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Saeedeh Ebrahimi Ali Teimoori Hashem Khanbabaei Maryam Tabasi 《Reviews in medical virology》2019,29(1)
The recent development of the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR‐associated protein 9 (Cas9) system, a genome editing system, has many potential applications in virology. The possibility of introducing site specific breaks has provided new possibilities to precisely manipulate viral genomics. Here, we provide diagrams to summarize the steps involved in the process. We also systematically review recent applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for manipulation of DNA virus genomics and discuss the therapeutic potential of the system to treat viral diseases. 相似文献
The advent of the human immunodeficiency virus infection and the increasing prevalence of compromised individuals in the community due to modern therapeutic advances have resulted in a resurgence of opportunistic infections, including oral candidosis, which is by far the most common oral fungal infection in man. Broad-spectrum antibiotics used in the treatment of a wide range of disease conditions have also been attributed as a predisposing factor of oral candidosis. In this mini review we discuss the research findings on the relationship between antibiotics and oral candidosis and possible mechanisms of pathogenicity following such therapy. 相似文献
Lymphokine abnormalities in aplastic anemia: implications for the mechanism of action of antithymocyte globulin 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) provides effective therapy for many patients with aplastic anemia, and its mechanism of action has been presumed to be secondary to lymphocytotoxicity. However, our studies of lymphocyte function in aplastic anemia show marked abnormalities of lymphokine production, which ATG may modulate. In 12 of 17 patients with aplastic anemia, interleukin 2 (IL2) production was markedly elevated in vitro (P less than .01 by paired statistical analysis). Expression of the IL2 receptor, or Tac antigen, on peripheral lymphocytes assessed by flow microfluorometry was also increased above the normal range in 11 of 15 cases. Studies of ATG suggested that it might act to stimulate lymphocyte function. In vitro, ATG is a mitogen, as measured by incorporation of 3H-thymidine into blood mononuclear cells; the response of cells to ATG from patients with aplastic anemia was exaggerated in comparison with normals. Cell proliferation was accompanied by production of IL2 to levels that were, in some cases, similar to those obtained with lectin stimulation. Finally, supernatants from lymphocytes cultured in the presence of ATG were able to replace adherent cells in providing growth factors for the support of nonadherent cells in methylcellulose hematopoietic colony assays. These results provide a mechanism for an "immunostimulatory" action of ATG in effecting hematopoietic response in some patients with aplastic anemia. 相似文献
ED Green ; BR Curtis ; PD Issitt ; NS Gutgsell ; D Roelcke ; RP Farrar ; H Chaplin 《Transfusion》1990,30(3):267-270
A patient with known cold autoimmune hemolyticanemia was admitted for surgery. Routine cold agglutinin evaluations, using commercial red cells (RBCs) in modified Alsever's preservative solution, revealed a cold agglutinin titer of 4 to 16. However, using RBCs washed four times with saline, a high-titer (greater than 2000 at 4 degrees C) cold autoagglutinin was demonstrated. The cold agglutinin was shown to be an IgM kappa paraprotein with anti-Pr1d specificity. The addition of Alsever's solution to washed RBCs inhibited the cold agglutinin. Each major component of Alsever's solution (neomycin, chloramphenicol, inosine, dextrose, and citrate) was tested individually; only citrate inhibited the patient's cold agglutinin. Various compounds structurally related to citrate were tested and found to cause various degrees of inhibition. The strongest inhibition correlated with the presence of either three carboxyl groups on molecules devoid of double-bonded carbon atoms or two carboxyl groups in cis configuration. A panel of 54 cold agglutinins, including 7 with anti-Pr specificity, was analyzed. None was significantly inhibited by Alsever's solution, although one with anti-Pr2 specificity was weakly inhibited. In summary, these studies describe an anti-Pr1d cold autoagglutinin that was inhibited by citrate in RBC preservative solutions. The failure to detect such a cold agglutinin can result from not washing RBCs free of citrate before testing. 相似文献
