver function tests as well as recipient length of intensive care unit stay (LOICUS), length of hospital stay (LOHS) and recipient survival. The relationship between donor hypernatremia (serum sodium >or= 155 mEq/mL), recipient hyponatremia (serum sodium level 相似文献   
肝脏移植术后的外科并发症   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的:探讨肝移植术后外科并发症的防治。方法:根据美国匹兹堡大学医疗中心Starzl移植研究所的经验,介绍与外科操作技术有关的术后常见并发症的防治方法,结果与结论:术后腹腔出血,肝动脉血栓形成,门静脉血栓形成,胆,胆道梗阻,胃肠道伐孔,胃肠道出血等是与外科技术操作有关的外科并发症,对肝脏移植术后异常情况的快速诊断和及时处理,是减少外科并发症的发生率和死亡重要措施。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The indications for simultaneous and sequential pediatric liver (LTx) and kidney (KTx) transplantation have not been well defined. We herein report the results of our experience with these procedures in children with end-stage liver disease and/or subsequent end-stage renal disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1984 and 1995, 12 LTx recipients received 15 kidney allografts. Eight simultaneous and seven sequential LTx/KTx were performed. There were six males and six females, with a mean age of 10.9 years (1.5-23.7). One of the eight simultaneous LTx/KTx was part of a multivisceral allograft. Five KTx were performed at varied intervals after successful LTx, one KTx was performed after a previous simultaneous LTx/KTx, and one KTx was performed after previous sequential LTx/KTx. Immunosuppression was with tacrolimus or cyclosporine and steroids. Indications for LTx were oxalosis (four), congenital hepatic fibrosis (two), cystinosis (one), polycystic liver disease (one), A-1-A deficiency (one), Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)-related (one), cryptogenic cirrhosis (one), and hepatoblastoma (one). Indications for KTx were oxalosis (four), drug-induced (four), polycystic kidney disease (three), cystinosis (one), and glomerulonephritis (1). RESULTS: With a mean follow-up of 58 months (0.9-130), the overall patient survival rate was 58% (7/12). One-year and 5-year actuarial patient survival rates were 66% and 58%, respectively. Patient survival rates at 1 year after KTx according to United Network of Organ Sharing (liver) status were 100% for status 3, 50% for status 2, and 0% for status 1. The overall renal allograft survival rate was 47%. Actuarial renal allograft survival rates were 53% at 1 and 5 years. The overall hepatic allograft survival rate was equivalent to the overall patient survival rate (58%). Six of seven surviving patients have normal renal allograft function, and one patient has moderate chronic allograft nephropathy. All surviving patients have normal hepatic allograft function. Six (86%) of seven sequentially transplanted kidneys developed acute cellular rejection compared with only two (25%) of eight simultaneously transplanted kidneys (P<0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneously transplanted kidneys were less likely to develop rejection than sequentially transplanted kidneys in this series. This did not have any bearing on patient or graft survival rates. Mortality correlated directly with the severity of United Network of Organ Sharing status at the time of kidney transplantation. Candidates for simultaneous or sequential LTx/KTx should be prioritized based on medical stability to optimize distribution of scarce renal allografts.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Total laryngectomy following radiation therapy or concurrent chemoradiation therapy is associated with unacceptably high complication rates because of wound healing difficulties. With an ever increasing reliance on organ preservation protocols as primary treatment for advanced laryngeal cancer, the surgeon must develop techniques to minimize postoperative complications in salvage laryngectomy surgery. We have developed an approach using free tissue transfer in an effort to improve tissue vascularity, reinforce the pharyngeal suture line, and minimize complications in this difficult patient population. The purpose of this study was to outline our technique and determine the effectiveness of this new approach. