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The lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) level in plasma and the clearance of LDH in C.B-17 scid (severe combined immunodeficiency; SCID) mice were compared with those in C.B-17 or BALB/cCrSlc mice with or without lactic dehydrogenase virus (LDV) infection. The resting enzyme level in SCID mice showed little difference from that in C.B-17 or BALB/cCrSlc mice. The degree of increased plasma LDH level in SCID mice was lower than that in C.B-17 and BALB/cCrSlc mice after LDV infection. To assess the mechanisms of decrease in LDH elevation in SCID mice infected with LDV, virus replication was compared in SCID and BALB/cCrSlc mice. The infectivity titre of plasma in SCID mice was higher (more than 10 times) than that in BALB/cCrSlc mice. Moreover, the percentage of virus antigen positive Kupffer cells was higher in SCID mice than that in BALB/cCrSlc mice. The level of endogenous LDH release as a result of carbon tetrachloride treatment was similar in the SCID and BALB/cCrSlc mice. The clearance rate of endogenous LDH was greater in SCID mice than in BALB/cCrSlc mice with or without LDV infection. The rate of clearance of intravenously injected porcine LDH-5, but not porcine LDH-1, was enhanced in SCID mice as compared with that in BALB/cCrSlc mice. Furthermore, carbon clearance was higher in SCID mice than that in BALB/cCrSlc mice. These results suggest that the smaller increase of plasma LDH after infection might be due, at least in part, to the enhanced LDH-5 clearance function by macrophages in SCID mice.  相似文献   
The case of a 38-year-old man with an exogastric leiomyoblastoma is reported. CT and ultrasound examinations revealed a large mass in the left hypochondrium that had both solid and cystic components. These findings mimicked those of cystadenoma of the pancreas. Because of intraperitoneal hemorrhage in the preoperative course, emergency laparotomy was performed. A large tumor was found to arise from the greater curvature of the stomach. The diagnosis was confirmed histologically.  相似文献   
The relation between smoking and risk of asthma has been well-examined; however little attention has been paid to the correlation between smoking and asthma symptoms. The aims of this study were to examine respiratory symptoms in asthmatics with a highly prevalent use of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) and to assess the effects of smoking and its cessation. A cross-sectional study of pulmonologist-based 3197 asthmatics (men 45.2%, ages 20-97) was performed using a questionnaire about smoking habits, the incidence and frequency of symptoms (sputum, cough and wheezing, night symptoms, and shortness of breath), physical activity interference, and medication. Although 81.4% of the patients used ICS according to the international guideline, 14.9% had activity interference, and daily symptoms remained in 43.3%. At the time of the questionnaire, 21.6% were current and 25.1% were ex-smokers. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the factors of significance (p < 0.0001) were (1) smoking; for all four symptoms, (2) age and duration of asthma; for shortness of breath. Current smokers were at a risk of sputum (age-adjusted odds ratio 2.32 [95% confidence interval 1.73-3.11]; 2.09 [1.57-2.79]), of cough and wheezing (2.38 [1.81-3.14]; 1.78 [1.35-2.36]), of night symptoms (1.95 [1.41-2.60]; 1.47 [1.09-1.98]), and of shortness of breath (1.70 [1.26-2.28]; 1.30 [0.97-1.75]) in men and women, respectively. These ratios in ex-smokers decreased to the level similar to nonsmokers. Although 81.4% of asthmatic patients used ICS, 43.3% complained of daily respiratory symptoms, especially sputum. It is suggested that the effects of ICS on asthma symptoms may be interfered with by smoking and therefore more emphasis should be placed on cessation of smoking.  相似文献   
We report two cases of herpes simplex lymphadenitis without widespread organ involvement in a 60-year-old man and a 67-year-old woman. Their complaints were high fever and generalized erythema followed after few days by generalized lymphadenopathy. This report describes the findings obtained by light and electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization. In both instances, Cowdry's type A intranuclear inclusion bodies were found in T-immunoblasts in the background of T-zone hyperplasia with focal necrosis. Electron microscopic investigation revealed intranuclear and cytoplasmic virus particles with characteristics of the herpes group. Immunohistochemical staining utilizing anti-herpes simplex virus (HSV) antibody was positive and in situ hybridization with HSV-DNA probe revealed positive signals in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm of T-immunoblasts. Although rare, HSV lymphadenitis in the absence of generalized infection can occur.  相似文献   
To elucidate the role of glutathione (GSH) on placental amino acid transport, we investigated L-lysine transport using microvillous membrane vesicles prepared from full term human placenta. 1. The transport of L-lysine into microvillous membrane vesicles was not affected by glutathione. 2. The transport of L-lysine into microvillous membrane vesicles was inhibited by inorganic mercury (Hg2+), and 0.1mM Hg2+ inhibited 34% of this transport and 1mM Hg2+ inhibited 50%. 3. The transport of L-lysine inhibited by Hg2+ was almost completely restored when glutathione was added simultaneously. These results indicated that glutathione defended the inhibitory action of inorganic mercury on L-lysine transport across microvillous membrane.  相似文献   
Journal of Neurology - An evidence-based approach to the development of clinical practice guidelines has attracted significant attention from physicians' groups as well as from the public....  相似文献   
Prostacyclin (PGI2), a potent uterine smooth muscle relaxant, is postulated to be a major prostaglandin (PG) secreted from the human myometrium. PGI2 metabolite concentrations in the maternal plasma were reported to be elevated during pregnancy, especially during labor. Recently, we developed cultured human myometrial cells from pregnant women and reported that cyclic mechanical stretching mimicking labor increased PGI2 secretion from these cells by up-regulating PGI2 synthase promoter activities. Since elevation of cervical/vaginal interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha) concentrations is also a characteristic feature of delivery, and IL-1alpha is a known stimulator of PG synthesis, we investigated a possible synergistic effect of cyclic mechanical stretching and IL-1alpha on PGI2 production in cultured human myometrial cells. Treatment with IL-1alpha (10 ng/ml) significantly augmented (4- to 60-fold) the secretion of PGI2, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) from cultured human myometrial cells obtained from non-pregnant and pregnant women as well as in cultured human umbilical artery and cultured human coronary artery smooth muscle cells (p < 0.05 for all comparisons). However, labor-like cyclic mechanical stretching up-regulated IL-1alpha-augmented PGI2 secretion from myometrial cells obtained from non-pregnant and pregnant women 2.1- to 2.8-fold (p < 0.05 for all comparisons), but not PGE2, PGF2alpha nor TXA2. Moreover, such an augumentation of PGI2 secretion by cyclic mechanical stretching was not observed in cultured human umbilical artery nor in cultured human coronary artery smooth muscle cells. These results suggest that cyclic mechanical stretching by labor, in concert with IL-1alpha stimulation, contributes to the increase in myometrial PGI2 secretion during delivery.  相似文献   
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