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BACKGROUND: Neurons expressing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) play an important role in the regulation of wakefulness to sleep, as well as the maintenance of sleep. However, the role of GABAergic neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus (TMn), with regard to the sleep-wakefulness cycle, is poorly understood.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of GABAergic neurons in the TMn on the sleep-wakefulness cycle.
DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: Randomized controlled study, performed at the Laboratory of Neurobiology, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University from July 2007 to February 2008. MATERIALS: Fifteen healthy, adult, male, Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups(n = 5): control, ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO) lesion, and VLPO lesion plus GABAA receptor antagonist-treated. Ibotenic acid and bicuculline were provided by Sigma (St. Louis, USA).
METHODS: Four electroencephalogram screw electrodes were implanted into the skull at a frontal region (two) and parietal bones (two) on each side. Three flexible electromyogram wire electrodes were placed into the nuchal muscles. On day 8, a fine glass micropipette (10–20 mm tip diameter) containing ibotenic acid solution (10 nmol/L) was injected into the VLPO in both hemispheres following bone wax removal under anesthesia. One week after the second surgery, sleep-wakefulness states were recorded in rats from the VLPO lesion group. On day 10 after VLPO lesion, bicuculline (10 nmol/L), a GABAA-receptor antagonist, was microinjected into the TMn and sleep-wakefulness states were recorded for 24 hours.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Duration of the sleep-wakefulness cycle in each group using a Data acquisition unit (Micro1 401 mk2) and Data collection software (Spike Ⅱ). RESULTS: VLPO lesion induced an increased duration of wakefulness (W, 13.17%) and light slow-wave sleep (SWS1, 28.9%), respectively. Deep slow-wave sleep (SWS2, 43.74%) and paradoxical sleep (PS, 44.07%) were respectively decreased for 24 hours at day 9 post-lesion, compared with pre-lesion (P 〈 0.01). Microinjection of bicuculline into the TMn following VLPO lesion at 10:00 am on the 10th day elicited a wake state for 40–55 minutes, with a latency of 15 minutes. However, 24-hour sleep-wake states demonstrated that the ratio of W and SWS1 were increased by 12.61% (P 〈 0.01) and 50.97% (P 〈 0.01), respectively. In addition, SWS2 and PS were decreased by 68.08% (P 〈 0.01) and 39.92% (P 〈 0.05), respectively, compared with prior to VLPO lesion.
