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目的:从复杂系统角度对真武汤治疗糖尿病肾病的作用机制进行研究。方法:以"茯苓"、"白术"、"芍药"、"附子"、"生姜"为关键词检索中国中药化学成分数据库、Drugbank数据库和《中华人民共和国药典》(2010版)获取中药、成分、靶点信息,并建立数据集,以Cytoscape软件为载体,构建中药-成分-靶点之间的复杂网络模型,并推测出药物组方与作用靶点之间的关系。结果:中药-成分-靶点网络是一个多途径、多环节的小世界网络,部分节点度相对较低,且各药物的重复靶点较少,表明该网络具有无标度属性;聚类结果表明,各味中药中至少含有一种有效成分与靶点存在作用关系。结论:真武汤在糖尿病肾病的治疗中存在能够作用于相关靶点的有效成分。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   
骨形成因子 (BoneMorphogeneticProtein :BMP)属于生长转移因子 (Transforminggrowthfaltorβ)是属于TGF—β的一种蛋白质 ,在机体内对骨组织具有特异性的诱导活性 ,且是与多种多样细胞的增殖、分化、基质产生等相关的多功能性因子。它在骨形态的形成及机体功能调节等方面具有重要的作用。1 BMP的基础研究BMP自被发现以来 ,国内外许多学者经过 30多年的研究 ,特别是最近的十年间 ,伴随着分子生物学技术的应用 ,已取得了显著成绩。1 1 BMP的组成与种类Urist[3] 将经…  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   
纳络酮对全脑缺血大鼠的神经保护作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全脑缺血后如何保护脑功能、减轻缺血/再灌注损伤是目前研究热点,但有效的神经保护剂并不多,仅tempol、MK-801等在实验中证明有效。纳络酮,作为传统意义的阿片受体拮抗剂,在许多实验和临床研究中亦被证明有神经保护作用,但仍存在较多争议。最近研究揭示纳络酮具有抑制钙超载的作用,本文通过研究其对钙结合蛋白表达的影响来探讨纳络酮的神经保护作用。1材料与方法实验选用健康SD大鼠29只,雌雄不拘,体重185.5~294.0g,建立窒息 艾司洛尔的大鼠心肺骤停模型[1],实验参数设计和记录均参照实验研究的Utstein模型。实验动物随机分为4组:假手术组…  相似文献   
<正> 烧伤后急性肾功能哀竭(ARF)是烧伤早期严重并发症之一,死亡率极高。近两年来,我科有6名烧伤病人并发 ARF,均导致死亡,报告讨论如下。临床资料一、病例情况 1987年5月至1985年8月我利1收治的烧伤病人,},有6例并发了  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the possibility of inducing immune tolerance to vein trans-plantation in rats by intrathymic injection of allogene. Methods MHC antigen extracted from splenic cells of donor Wistar rats was intrathymically injected to recipients SD rats, and donor Wistar femur vein was transplanted after 2 weeks. Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A ( femur vein autograft) ,group B ( femur vein allograft) ,group C ( femur vein allograft with use of immunosuppressant), group D (intrathymus injection). Imaging, histology and immunological assays of these groups were carried out 2 weeks after the transplantation. Results Histologic parameters that were tested were better in group D than those in group B. The concentration of serum IFN-γ in group B was significantly higher than that in groups A, C and D [ ( 86. 707±10.928 ) ng/L vs (29.328±4. 170), (69.076±8.059) and (63.355± 4.895) ng/L respectively, P < 0.05 ]. The concentration of serum IL-4 in group B was obviously lower than in groups C and D [ (23.656±3.369) ng/L vs (29.425±4.174) and ( 31.000±4.659) ng/L re-spectively,P < 0.05 ]. Conclusion Intrathymus injection of allogenic antigen might induce specific im-mune tolerance to femur vein transplantation in rats.  相似文献   
艾灸治疗中风患者肢体水肿90例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中风偏瘫患者患侧肢体由于血液循环障碍出现水肿症状,影响正常的活动功能,使病程延长。从1994年7月~1997年11月,对90例患者进行艾灸治疗,并对其中15例进行艾灸治疗前后甲皱微循环检测,现将结果报告如下。1 临床资料11 病例选择 90例均为本院住院患者,其中男63例,女27...  相似文献   
目的:比较两组黄芩提取物(河北黄芩水提组与黄芩成分配比物组)对流感病毒甲型鼠肺适应株(FM1)感染小鼠的死亡保护作用以及肺指数、肺组织病毒血凝滴度的影响。方法:以FM1感染小鼠为动物模型,感染1h后给药,以死亡率、肺指数、血凝滴度为评价指标,观察两组黄芩提取物在小鼠体内的抗流感病毒作用。结果:两组黄芩提取物均能降低流感病毒感染小鼠的死亡率。(P<0.05),延长小鼠的存活时间(P<0.05),降低肺指数(P<0.05),降低血凝滴度(P<0.05)。结论:两组黄芩提取物对FM1感染小鼠均具有良好的抗流感病毒感染作用,两组疗效相当,说明黄芩苷、汉黄芩素及黄芩素的合理配比可体现黄芩的药效质量。  相似文献   
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