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目的:了解中国不同地区间中老年人群膝关节骨性关节炎患病危险因素。方法:调查时间为2005—07/08。①从中国六大行政区(西北,华北,华东。中南,东北,西南)选出六城市(西安,石家庄,上海。广州,哈尔滨市,成都),用分层多阶段整群抽样方法,抽取6218名40岁及以上具有正式户口常住男女人群进行膝关节骨性关节炎的流行病学问卷调查(包括一般情况、现病史、既往史、体格检查、X射线片检查情况和疾病诊断6个方面,共计94个问题141个变量指标),并对其中4808名有症状者进行X射线平片膝正侧位投照。②膝关节骨性关节炎诊断标准为临床症状阳性加X射线Kellgren & Lawrence分级二级及以上者。③计算患病率,并采用Epilnf06.0和SPSS 10.0软件对其中83个变量进行多因素非条件Logistfc回归分析,表示疾病与暴露因素之间联系强度的指标用比值比(OR),若OR〉1,说明疾病发生危险性增加,与暴露因素呈正关联;若OR〈1,说明疾病发生危险性减少,与暴露因素呈负关联。 结果:①六城市膝关节骨性关节炎总患病率为15.6%,其中西安7.7%,石家庄11.2%,上海9.8%。广州30.5%,哈尔滨16.9%,成都17.5%,各城市患病率比较差异显著(P〈0.01)。②Logistic回归分析膝关节骨性关节炎在大部分城市有共同的危险因素如年龄大(OR=1.032—1.181),使用蹲坑排便年限长(OR=1.021-1.077),体质量高(OR=1.048—1.073),和开始饮酒年龄大(OR=1.008~1.028);而从事专职体育运动(OR=1.651,西安),骨质疏松病史(OR=3.311,石家庄),吸烟(OR=2.654,石家庄),类风湿关节炎病史(OR=4.964,上海),文化程度高(OR=2.593,上海),女性(OR=2.510,广州),姐妹骨关节炎史(OR=13.251,哈尔滨),母亲骨关节炎史(OR=5.683,成都)等危险因素分别在不同地区出现. 结论:年龄大、使用蹲坑排便年限长、体质量高和开始饮酒年龄大是中国六地区膝关节骨性关节炎患病的共同危险因素,同时,不同地区主要危险因素又有一定差异。  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms involved in luteolysis are still unclear in the primate. This study aimed to investigate the effect of induced luteolysis on the ovarian luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor and the steroidogenic enzyme, 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) in the marmoset monkey. Luteolysis was induced in the mid-luteal phase either directly by systemic prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha), or indirectly by LH withdrawal using systemic gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonist (GnRHant) treatment. The LH receptor was studied by isotopic mRNA in-situ hybridization and in-situ ligand binding and 3beta-HSD expression was studied using isotopic mRNA in-situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Induced luteolysis was associated with a reduction in the expression of LH receptor (P < 0.0001) and 3beta-HSD mRNA, closely followed by a reduction in the LH receptor (P < 0.05) and 3beta-HSD protein concentrations within 24 h. There were no differences in the findings whether luteolysis was induced with PGF2alpha or GnRHant. This study shows that disparate mechanisms to induce luteolysis in the primate result in an identical rapid loss of the LH receptor and 3beta-HSD. In conclusion, induced luteolysis leads to rapid loss of the steroidogenic pathway in luteal cells.   相似文献   
本文设计合成了丁公藤碱Ⅱ的C_2脱氧和C_8电子等排类似物。药理结果表明,丁公藤碱Ⅱ的C_2羟基是保持其缩瞳活性的关键部分之一;目的物2和4各自分别具有拟和抗胆碱活性;电子等排目的物16和17既无拟也无抗胆碱作用。  相似文献   


This study aims to contribute to the knowledge of the influence of comorbidity in OA. The objectives of the study were (i) to describe the prevalence of comorbidity and (ii) to describe the relationship between comorbidity (morbidity count, severity and the presence of specific diseases) and limitations in activities and pain in elderly patients with knee or hip OA using a comprehensive inventory of comorbidity.  相似文献   
目的:分析一遗传性牙釉质发育不全家系的发病情况及病变特征,明确其遗传方式,为进一步基因定位和克隆奠定基础。方法:2003-05在中国山东某市发现一遗传性牙釉质发育不全家系,先证者为1名43岁男性牙釉质发育不全患者。该家系现存活3代,共有36名家庭成员。对先证者及其家族进行口腔检查和全身检查,制备牙齿磨片镜下观察,对该患者及其亲属成员进行家系调查,系谱分析,明确可能的遗传方式。结果:①口腔及全身临床表现:口腔检查可见大量牙石,釉质病变涉及全口牙齿,牙体呈黄褐色,磨耗重,釉质易碎裂剥脱。X射线显示牙釉质密度基本与牙本质相同,髓腔形态未见异常。临床表现符合Witkop1989年分类中的钙化不全型牙釉质发育。全身系统检查排除系统性疾病。无四环素用药史,家族中无近亲结婚者,附近居民无相似病变。②牙齿磨片观察结果:可见釉丛及釉板明显,且数目增多,表明釉质发育较差。③遗传方式:该家系36名成员,3代中均有患者,共检出遗传性牙釉质发育不全患者13人,其中男7例,女6例,传递方式符合常染色体显性遗传的特点。结论:该家系为常染色体显性遗传性钙化不全型牙釉质发育不全家系,为下一步定位该家系致病基因奠定基础。  相似文献   
The Treatment of Septicemia in Pacemaker Patients   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The authors analyzed the data of seven patients who had undergone open heart surgery because of pacemaker endocarditis in the past 4 years. Repeated surgical interventions on the pacemaker system were found to be the most common predisposing factors. Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis were the most common causative organisms. Two-dimensional echocardiography was important in the diagnosis of cases with atypical clinical picture and negative blood cultures. We concluded that: (1) any pacemaker patient with fever should be considered to have a pacemaker endocarditis; (2) all of these patients should be examined by two-dimenensional echocardiography; and (3) the total removal of the infected hardware seems to be the only way to achieve complete recovery.  相似文献   
原花青素的抗氧化作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:概述原花青素的结构特点、药理特性,探讨并分析原花青素的抗氧化作用及其在体育领域内的发展前景,旨在为此天然高效的抗氧化剂的开发利用提供一些理论的支持。方法:应用计算机检索Medline 1960-01/2006-08关于原花青素文章。检索词“proanthocyanidin”并限定文章的语种类为English。同时利用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库1960-01/2006-08的相关文章,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词“原花青素”。结果:原花青素是一种良好的氧游离基清除剂和脂质过氧化抑制剂。可有效清除超氧阴离子自由基和羟基自由基,也参与磷脂、花生四烯酸的新陈代谢和蛋白质磷酸化,保护脂质不发生过氧化损伤。原花青素为强有力的金属螯合剂,可螯合金属离子,在体内形成惰性化合物。有保护和稳定维生素C,有助于维生素C吸收的作用。结论:原花青素拥有强有力的抗氧化、清除自由基以及改善体循环的特殊功效,并以高效、低毒、高生物利用度而著称,原花青素的多种生物学功效在预防和治疗疾病中将发挥越来越大的作用。  相似文献   
There are only a few reported cases of a pacemaker lead migrating inadvertently into the left atrium or ventricle. An unusual complication of unremoved, unwanted pacemaker lead is presented. The free tip of the lead caused cerebral embolism after perforating the interatrial septum.  相似文献   
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