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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of storage time, temperature, and anticoagulant on hematologic parameters in equine blood samples. Blood samples were obtained from 50 clinically healthy warm-blooded horses at two major equestrian complexes in Tehran, Iran. The samples were collected in three different tubes containing EDTA, sodium citrate, or heparin and were analyzed within 4?h of collection. Blood samples collected into EDTA-containing tubes were stored at 4°C or 24°C. Each sample was analyzed again at 24, 48, and 72?h after collection. The statistically significant (P?<?0.05) alterations included decreased RBC count and increased hemoglobin concentration [Hgb] in blood samples stored at 24°C after 48 and 72?h; increased hematocrit in blood samples stored at 24°C after 24?h; decreased hematocrit in blood samples stored at 4°C after 72?h; decreased MCHC in blood samples stored at 4°C after 72?h; and decreased total WBC count in blood samples stored at 24°C after 48?h. Although there was no significant difference in hematologic analytes between heparinized and EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples, most of the hematologic analytes were decreased significantly (P?<?0.05) in sodium citrate-containing blood samples, compared with blood samples stored in EDTA. The results of this study suggest that within certain limitations for some hematologic analytes, equine blood samples stored in EDTA at 4°C for up to 72?h may be suitable for hematologic testing.  相似文献   
A unifying feature of the CAG expansion diseases is the formation of intracellular aggregates composed of the mutant polyglutamine-expanded protein. Despite the presence of aggregates in affected patients, the precise relationship between aggregates and disease pathogenesis is unresolved. Results from in vivo and in vitro studies of mutant huntingtin have lead to the hypothesis that nuclear localization of aggregates is critical for the pathology of Huntington's disease (HD). We tested this hypothesis using a 293T cell culture model system that compared the frequency and toxicity of cytoplasmic and nuclear huntingtin aggregates. We first assessed the mode of nuclear transport of N-terminal fragments of huntingtin, and show that the predicted endogenous NLS is not functional, providing data in support of passive nuclear transport. This result suggests that proteolysis is a necessary step for nuclear entry of huntingtin. Additionally, insertion of nuclear import or export sequences into huntingtin fragments containing 548 or 151 amino acids was used to reverse the normal localization of these proteins. Changing the subcellular localization of the fragments did not influence their total aggregate frequency. There were also no significant differences in toxicity associated with the presence of nuclear compared with cytoplasmic aggregates. The findings of nuclear and cytoplasmic aggregates in affected brains, together with these in vitro data, support the nucleus and cytosol as subcellular sites for pathogenesis in HD.   相似文献   
Central thrombi in pulmonary arterial hypertension detected by MR imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fisher  MR; Higgins  CB 《Radiology》1986,158(1):223-226
Differentiation of thrombi from slow flow in the pulmonary arteries, sometimes observed in the presence of pulmonary arterial hypertension, can be equivocal. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was performed in a patient with chronic pulmonary thromboembolism and pulmonary arterial hypertension using an electrocardiographically gated technique that allowed visualization of the pulmonary arteries at the end of diastole and multiple times during systole. These images were compared with those of a patient with primary pulmonary hypertension and those of healthy subjects. Thrombi were discrete structures, seen throughout the cardiac cycle on both the first and second spin-echo images, and decreased in signal intensity on the second image. Slow flow increased in signal intensity and changed in structure during the cardiac cycle and was seen best on the second image. MR may play an important role in excluding large central thrombi as the cause of pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is a noninvasive method for defining pulmonary arterial wall thickness and for direct visualization of chronic pulmonary thrombus.  相似文献   
It is highly recommended to conduct a prophylactic check for any dental problems on patients who suffer from leukaemia before chemotherapy begins. Bacteraemia caused by oral microflora may be very dangerous for patients with haematological malignancies. However, it should be noted that the prophylactic process itself might bring about life-threatening complications if there is only a short interval between dental treatment and the beginning of chemotherapy, or if the dental treatment is too aggressive. We present a case where this prophylactic procedure produced life-threatening complications for a patient with acute myeloid leukaemia.  相似文献   
Background Subcutaneous zygomycosis is an uncommon condition observed in tropics. Few series have been published, particularly from the northern regions of India. Objectives The aim of this study was to describe clinical, investigative and therapeutic details in subcutaneous zygomycosis observed in two teaching hospitals in Delhi. Patients and methods Ten patients seen over a period of 10 years (1999–2009) form the material for this report. Results There were four children and six adults. In four children, the presentation was a subcutaneous localized mass or gradually spreading plaque. In the others, it was observed over nasal region of face, spreading inward into mucosal sites and paranasal sinuses, and outward to the contiguous areas. Regional lymphadenopathy was present in two with facial lesions. Majority showed a granulomatous infiltrate with admixture of other cells, mainly eosinophils. Aseptate or poorly septate hyphae were observed in seven. In one patient in whom no hyphae were observed, there was dense perivascular inflammation. Organisms were cultured from four patients, Basidiobolus ranarum in two and Syncephalastrum racemosum in two. The main therapy used was a saturated solution of potassium iodide (KI). Four received only KI of which two attained cure after 3 months and 9 months respectively, and the other two showed signs of regression. In one boy subsidence was associated with reduced circumference of thigh. Ketoconazole or itraconazole was given with KI to hasten regression when response was slow or there were side‐effects to KI. Conclusion Awareness and early recognition will prevent disfigurement produced by advanced disease, misdiagnosis and unnecessary surgical intervention.  相似文献   
目的探讨敏感性编码技术(SENSE)前瞻性门控螺旋相位对比MR检查序列在儿童与成人先天性心脏病检查的可行性。材料与方法当地伦理委员会批准该项研究,所有  相似文献   
Background  Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune blistering skin disease characterized by the production of pathogenic IgG autoantibodies directed against desmoglein 1.
Aim  To determine the prevalence of anti-desmoglein 1 antibodies in healthy subjects and their distribution in the different regions of Tunisia and to better identify endemic areas of pemphigus foliaceus.
Methods  We tested, by enzyme-linked immunoserbent assay, sera of 270 normal subjects recruited from different Tunisian areas and 203 related healthy relatives to 90 Tunisian pemphigus foliaceus patients.
Results  Seventy-six patients (84.4%), 20 healthy controls (7.4%), and 32 relatives (15.76%) had anti-desmoglein 1 antibodies. In southern regions where pemphigus foliaceus is associated with a significant sex ratio imbalance (9 female : 1 male in the south vs. 2.3 : 1 in the north) and a lower mean age of disease onset (33.5 in the south vs. 45 years in the north), a higher prevalence of anti-desmoglein 1 antibodies in healthy controls was observed (9.23% vs. 5.71% in the north). Interestingly, the highest prevalence of anti-desmoglein 1 antibodies in healthy relatives (up to 22%) was observed in the most rural southern localities. More than half anti-desmoglein 1–positive healthy controls were living in rural conditions with farming as occupation, which suggests that this activity may expose the subjects to particular environmental conditions.
Conclusion  These results show that the endemic features of Tunisian pemphigus foliaceus are focused in these southern areas more than in other areas and that both environmental and genetic factors contribute to the disease.

Conflicts of interest

None declared.  相似文献   
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