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BACKGROUND: Quality of life (QOL) measures give patients the possibility to express subjective changes in wellbeing. We aimed to translate the radiation specific quality of life questionnaire (QOL-RTI) and the companion head and neck module (H&N) questionnaire into German and to test its reliability, validity and sensitivity. PATIENTS AND METHODS: After translation and final revisions based on qualitative interviews with ten patients, 97 head and neck cancer patients were screened for eligibility. Patients answered the 38 items questionnaire at baseline and twice in week 4 of radiotherapy for test-retest reliability. Internal consistency was calculated using Chronbach's alpha. Patients also completed the functional assessment of cancer tool plus head and neck (FACT-G plus H&N) for concurrent validity. Item analyses were performed to test the sensitivity. RESULTS: Chronbach's alpha yielded alpha = 0.85 for the QOL-RTI and alpha = 0.80 for the H&N module, test-retest reliability scores were r = 0.87 and r = 0.83, respectively. The correlation of the QOL-RTI plus H&N and the FACT plus H&N was r = 0.79. Questionnaire sensitivity was supported by significant changes in the mean score of 45.8% of the QOL-RTI items and 78.6% of the H&N items between baseline and week 4 of radiotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: The German version of the QOL-RTI was shown to be a reliable, valid and sensitive tool to assess the quality of life of patients undergoing radiotherapy. The H&N module is useful for patients undergoing treatment for head and neck cancer.  相似文献   
Metastatic prostate cancer may respond initially to hormone suppression, with involution of tumor sites, but ultimate tumor progression is inevitable. Our aim was to detect the proportion of bone and soft-tissue lesions that represent metabolically active tumor sites in patients with progressive metastatic prostate cancer. METHODS: In a prospective study, we compared 18F-FDG and L-methyl-11C-methionine (11C-methionine) PET with conventional imaging modalities (CIM), which included the combination of 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate scintigraphy, CT, or MRI. Twelve patients with prostate cancer, increasing levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and at least 1 site (index lesion) with new or increasing disease on CIM were studied. The total numbers of soft-tissue and bone-tissue lesions, in a site-by-site comparison, were calculated for all imaging modalities. RESULTS: The sensitivities of 18F-FDG PET and 11C-methionine PET were 48% (167/348 lesions) and 72.1% (251/348 lesions), respectively, with CIM being used as the 100% reference (348/348). 11C-Methionine PET identified significantly more lesions than 18F-FDG PET (P < 0.01). All 12 patients with progressive metastatic prostate cancer had at least 1 lesion site of active metabolism for 18F-FDG or 11C-methionine, which could be used as an index lesion to monitor the metabolic response to therapy. A significant proportion of lesions (26%) had no detectable metabolism of 18F-FDG or 11C-methionine. Although technical factors cannot be totally excluded, we believe that metabolically inactive sites may be necrotic or dormant. More than 95% (251/258) of metabolically active sites (72% of the total number of lesions detected by CIM) metabolize 11C-methionine. 18F-FDG uptake is more variable, with 65% of metabolically active sites (48% of the total number of lesions detected by CIM). CONCLUSION: These findings reflect the different biologic characteristics of the lesions in a heterogeneous tumor such as prostate cancer and suggest that a time-dependent metabolic cascade may occur in advanced prostate cancer, with initial uptake of 11C-methionine in dormant sites followed by increased uptake of 18F-FDG during progression of disease.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of Emergency Thoracotomy (ET) on mortality in a group of patients suffering from severe thoracic trauma requiring Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) transfer to hospital. This is not clearly defined especially when thoracotomy takes place in the pre-hospital setting. METHODS: A retrospective review of 670 consecutive patients with severe thoracic trauma, transferred to The Royal London Hospital by HEMS between November 1994 and December 2002. ET (on scene, in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department or in the operating theatre) was performed in 53 patients (7.7%). Both univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to evaluate ET as an independent predictor of mortality. RESULTS: There were 510 males and 160 females with a mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 35.12+/-17.5. Univariate analysis identified ET to be a predictor of mortality (OR=0.15, 95% CI=0.07-0.30). However, with multivariate analysis, ET was not found to be an independent predictor of mortality (OR=1.93, 95% CI=0.61-6.1). The independent predictors of mortality identified were: age>60 years (OR 5.57, 95% CI 2.19-14.16), Glasgow Coma Score <8 at the scene (OR=7.4, 95% CI=3.15-17.46), ISS>25 (OR 5.3, 95% CI=1.64-17.11), need for intubation at the scene (OR=2.80, 95% CI=1.022-7.69), oxygen saturation in A&E (<89%) (OR=2.39, 95% CI=1.13-5.05), haemothorax (OR=3.30, 95% CI=1.53-7.13) and bilateral injury (OR=3.1, 95% CI=1.51-6.61). CONCLUSIONS: Our study has shown that when confounding variables are accounted for, ET is not a predictor of mortality following severe chest trauma. This implies that in a well-selected group of patients it may be a significant and life-saving procedure.  相似文献   