CONCLUSION: The evidence of decreased deep slow-wave sleep, which was induced by VLPO lesion, suggested that GABAergic neurons in the VLPO play an important role in maintaining sleep. Bicuculline microinjection into the TMn, following VLPO lesion, elicited wakefulness and sleep depression for 50 minutes, with contrary increased light slow-wave sleep for 24 hours, which suggested that GABAergic neurons in the TMn play a role in sleep drive (sleepiness) via local circuit to directly inhibit histaminergic neurons.  相似文献   
目的 基于数据挖掘技术总结术后胃肠功能紊乱(postoperative gastroin-testinal dysfunction,POGD)的选穴规律。方法 以中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方学术期刊全文数据库(Wanfang)、维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、中国生物医学文献数据库(Sino Med)及Pub Med数据库为检索范围,提取近10年针刺治疗POGD的临床文献的处方,建立治疗POGD针灸处方数据库,采用关联规则分析、聚类分析对高频腧穴进行分析总结。结果共纳入文献382篇,提取处方针刺392个,涉及94个腧穴,总频次为1 660次。使用频次较高的腧穴为足三里、上巨虚、内关、三阴交、天枢;腧穴归经频次较高的是胃经、脾经、任脉、心包经;腧穴大多分布在四肢部(下肢居多)、胸腹部;重视下合穴、五输穴、交会穴、募穴的使用;治疗方法以针刺、电针及联合中药为主;腧穴配伍支持度较高的是足三里-上巨虚、足三里-内关、足三里-三阴交、足三里-天枢;核心处方可能为足三里-内关-上巨虚-下巨虚。结论 针刺治疗POGD选穴以下肢部为主,重视特定穴的应用,符合临床治疗规律。  相似文献   
目的:探讨2型糖尿病患者血尿酸水平和肾脏白蛋白排泄率的关系。方法:检测316例2型糖尿病患者血尿酸、晨尿微量白蛋白/肌酐、尿酸排泄分数,根据尿微量白蛋白/肌酐水平分为正常组、微量白蛋白组和大量白蛋白组,根据血尿酸水平分为尿酸正常组(血尿酸360μmol/L)和高尿酸血症组(血尿酸≥360μmol/L),将患者血尿酸水平从低到高排序,等分为4组,使用SPSS 13.0软件包进行分析。结果:(1)高尿酸血症组体质量指数、腰臀比、平均动脉压、三酰甘油及尿微量白蛋白/肌酐较尿酸正常组高(P0.05)。(2)正常组、微量白蛋白组、大量白蛋白组血尿酸水平分别为(285.3±76.8)μmol/L、(300.1±101.3)μmol/L、(342.4±103.8)μmol/L,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05);血尿酸值等分4组的异常尿白蛋白患病率分别是19.4%,20.0%,22.5%,34.8%。(3)以尿微量白蛋白/肌酐为因变量进行多元逐步线性回归,血尿酸、尿酸排泄分数及平均动脉压进入方程,以尿微量白蛋白/肌酐分级为因变量进行二元logistic回归,结果显示血尿酸的相对危险度为1.158,P=0.008。结论:2型糖尿病患者血尿酸与肾脏白蛋白排泄率独立相关,可反映肾脏的早期病变。  相似文献   
髋臼骨折是临床常见而又难治的骨折,近五年来,本人在广东省中医院珠海医院骨一科进修期间及本院在使用手术方法治疗各型髋臼骨折36例,取得较好疗效,现总结分析报道如下。  相似文献   
髋部骨折是临床常见创伤,多见于老年人,治疗不当可致严重后果。滑动加压鹅头钉(DHS)是临床治疗髋部骨折常用且较成熟的治疗方法,基层医院也开展较多。作者自1998-2006年问采用DHS治疗髋部骨折57例,手术结果良好。现将手术操作体会报告如下。  相似文献   
中一个图形文件,就会在右侧的预览区中显示图片内容。快速访问最近的文件夹在许多软件的“文件”菜单的最下方总会列出一些最近访问过的文件,但在Windows提供的普通文件对话框。为加强对外方向专业的针灸课程的学习,我们的双语教学的课程设置有:《经络学》,《腧穴学》,《针灸治  相似文献   
中医英语是一门新兴的学科。中医文献翻译将经历一个曲折而漫长的过程。笔者认为,目前中医文献翻译应以“信”、“达”为标准,在翻译实践和参阅各家的基础上,笔者对中医文献翻译思路上有所体会。明确翻译思路,用严谨而科学的态度,准确﹑贴切,恰如其分地转达中医文献的信息。  相似文献   
目的:观察火针、电针和碳酸钙D3疗法对氟骨症患者疼痛、关节运动障碍以及尿氟排泄的影响。方法:采用随机对照试验,将95例患者随机分为火针组(31例)、电针组(33例)、碳酸钙D3组(31例)。火针组和电针组取阿是穴、大椎、膈俞、曲池、合谷、血海等穴,分别采用火针和电针疗法,每周3次;碳酸钙D3组口服碳酸钙D3片,每次600mg,每日2次。电针组和碳酸钙D3组均治疗2个月,火针组治疗1个月。比较3组患者治疗前后疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)、关节活动度以及尿氟含量的变化。结果:治疗后,3组患者VAS值、关节活动度均显著改善(均P0.05);3组治疗后组间比较差异无统计学意义(均P0.05);治疗后火针组尿氟值显著升高[(7.89±3.61)mg/L vs(9.81±4.17)mg/L,P0.01],电针组也有所升高[(7.53±3.46)mg/L vs(8.97±4.21)mg/L,P0.05],而碳酸钙D3组前后差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:火针、电针、碳酸钙D3对于防治氟骨症均有临床价值,目前尚未观察到疗法间疗效的差异,但是火针和电针对于促进尿氟排泄有积极意义。  相似文献   
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