An example is presented of an IgG1, anti-Lu6, that reacted by indirect antiglobulin test and was capable of destroying antigen-positive red cells in vivo. Two methods for the measurement of red cell survival, 51Cr labeling and flow cytometry, gave the same result: 20 percent of the test dose of Lu:6 red cells was destroyed in the first hour after injection and 80 percent in the first 24 hours. The clinical relevance of the antibody was correctly predicted by an in vitro monocyte monolayer assay. The finding that this example of anti-Lu6 was clinically significant should not be taken to mean that all antibodies directed against high-incidence Lutheran and Lutheran system-related antigens will behave similarly. When such antibodies are encountered, in vivo and/or in vitro studies to assess their clinical significance are necessary before rare blood is used for transfusion. 相似文献
We examined the stem cell compartment of patients with acquired aplastic anemia (AA) using the long-term culture-initiating cell assay (LTC-IC), in parallel with measurements of CD34+ cells and mature hematopoietic progenitors. Secondary colonies from cells surviving 5 weeks of long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC) were determined for the peripheral blood (PB) of 68 AA patients and 13 normal controls and for BM of 49 AA patients and 14 controls; because of low cell numbers, formal limiting dilution analysis could only be performed in 10 patients. The relationship of cell input in LTBMC and the output of secondary colonies was linear, allowing quantification of LTC-IC number from bulk cultures. Secondary colony formation was markedly abnormal in severe AA. In contrast to 7.8 colony-forming cells (CFC)/10(5) mononuclear cells in normal BM and 0.14 CFC/10(5) normal PB mononuclear cells, patients with severe disease showed 0.024 CFC/10(5) in BM and 0.0068 CFC/10(5) in PB. Under limiting dilution conditions, patients' cells also showed markedly lower colony-forming ability. In contrast to 4.3 +/- 1 colonies/normal LTC-IC, we obtained only 1.27 +/- 0.09 and 2.0 +/- 0.35 colonies from BM of acute and recovered cases, respectively. These values were used to extrapolate LTC-IC numbers from secondary colony formation in suspension cultures. In PB, calculated LTC-IC were decreased 7.4-fold in new and relapsed severe AA and 2.8- fold in recovered AA. In BM, LTC-IC were decreased 10-fold in new and relapsed AA and sixfold in recovered cases. Compared with measurements obtained on presentation, LTC-IC were lower in post-treatment samples from patients who had failed to recover after intensive immunosuppression and relatively higher in cases at relapse. In recovered patients, LTC-IC number increased but remained below the normal range in 20 of 25. In patients studied serially for 3 to 12 months after treatment, LTC-IC numbers remained stable but low. LTC-IC number correlated with concurrently determined CD34+ cell number and primary hematopoietic colony formation. These results indicate that stem cell numbers, as quantitated by the LTC-IC assay, are markedly diminished in number in all severe AA. Additionally, the function of the stem cell or the stem cell compartment in AA is also abnormal, as inferred from the low clonogenic potential in secondary colony assays. Early hematologic improvement in some patients occurs without increasing numbers of LTC-IC, and a minority of recovered cases show apparent repopulation of the LTC-IC compartment years after treatment. 相似文献
Overview on SARS in Asia and the World 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is the first major novel infectious disease to hit the international community in the 21st century. It originated in southern China in November 2002, reached Hong Kong in February 2003 and spread rapidly thereafter to 29 countries/regions on five continents. At the end of the epidemic, the global cumulative total was 8098 with 774 deaths. Seven Asian countries/regions were among the top ten on the list. Mainland China and Hong Kong, SAR, accounted for 87% of all cases and 84% of all deaths. Severe acute respiratory syndrome is caused by a novel coronavirus. It has alarmed the world with its infectivity and significant morbidity and mortality, its lack of a rapid, reliable diagnostic test and lack of effective specific treatment and vaccination. The adverse impact on travel and business around the world, particularly in Asia, has been enormous.