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of a prospective cohort and compared it with a historical group (surgical patients of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)-91-11 trial). Eligibility criteria for this study included patients undergoing salvage total laryngectomy following failed attempts at organ preservation with either high-dose radiotherapy or concurrent chemo/radiation therapy regimen. Patients were excluded if the surgical defect required a skin paddle for pharyngeal closure. The prospective cohort consisted of 14 consecutive patients (10 males, 4 females; mean age, 58 years) who underwent free tissue reinforcement of the pharyngeal suture line following total laryngectomy. The historical comparison group consisted of 27 patients in the concomitant chemoradiotherapy arm of the RTOG-91-11 trial who met the same eligibility criteria (26 males, 1 female; mean age, 57 years) but did not undergo free tissue transfer or other form of suture line reinforcement. Minimum follow-up in both groups was 12 months. RESULTS: The overall pharyngocutaneous fistula rate was similar between groups-4/14 (29%) in the flap group, compared with 8/27 (30%) in the RTOG-91-11 group. There were no major wound complications in the flap group, compared with 4 (4/27, 14.8%) in the RTOG-91-11 group. There were no major fistulas in the flap group, compared with 3/27 (11.1%) in the RTOG-91-11 group. The rate of pharyngeal stricture requiring dilation was 6/14 (42%) in the flap group, compared with 7/27 (25.9%) in the RTOG-91-11 group. In our patients, the rate of tracheoesophageal speech was 14/14 (100%), and complete oral intake was achieved in 13/14 (93%) patients. Voice-Related Quality of Life Measure (V-RQOL) and Performance Status Scale for Head and Neck Cancer Patients (PSS-HN) scores suggest that speech and swallowing functions are reasonable following free flap reinforcement. CONCLUSIONS: Free vascularized tissue reinforcement of primary pharyngeal closure in salvage laryngectomy following failed organ preservation is effective in preventing major wound complications but did not reduce the overall fistula rate. Fistulas that developed following this technique were relatively small, did not result in exposed major vessels, and were effectively treated with outpatient wound care rather than readmission to the hospital or return to operating room. Speech and swallowing results following this technique were comparable to those following total laryngectomy alone.  相似文献   
Aim: To examine the survival benefit of liver and lung resection for colorectal metastasis and the potential prognostic factors that affect patient survival. Methods: All patients who had resection of lung or liver metastasis for colorectal metastasis in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong from 1995 to 2004 were retrospectively reviewed. The overall and disease‐free survival was analysed, in particularly between liver and lung metastasis. All factors that may have affected the survival were entered into Cox's proportional hazards regression model to identify significant variables associated with survival. Results: At 5 years, the overall survival of patients who had resection of lung and liver metastasis was 44% and 38%, respectively; the disease‐free survival was 26% and 24%, respectively. Overall and disease‐free survival of patients with resection of lung metastasis was comparable to those with resection of liver metastasis. The differentiations of primary tumour and time to metastasis were shown to be significant prognostic factors influencing overall survival. Those patients with systemic chemotherapy after resection of colorectal metastasis demonstrated a significantly higher probability of overall survival. Conclusion: Resection of lung and liver metastases from colorectal origin was safe and both procedures improved survival. The use of chemotherapy after resection of metastasis significantly improved the overall survival.  相似文献   
Transducin, a GTP-binding protein involved in phototransduction in the vertebrate retina, belongs to a family of homologous coupling proteins that also includes Gs and Gi, the regulatory proteins of adenylate cyclase. Here we report the cDNA sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of transducin's alpha subunit (T alpha). The cDNA was isolated, by screening with an antibody probe, from a bovine retinal cDNA library in the expression vector lambda gt11. The 2.2-kilobase cDNA insert hybridized to a single 2.6-kilobase poly(A)+ RNA species present in extracts of bovine retina but not of bovine heart, liver, or brain. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA revealed an open reading frame long enough to encode the entire 39-kDa T alpha polypeptide. The polypeptide sequence deduced from the cDNA would be composed of 350 amino acids and have a molecular weight of 39,971. Portions of the sequence matched reported amino acid sequences of T alpha tryptic fragments, including sites specifically ADP-ribosylated by cholera and pertussis toxins. The predicted sequence also includes four segments, ranging from 11 to 19 residues in length, that exhibit significant homology to sequences of GTP-binding proteins, including the ras proteins of man and yeast and the elongation factors of ribosomal protein synthesis in bacteria, EF-G and EF-Tu. In combination with previous functional studies of tryptic fragments of T alpha, the deduced amino acid sequence makes it possible to predict which portions of the polypeptide interact with other molecules involved in retinal phototransduction.