The aim of the paper is to describe the medial portal technique for anatomical single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Placement of an ACL graft within the anatomical femoral and tibial attachment sites is critical to the success and clinical outcome of ACL reconstruction. Non-anatomical ACL graft placement is the most common technical error leading to recurrent instability following ACL reconstruction. ACL reconstruction has commonly been performed using a transtibial tunnel technique in which the ACL femoral tunnel is drilled through a tibial tunnel positioned in the posterior half of the native ACL tibial attachment site. ACL reconstruction performed using a transtibial tunnel technique often results in a vertical ACL graft, which may fail to control the combined motions of anterior tibial translation and internal tibial rotation which occur during the pivot-shift phenomenon. The inability of a vertically oriented ACL graft to control these combined motions may result in the patient experiencing continued symptoms of instability due to the pivot-shift phenomenon. The medial portal technique in which the ACL femoral tunnel is drilled through an anteromedial or accessory anteromedial portal allows consistent anatomical ACL tunnel placement. This paper describes the advantages of the medial portal technique, indications for the technique, patient positioning, proper portal placement, anatomical femoral and tibial tunnel placement, graft tensioning and fixation.  相似文献   
Owing to inconsistencies and methodological differences, the present peer-reviewed literature lacks conclusive data on the intraprostatic levels of androgens, in particular dihydrotestosterone (DHT), in untreated benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. To date, no difference has been shown between DHT concentrations in normal prostatic tissue and BPH, and nor has a difference been shown in DHT concentrations between the histologically distinct regions of the prostate. Recent literature has also failed to show a consistent difference in androgen level between BPH and prostate cancer. The role of intraprostatic DHT in the pathogenesis of BPH and in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer thus remains to be established. Increased knowledge of the mechanisms of the androgenic steroid pathways in prostatic diseases, with a special focus on intraprostatic androgen levels may lead to more optimized and more personalized forms of treatment, and probably new therapeutic targets as well.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: There is strong evidence that cavitation bubble activity contributes to stone breakage and that shockwave-bubble interactions are involved in the tissue trauma associated with shockwave lithotripsy. Cavitation control may thus be a way to improve lithotripsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: High-speed photography was used to analyze cavitation bubble activity at the surface of artificial and natural kidney stones during exposure to lithotripter shockwaves in vitro. RESULTS: Numerous individual bubbles formed on the surfaces of stones, but these bubbles did not remain independent but rather combined to form clusters. Bubble clusters formed at the proximal and distal ends and at the sides of stones. Each cluster collapsed to a narrow point of impact. Collapse of the proximal cluster eroded the leading face of the stone, and the collapse of clusters at the sides of stones appeared to contribute to the growth of cracks. Collapse of the distal cluster caused minimal damage. CONCLUSION: Cavitation-mediated damage to stones is attributable, not to the action of solitary bubbles, but to the growth and collapse of bubble clusters.  相似文献   
Introduction  Extra-articular calcaneal fractures represent 25–40% of all calcaneal fractures and an even higher percentage of up to 60% is seen in children. A disproportionately small part of the literature on calcaneal fractures involves the extra-articular type. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of extra-articular calcaneal fractures in a Level 1 trauma centre, define the distribution of the various types of fractures and compare patient demographics between extra- and intra-articular calcaneal fractures. In addition the literature was reviewed for the most common types of extra-articular calcaneal fractures with regard to incidence, treatment and clinical outcome. Methods  The radiological records between 2003 and 2005 were reviewed for intra- and extra-articular calcaneal fractures. Patient gender-distribution and age were compared. A literature search was conducted for the treatment of extra-articular calcaneal fractures. Results  In this 3-year study period a total of 49 patients with 50 extra-articular calcaneal fractures and 91 patients with 101 intra-articular fractures were identified. The median age for the first group was 32.7 years, and for the second group 40.3 years; P = 0.04. Male predominance was significantly less pronounced for extra-articular (63%) compared with intra-articular fractures (79%; P = 0.04). Conclusion  One-third of all calcaneal fractures are extra-articular. Significant differences exist between the intra- and extra-articular groups, in terms of lower age and male–female ratio. The literature study shows inconsistencies in treatment options, but most extra-articular fractures are well manageable conservatively.  相似文献   
Complement activation plays a key role in mediating apoptosis, inflammation, and transplant rejection. In this study, the role of the complement 5a receptor (C5aR) was examined in human renal allografts and in an allogenic mouse model of renal transplant rejection. In human kidney transplants with acute rejection, C5aR expression was increased in renal tissue and in cells infiltrating the tubulointerstitium. Similar findings were observed in mice. When recipient mice were treated once daily with a C5aR antagonist before transplantation, long-term renal allograft survival was markedly improved compared with vehicle-treatment (75 versus 0%), and apoptosis was reduced. Furthermore, treatment with a C5aR antagonist significantly attenuated monocyte/macrophage infiltration, perhaps a result of reduced levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 and the intercellular adhesion molecule 1. In vitro, C5aR antagonism inhibited intercellular adhesion molecule 1 upregulation in primary mouse aortic endothelial cells and reduced adhesion of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Furthermore, C5aR blockade markedly reduced alloreactive T cell priming. These results demonstrate that C5aR plays an important role in mediating acute kidney allograft rejection, suggesting that pharmaceutical targeting of C5aR may have potential in transplantation medicine.  相似文献   
Osteoporotic burst fractures with neurologic symptoms are typically treated with neural decompression and multilevel instrumented fusion. These large surgical interventions are challenging because of patients' advanced ages, medical co-morbidities, and poor fixation secondary to osteoporosis. The purpose of this retrospective clinical study was to describe a novel technique for the treatment of osteoporotic burst fractures and symptomatic spinal stenosis via a limited thoracolumbar decompression with open cement augmentation [vertebroplasty (VP) or kyphoplasty (KP)]. Indications for decompression and cement augmentation were intractable pain at the level of a known osteoporotic burst fracture with symptoms of spinal stenosis. As such, 25 patients (mean age, 76.1 years) with low-energy, osteoporotic, thoracolumbar burst fractures (7 males, 18 females; 39 fractures) were included. In all cases, laminectomy of the stenotic level(s) was followed by vertebral cement augmentation (9 VP; 16 KP). When a spondylolisthesis at the decompressed level was present, instrumentation was applied across the listhetic level (n = 9). Clinical outcome (1 = poor to 4 = excellent) was assessed on last clinical follow-up (mean, 44.8 wks). In addition, a modified MacNab's grading criteria was used to objectively assess patient outcomes postoperatively. Radiographic analysis of sagittal contour was assessed preoperatively, immediately postoperatively, and at final follow-up. The average time from onset of symptoms to intervention was 19 weeks (range, 0.3-94 wks). A mean of 1.6 fractures/patient was augmented (range, 1-3 fractures) and 2.8 levels were decompressed (range, 1-6 levels). No statistical difference in anatomic distribution or number of fractures between the VP and KP groups or in the instrumented versus noninstrumented patients was noted (P > 0.05). An overall subjective outcome score of 3.4 was noted. Twenty of 25 patients were graded as excellent/good according to the modified MacNab's criteria. The choice of augmentation procedure or use of instrumentation did not predict outcome (P = 0.08). Overall, 1.7 degrees of sagittal correction was obtained at final follow-up. One patient was noted to have progressive kyphosis after KP. The use of a limited-posterior decompression and open cement augmentation via VP or KP is a safe treatment option for patients who have osteoporotic burst fractures and who are incapacitated from fracture pain and concomitant stenosis. After thoracolumbar decompression, open VP/KP provides direct visualization of the posterior vertebral body wall, allowing for safe cement augmentation of burst fractures, stabilizing the spine, and obviating the need for extensive spinal reconstruction. Although clinically successful, this technique warrants careful patient selection.  相似文献   
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