Some lessons learnt from this epidemic included: (1) any outbreak of infectious disease can rapidly spread around the world by air travel; (2) early reporting of the outbreak to neighbouring countries/regions and the World Health Organization is essential to prevent international spread; and (3) infection control, tracing and quarantine of contacts are essential to control the epidemic. Many questions remain unanswered, including the origin and pathogenesis of the novel coronavirus, the natural history and the best specific treatment of the disease. The SARS-CoV has probably jumped from an animal host to humans. There is an urgent need to evaluate the human–animal habitat in southern China and to remove animal reservoirs if found. 相似文献
Some lessons learnt from this epidemic included: (1) any outbreak of infectious disease can rapidly spread around the world by air travel; (2) early reporting of the outbreak to neighbouring countries/regions and the World Health Organization is essential to prevent international spread; and (3) infection control, tracing and quarantine of contacts are essential to control the epidemic. Many questions remain unanswered, including the origin and pathogenesis of the novel coronavirus, the natural history and the best specific treatment of the disease. The SARS-CoV has probably jumped from an animal host to humans. There is an urgent need to evaluate the human–animal habitat in southern China and to remove animal reservoirs if found. 相似文献
Ramesh C Gupta Raj NS Kushwaha Ina Budhiraja Priyanka Gupta Parul Singh 《Indian journal of ophthalmology》2014,62(2):176-179
To evaluate the efficacy of modified temporalis muscle transfer (TMT) by silicone sling for the management of paralytic lagophthalmos.Settings and Design:
Prospective interventional study.Materials and Methods:
Ten patients of lagophthalmos due to facial palsy underwent modified TMT using silicone sling. The patients were followed-up for a period of 3 months. Palpebral aperture in primary gaze and during eye closure were assessed both pre- and postoperatively along with problems associated with lagophthalmos like exposure keratopathy and lacrimation.Statistical Analysis:
Paired t-test was applied to measure the statistical outcome.Results:
Eight patients achieved full correction of lagophthalmos with no lid gap on closing the eye. The mean (standard deviation (SD)) lid gap on eye closure was 7.7 (0.86) mm preoperatively, 0.5 (0.47) mm at 1st postoperative day, and 0.7 (0.75) mm at 3rd month. There was a reduction in mean lid gap on eye closure of 7 mm at 3 months (P < 0.0001) which is highly significant. The mean (SD) vertical interpalpebral distance during primary gaze was 12.05 (1.12) mm preoperatively, 10 (0.94) mm at 1st postoperative day, and 10.35 (1.08) mm at 3rd month. There was a reduction in mean vertical inter palpebral distance of 1.7 mm at 3 months (P = 0.001) which is significant. Exposure keratitis decreased in five out of six patients at 3 months.Conclusion:
Modified TMT by silicone sling is a useful procedure with lesser morbidity and good outcomes for the treatment of paralytic lagophthalmos due to long standing facial palsy. 相似文献99.
Molecular analysis of cutaneous B- and T-cell lymphomas 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Neri A; Fracchiolla NS; Roscetti E; Garatti S; Trecca D; Boletini A; Perletti L; Baldini L; Maiolo AT; Berti E 《Blood》1995,86(8):3160-3172
Among extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, primary cutaneous lymphomas (CLs) represent a consistent group of B- and T-cell malignancies. We investigated the arrangement of Ig and T-cell receptor (TCR) genes, together with the involvement of several oncogenes and the tumor- suppressor gene p53, in a panel of primary cutaneous B- and T-cell lymphomas (CBCLs and CTCLs). Southern blot analysis was performed to detect rearrangements of the Ig, c-myc, bcl-1, bcl-2, bcl-3, bcl-6, and the NFKB2/lyt-10 genes in 52 cases of CBCLs and of the TCR, bcl-3, and NFKB2/lyt-10 genes in 38 cases of CTCLs. tal-1 gene deletions were analyzed in CTCLs by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). p53 gene mutations were assayed using PCR, single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis, and direct DNA sequencing in CBCL and CTCL cases. Clonal rearrangements of Ig genes or oncogenes were found in 25 of the 52 CBCLs. In particular, we detected rearrangements of the bcl-1 locus (2 cases), the bcl-2 gene (2 cases), the NFKB2/lyt-10 gene (2 cases), and the bcl-6 gene (1 case); interestingly, 4 of these cases showed a germline arrangement of the Ig genes. Clonal rearrangements of TCR genes were detected in 37 of the 38 CTCLs. Rearrangements of the NFKB2/lyt-10 gene were present in 2 cases and tal-1 gene deletions in 3 CTCL cases; p53 gene mutations were detected in 1 CTCL case. Overall, our data indicate that (1) clonal rearrangement of Ig genes is frequently undetectable by means of Southern blot in CBCLs (60%); (2) genetic lesions are involved in a limited but significant fraction of primary CLs showing a molecular marker of clonality (13/62; 20%); and (3) rearrangements of the bcl-1, bcl-2, or bcl-6 loci, associated with specific subsets of nodal lymphoid neoplasias, are rarely observed in CBCLs. Moreover, our results suggest that tal-1 gene deletions may play a pathogenetic role in non-acute T-cell malignancies and that, in the context of lymphoid malignancies, CLs may represent a favorable target for the possible oncogenic potential of the NFKB2/lyt-10 gene. 相似文献