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although the outcome of liver transplantation has improved significantly during the past two decades, graft loss caused by chronic rejection after liver transplantation still occurs in 2% to 20% of recipients. The overall incidence of chronic rejection is also reported to be low in adult recipients, and risk factors have been identified. Chronic rejection is associated with the inability to maintain baseline immunosuppression. Additionally, the diagnoses of primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, autoimmune hepatitis, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus, common indications for liver transplantation in adults, are associated with a higher incidence of chronic rejection. Fortunately, these diagnoses are rarely seen in children. Little is known about chronic rejection in long-term pediatric liver transplant survivors. The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the incidence of biopsy-proven chronic rejection in long-term survivors of primary pediatric liver transplantation under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression. METHODS: From October 1989 to December 1992, 166 children (boys=95, girls=71; mean age=5.0+/-2.9 years) received a primary liver transplant. These patients were followed until March 2000 with a mean follow-up of 9+/-0.8 (range, 7.4-10.4) years. All liver biopsy specimens and explanted grafts were evaluated for evidence of chronic rejection using the International Banff Criteria. RESULTS: The mortality rate during the follow-up period was 15% (n=25). Retransplantation was required in 11% (n=18) of recipients. Actuarial patient and graft survival rates at 10 years were 84.9% and 80.1%, respectively. There were 535 liver biopsy samples available for evaluation, including the 18 explanted allografts. Biopsy specimens of three other functioning allografts showed evidence of chronic rejection. Immunosuppression had been discontinued or drastically reduced in these recipients because of life-threatening infections, noncompliance, or both. On restoring baseline immunosuppression, all three children had normalized liver function and the allografts were maintained; the liver transplant patients who are alive currently have normal liver functions. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggest that chronic rejection does not occur in pediatric liver transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus-based immunosuppression, provided baseline immunosuppression is maintained.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND METHOD: Posttransplantation acute pancreatitis (PTAP) is a rare but serious complication after pediatric liver transplantation (LTx). We performed a retrospective review in a large cohort of pediatric liver transplant recipients at a single institution to define the impact of this problem in children. RESULTS: Between January 1986 and December 1999, 634 pediatric LTx were performed. Twenty-six patients developed serious acute pancreatitis. The mean age at transplantation was 7.7 years (9 months to 19 years), and the indications for transplantation were biliary atresia in seven, fulminant hepatic failure in six, chronic rejection in seven, and other etiologies in six patients. PTAP was more likely to occur early after LTx (61% within the first week), was associated with the presence of an infrarenal aortic graft in 14 (54%) of 26 patients, was more likely to occur after retransplantation (11/26 patients), and was associated with blood loss and prolonged surgery in four cases. Acute renal failure occurred in 15 (58%) of 26 patients. Mortality was 42% (11/26); causes of death were sepsis or multiple organ failure in nine and hemorrhage in two patients. Management of PTAP included antibiotics, sphincterotomy, debridement with drainage, hepatic arterial revascularization, and arterial ligation. Of the 14 patients with complicated pancreatitis, 5 were treated conservatively and died. Nine patients had extensive operative interventions and four survived (45%). CONCLUSIONS: Several risk factors such as retransplantation, extensive dissection at the time of LTx, and use of infrarenal arterial graft contribute to development of PTAP in children. Early exploration and debridement in patients with complicated pancreatitis may result in a better outcome. Retransplantation in the presence of clinical pancreatitis has a high failure rate.  相似文献   
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