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BACKGROUND:To inhibit the expressions of prothrombin activator inhibitor 1 and tissue plasminogen activator is one potential target for the treatment of cerebral infarction. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the expressions of serum inflammatory cytokines in rats with cerebral infarction undergoing bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation combined with edaravone. METHODS:Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats were enrolled to prepare models of focal cerebral infarction by middle cerebral artery occlusion, and were randomly divided into four groups. Rats were given intravenous injection of PBS via tail veins for 5 consecutive days as model group, rats were subjected to intravenous injection of 2.0×109 /L bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell suspension (1 mL) via tail veins, twice daily for 5 days as stem cell transplantation group, and those were given intravenous injection of 30 mg edaravone combined with intravenous injection of 2.0×109/L bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell suspension (1 mL) via tail veins for 5 days, twice daily, as combined group. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Compared with the model group, modified neurologic severity scores were lower, expressions of serum prothrombin activator inhibitor 1 and tumor necrosis factor-α mRNA in the brain decreased, and the infarct area reduced in the stem cell transplantation and combined groups. And the changed levels of above indicators in the combined group were significantly larger than those of the stem cell transplantation group. In conclusion, combination of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation with edaravone can promote neural function recovery after cerebral infarction.  相似文献   
刘果  宋乃光 《北京中医药》2006,25(6):363-364
圣散子为中医抗疫之名方,不仅因为其卓著的疗效,更有赖于一代文豪苏东坡的大力推荐.然而此方在流传的过程中,却出现了不少问题,甚则"杀人无数".本为疗寒疫之方,而用之于热疫,其中的原因值得深思.  相似文献   
自《金匮要略》首次记述以甘麦大枣汤治疗妇女脏躁病以来,历代医家对其评价甚高,皆以甘麦大枣汤作为治疗脏躁病的专方。许叔微、薛立斋、陈自明、陈修园等临床医家都有用本方治疗妇人无故自悲的验案,近代医家陆渊雷《金匮要略今释》更誉称其为治脏躁病的“特效”方,并列举前人验案加  相似文献   
清营汤研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
清营汤作为温病营分证治疗的代表方 ,其主治证候及体现的“透热转气”治则一直是学者们研究讨论的重点。通过对近几年清营汤研究论文的整理发现清营汤所治疗的营分证 ,在热伤营阴、热扰心神、热毒窜络的证候中多伴有气分证的某些表现 ,且治疗结果也表现为由营分证向气分证转化的趋势。所以是一首凉营清气活络并用方  相似文献   
<正> 艺勇同志在1982年12期《辽宁中医杂志》发表题为"评'气虚发热理论的研究进展'"的文章,以"题文不符"、"前后矛盾"、"引文失真"为名,对我们在该刊同年7期发表的综述性文章加以否定.在重新温习了有关气虚发热理论的观点以后,我们对"艺文"发表拙见如下.  相似文献   
有关清代吴鞠通(瑭)所著的《温病条辨》上焦篇桂枝汤的应用,争论甚多。后世医家对其用桂枝汤的争议主要持以下两种观点:一种认为温病初起可以配合辛温解表法,可以用桂枝汤,另一种认为不应当用桂枝汤治温病。我们赞同第二种说法。  相似文献   
古代中国是个多疫病的国家,我国劳动人民与疫病进行了顽强的抗争。本文从疫病病名沿革、疫病病因、疫病学派、疫病防治经验等4个方面对中医疫病学进行研究,概述疫病学的发展过程,研究疫病学的学术特点和疫病病因,并通过概括历史上有代表性的大疫的治疗特点,领悟古代医家治疫思想和方法对现代防治传染病的启示。  相似文献   
薛生白《湿热病篇》湿热在中焦的条文有第8、第10、第12、第13、第37五条,归入"邪在气分"中,包含膜原、脾胃两部分湿热证治。湿热在膜原证者其湿浊最重,治以辟秽化浊、香辛苦温之品为主。湿热在脾胃有湿与热的多少之分:湿邪极盛,"尚未蕴热"者,治以"辛开";湿伏中焦,湿渐化热者,治以燥湿之中稍佐祛湿;湿邪化热,余湿犹滞的"湿热参半"证,治以辛泄佐清热;而对于"太阴之湿与阳明之热相合"者,则治以清阳明之热为主,兼祛太阴之湿。舌诊在湿热病辨证治疗中有重要作用,薛生白用"舌遍体白"、"舌白"、"舌根白,舌尖红"等区分湿与热的多少,其意义正如薛生白所说:"凭验舌以投剂,为临证时要诀。盖舌为心之外候,浊邪上熏心肺,舌苔因而转移。"  相似文献   
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