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In order to test the hypothesis that the metabolic response to surgery in childhood varies with the age of the child and the severity of the surgery, 46 children, aged 1 month to 10 years and undergoing a variety of operations under a standard general anesthetic, were studied. Blood samples were drawn for analysis preoperatively, postoperatively, and at 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after surgery. Severity of surgery was scored using the Oxford surgical stress scale (SSS). Surgery caused significant increases in the concentrations of lactate, pyruvate, and ketone bodies that were related to SSS, but not to age. Increases in blood glucose and insulin were also related to SSS. Total gluconeogenic substrate concentrations were markedly depressed 24 hours after surgery; this was well predicted by SSS but not by age. Older children tended to have a slightly more prolonged elevation of blood glucose and prolonged elevation of the insulin:glucose ratio postoperatively. The metabolic response of children to surgery, although different from both adults and neonates, is generally stable over a wide age range. The Oxford scale predicts the degree of metabolic displacement due to surgery and may thus prove a useful instrument in trials of anesthesia and analgesia in infants and children.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To assess the effects of low energy ablation of the substrate for atrial flutter. DESIGN--Initial retrospective analysis of patients undergoing low energy ablation of the atrioventricular node for refractory atrial flutter (group 1) was followed by a prospective assessment of low energy ablation in the posterio-inferior right atrium for the same condition (group 2). SETTING--Tertiary referral centre for management of cardiac arrhythmias. PATIENTS--Seven men (aged 50-67 years) with refractory atrial flutter. INTERVENTIONS--Multiple (3-10) low energy DC shocks with a cumulative energy of 100-245 J in the region of the atrioventricular node in group 1 and 12-15 low energy DC shocks (cumulative energy 110-235 J) guided by the anatomical landmarks of the triangle of Koch and applied directly to the atrial wall. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Freedom from recurrence of atrial flutter. RESULTS--In group 1 despite initial complete atrioventricular block in three patients, atrioventricular conduction had resumed in all by one month. All four, however, were in sinus rhythm at follow up six to 13 months later. Two of the three patients in group 2 were free of atrial flutter at follow up three to four months after ablation. CONCLUSION--Ablation of the atrial flutter substrate with low energy DC shocks is feasible. Precise electrophysiological mapping is not necessary.  相似文献   
To elucidate the role of catecholamines in attention deficit disorder, the authors conducted an open 8-week trial of L-tyrosine in 12 adults with attention deficit disorder, residual type. Eight showed marked to moderate clinical response in 2 weeks; at 6 weeks these eight developed tolerance, suggesting that L-tyrosine is not useful in attention deficit disorder, residual type.  相似文献   
A modified formulation of inhaled salbutamol and a new inhaler device were studied in a group of 11 moderate-to-severe asthmatic patients. Changes in airway calibre (FEV1, Vmax30) were measured before and after inhalation of the new formulation, and compared with changes following inhalation of conventional salbutamol. A standard Rotahaler was used as a reference for the new inhaler. The study was conducted as a two-part randomized, double-blind cross-over trial. We found a significantly greater bronchodilatation of the larger airways using the modified drug in the Rotahaler. The new inhaler did not show any superiority over the Rotahaler, contrary to expectations from in vitro work. A slightly shorter model may better reflect the in vitro results. The study has implications for inhalation therapy in general.  相似文献   
Abstract: Between 1970 and 1990, 1,008 patients with early-stage breast cancer were treated by conservative surgery without axillary dissection followed by radiation therapy to the intact breast in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology at Yale-New Haven Hospital. The patient population, broken down by histologic subtype, was as follows: 761 patients presented with infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 70 patients with pure intraductal, 38 intraductal with focal invasion, 54 infiltrating lobular, 21 tubular, 17 medullary, 16 mucinous, and 29 with other various histologic subtypes. Patients were followed on a regular basis by the referring physicians and radiation oncologists. Diagnostic studies for distant metastases were performed as clinically indicated. Annual mammography was a routine component of the follow-up program. As of 3/96, with a median follow-up of 10.5 years, 83 patients developed an ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence, and 109 patients developed distant metastases resulting in an overall 10-year breast recurrence-free rate of 84%, and a 10-year distant metastasis-free rate of 78%. There were significant differences in clinical stage, pathological nodal involvement, and administration of systemic therapy between various histologic subtypes. As expected, those patients with histologies of low metastatic potential (such as intraductal, tubular, and mucinous) had significantly superior distant recurrence-free survival rates. With respect to breast relapse rates, there were no statistically significant differences in the 5- and 10-year breast recurrence-free rates between any of the histologic subtypes. Patients with intraductal carcinoma with or without focal invasion had similar breast relapse rates as those with other histologic subtypes. Patients with lobular carcinoma in situ as a histologic component also had a similar overall breast relapse-free recurrence rate. In conclusion, long-term follow-up of conservatively treated breast cancer patients demonstrates no significant differences in ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence rates between various histologic subtypes. There are no histologies which had a statistically significantly higher breast-relapse rate than infiltrating ductal carcinomas and therefore no primary histologic subtype represents a relative contraindication to breast conservation therapy.  相似文献   
Evaluation of phagocytic cell function in an ex vivo model of hemodialysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ex vivo model of hemodialysis was used to evaluate the effect of dialysis membranes on phagocytic cell function. Blood was withdrawn continuously from healthy, non-uremic donors, heparinized, and pumped, single pass, through membrane modules under conditions which simulated normal dialysis conditions. The membrane modules contained membranes of cellulose, DEAE-substituted cellulose, or polysulfone. Blood was obtained from the module outlets for determination of complement activation, phagocyte elastase release, zymosan-induced phagocyte chemiluminescence, and monocyte interleukin-1 production. Significantly less complement activation occurred with the polysulfone and DEAE-substituted cellulose membranes than with cellulose membranes. Normal monocyte interleukin-1 production was not stimulated by any of the membranes used. In contrast, the cellulosic, but not the polysulfone, membranes primed the oxidative burst of the phagocytes and caused them to release elastase. DEAE-substituted cellulose had a lesser effect on elastase release than did cellulose and elastase release correlated significantly with the degree of complement activation. However, the correlation between complement activation and priming of phagocyte oxidative burst was weak, suggesting that membranes affect phagocyte oxidative metabolism through more than one mechanism. We conclude that some dialysis membranes stimulate the bacteriacidal functions of normal phagocytic cells, in part through complement-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   
Multiple reports of cauda equina syndrome and transient radicular nerve root irritation have suggested that lidocaine spinal anesthesia may be responsible. In this case report, a patient with a preexisting diabetic neuropathy received a partial block following a tetracaine spinal, which was followed by a lidocaine spinal. Following block resolution, a new conus medullaris syndrome was diagnosed. Because of the close proximity of the cauda equina and the conus medullaris, differentiation between these syndromes can be difficult. The preexisting diabetic neuropathy may have predisposed this patient to neurologic injury. The choice of a different local anesthetic drug with less neurotoxic potential such as bupivacaine may have prevented this injury.  相似文献   
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