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本文通过对慢性支气管炎病因病机的探讨,制定了温阳通络法为慢性支气管炎的治疗法则,并自拟温阳通络止嗽方针刺治疗慢性支气管炎急性发作,取得较为满意的临床疗效.  相似文献   
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)是一种常见的呼吸系统慢性疾病.近年,由于生态改变导致环境污染、工作压力导致生活紧张等原因,其发病率呈持续上升趋势,已引起医学界的广泛关注.中医学没有COPD这一病名,但根据其发病症状及特点,应归属于中医学肺胀、咳嗽、喘病、痰饮等范畴.笔者通过对本病的深入研究及长期的临床观察,认为阳虚痰瘀、壅塞气机是慢性阻塞性肺疾病的基本病机.现就其发病机理报道如下.  相似文献   
万文蓉 《光明中医》2009,24(12):2341-2342
中医学"六腑以通为用"理论对腑病的临床治疗具有很高的指导价值.<素问·五脏别论>指出:"六腑者,传化物而不藏,故实而不能满也."说明六腑以"实"为生理,"满"则为病理.即六腑必须畅通无阻,以通为用,以降为顺,才能维持正常生理功能.如果六腑通降失常,积滞内停,常可导致多种腑病的发生.因此,六腑的功能决定了腑病"以通为用"的治则.现就临床辨治泄泻验案1例汇报如下.  相似文献   
益气温阳法辨治过敏性鼻炎   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
过敏性鼻炎是以鼻痒、喷嚏、流清涕、鼻塞为主要症状的一种常见病、多发病。随着气候、环境的变化,发病率越来越高。现代医学认为由于机体免疫功能失调,对某些吸入的变应原(过敏原)敏感性增高所致的变态反应,又称此病为"变应性鼻炎"。根据其临床特点,中医认为过敏性鼻炎属于“鼻鼽”范畴,  相似文献   
古籍文献针灸治疗耳鸣处方特点探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自唐代《千金要方》以来共有10部古籍文献记载了针灸治疗耳鸣的处方16个,为探求古代医家针灸治疗耳鸣选穴配方的规律及思路,特对16个处方的特点进行了分析,供临床参考。  相似文献   
朱良春治疗疑难病的思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万文蓉 《中医杂志》2000,41(1):14-15
所谓疑难病是指目前医者在临床上感到棘手的疾病,问题在于“辨证”之“疑”,“论治”之“难”。要掌握“辨疑不惑,治难不乱”,关键是我们要加强基础理论的熟练掌握,临床实践的灵活应用,不断探索总结辨证论治的方法与技巧,找到“证”的本质,自可得心应手,发挥中医药的特色和优势。现将朱师治疗疑难病的思路整理如下。1 怪病多由痰作祟,顽疾必兼痰和瘀  相似文献   
<正>Objective:To study the clinical efficacy of electroacupuncture(EA)on treating knee osteoarthritis (KOA)of Shen(肾)-Sui(髓)insufficiency(SSI)syndrome type.Methods:A total of 245 patients(279 knees)of KOA-SSI were randomly assigned to two groups by lottery:141 knees in the treatment group and 138 knees in the control group.The treatment group was managed with EA at the dominant points of Neixiyan(Ex-LE4) and Waixiyan(Ex-LE5)as well as the conjugate points of Xuanzhong(GB39)and Taixi(KI3)for 30 min,once a day,with 15 days as one course;2 courses were applied with a 5-day interval in between.The control group was treated with intra-articular injection of 2 mL hyaluronic acid into the affected joint every 7 days for 5 times in total.The clinical effects on the patients in different stages were observed,and their symptom scores of knee and contents of cytokines,including interleukin-1(IL-1),interleukin-6(IL-6),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), prostaglandin E_(2α)(PGE_(2α)and matrix metalloproteinases-3(MMP-3),in the knee joint fluid were measured before and after treatment.Results:The study was completed in 235 patients(263 knees);four patients(7 knees) in the treatment group and six patients(9 knees)in the control group dropped out.Comparison of therapeutic effects(excellent and effective rates)between the two groups showed insignificant differences(P0.05). Symptom scores of knee and contents of cytokines in the knee fluid after treatment were lowered significantly in the patients of stageⅠ-Ⅲin both groups(P0.05 or P0.01).However,the lowering of the total symptom score of knee in the patients of stageⅢin the treatment group was more significant(P0.05).Conclusions:EA could effectively alleviate the clinical symptoms in KOA patients of stage 1,showing an effect superior to that of hyaluronic acid.EA also shows action in suppressing the secretion of IL-1,IL-6,TNF-α,PGE_(2α)and MMP-3 in the knee fluid.  相似文献   
失眠是临床上的常见病、多发病,随着工作压力的加大和生活节奏的加快,患病率逐年上升.失眠,中医称"不寐",是指经常性睡眠减少的病症,表现为就寝时难以入寐或时寐时醒,寐后易醒,醒后难寐,甚至彻夜难眠.  相似文献   
补中益气汤疗鼻疾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
补中益气汤源于李东垣的《脾胃论》,由黄芪、人参、甘草、白术、陈皮、当归、升麻、柴胡、生姜、大枣组成。专为气虚发热和气虚下陷等证而设。笔者根据中医辨证论治的优势 ,采取异病同治的方法 ,用该方治疗某些鼻部疾病 ,获得较为满意的疗效 ,现举例介绍如下。1 鼻塞彭某某 ,男 ,3 2岁。 1 998年 1 1月 2 5日初诊。鼻塞 ,明显呈交替性而作 (即右侧卧左鼻腔塞 ,左侧卧右鼻腔塞 ) ,尤见于夜间 ,已近 1 0年。伴嗅觉迟钝 ,两耳阻塞感阵作 ,咽干 ,长期大便稀溏 ,日行 2~ 3次 ,易疲劳 ,自觉畏寒恶风 ,入冬为甚 ,平素容易感冒。舌胖有齿痕、色淡…  相似文献   
万文蓉 《中医药通报》2014,(1):I0001-I0001
你见,或者不见我 我就在那里 不悲不喜  相似文献   
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