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中国传统治疗手段之一的推拿发展至今,人们逐渐挖掘验证推拿手法的合理性且创造新的推拿手法 。按法作为推 拿的手法之一,其操作内容即手法的刺激量,手法的力度、频率和时间也引起众多学者的兴趣 。其操作的量化和标准化在推动 手法进一步发展壮大中起着重要的作用 。推拿手法的评判标准仍然是“持久、有力、均匀、柔和、深透”,但这一标准目前并没有 相对准确的科学表达和衡量标准 。 因此,需要大量的高质量研究作为支撑,顺应中医药标准化规范,体现中医药科学性,进而 帮助推拿走向国际化的趋势。  相似文献   
中医文化是中医药事业的根基和灵魂,中医药院校如何培养新时代大学生中医文化自信,传承中医文化,成为教育工作者亟需思考的问题.根据中医人才培养现状及人才目标,教育管理者应从中医文化自信的理论研究、课程设置、教材建设、实践基地、师资队伍、宣传推广等维度展开,坚定新时代中医药院校大学生的中医文化自信.  相似文献   
本文总结了严洁教授针灸治疗耳鸣的临床经验,主要从结合脏腑经络,注重辨证论治,重视特定穴位、局部选穴和多法并用等方面加以论述.  相似文献   
作为传统医学重要组成部分的推拿医学,传承发展数千年,不断与时俱进。在康复医学传入我国之后,推拿与康复医学学科交叉发展成为大势所趋。如何有机地将两者融合发展,更好地服务于康复临床,成为中医教育研究重点之一。通过教学实验实践,认为有必要将"推拿和康复融合理念指导下的临床思维和技术能力"确定为康复推拿学科交叉型教学的核心素养,在理念、评定、技术三方面多层次进行《康复推拿学》课程体系构建。  相似文献   
随着现代生活节奏的加快,近年来乳腺增生症的发病率明显升高,且呈年轻化的趋势。通过收集整理临床上有关于推拿及结合其它疗法治疗乳腺增生症的文献,发现不同推拿方法对乳腺增生症均具有良好的治疗效果,故在临床上应重视推拿,充分发挥其见效快、操作性强、无副作用、痛苦小之特点,以提高乳腺增生症的临床疗效。  相似文献   
李篮  何群  王欢欢  李铁浪  卿蓝  王适 《中成药》2010,32(12):2165-2167
目的:比较不同治疗方法对脾气虚证家兔的疗效。方法:将实验用家兔随机分为4组,即空白组、模型组、中药组、捏脊组。实验结束后(第15天),采用双波长分光光度法测定各组血清D-木糖的含量并以此为指标评价各组的治疗效果。结果:由血清D-木糖含量测定的方法学考察结果可知,该分析方法简便、快速、准确,灵敏度高、重复性好(RSD=1.78%),供试品溶液在5个小时内稳定。通过测定各实验组D-木糖含量及统计学处理结果表明,四君子汤的疗效与捏脊组的治疗效果差异无统计学意义。结论:单独采用捏脊疗法的治疗效果与单独用四君子汤的治疗效果差别无统计学意义,治疗效果相近。  相似文献   
目的探讨脑性瘫痪患儿早期治疗的有效手段.方法以"靳三针"、推拿为主,配合穴位注射及口服中成药治疗7岁以下脑瘫患儿83例.结果显效19例,有效48例,无效16例,总有效率80.7%.在年龄方面,3岁以下患儿较3岁以上疗效好,且疗程越长,疗效越好;就脑瘫类型而言,痉挛型和肌张力低型较混合型和手足徐动型疗效好.  相似文献   
针灸推拿教学实验室的建设在国内外亦无可借鉴的经验供参考,操作难度较大。因此,我们在学院主管领导、设备处的大力支持下,根据针灸推拿专业的教学特点,发挥主观能动性,汇聚全系教职工的集体智慧,多方考察、论证,大胆引进、消化、吸收当今科技成果,创造性地建设针灸推拿教学实验室,在三  相似文献   


To discuss the clinical efficacy of Liu’s infantile tuina therapy in treating kid’s allergic rhinitis (AR).


Sixty eligible AR kids were randomized into a tuina group and a Western medication group by their visiting sequence, 30 cases in each group. The tuina group was intervened by Liu’s infantile tuina therapy, once daily, 5 times as a treatment course, with a 2-day interval after a course; the control group was by orally taking Loratadine. The therapeutic efficacies were compared and analyzed after treatment for 4 successive weeks.


After treatment, the symptoms such as itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, and stuffy nose were significantly improved in both groups (P<0.05), and the improvements in the tuina group were more remarkable than those in the Western medication group (P<0.05). The total effective rate was 90.0% in the tuina group versus 73.3% in the Western medication group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).


Liu’s infantile tuina therapy can produce a better therapeutic efficacy in treating AR kids compared to oral administration of Loratadine.


To observe the influence of Nie-pinching the spine manipulation on the excretory rate of urine D-xylose in the infants with diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, and to assess the clinical effects.


Sixty infants in conformity with the diagnostic criteria of diarrhea due to spleen deficiency were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group by the random digital table, 30 cases in each group. The infants in the treatment group were treated by Nie-pinching the spine manipulation and traditional infantile tuina, in addition to the routine basic treatment. The infants in the control group were treated by the same traditional infantile tuina in addition to the routine basic treatment. The infants in the two groups were treated once every day, 4 weeks as a course. Totally, the treatment was given for a course. The symptom integrals of spleen deficiency were used to assess the improvement in the symptoms. The colorimetry was used to determine the excretory rate of urine D-xylose.


In the comparison of the same group before and after the treatment, the differences in the global score of spleen deficiency symptoms and the excretory rate of urine D-xylose in the two groups were statistically significant (all P<0.01). After the treatment, the differences in the global score of spleen deficiency symptoms and the excretory rate of urine D-xylose between the two groups were all statistically significant (both P<0.01).


Chiropractics can reduce the integrals of spleen deficiency symptoms and elevate the excretory rate of urine D-xylose in the infants with diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, so as to enhance the therapeutic effects by alleviating the symptoms of spleen deficiency and the absorptive function of the small intestine.
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