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The increased availability of devices for 3D radiological diagnosis allows the more frequent use of CAD/CAM-produced surgical guides for implant placement. The conventional workflow requires a complex logistic chain which is time-consuming and costly. In a pilot study, the workflow of directly milled surgical guides was evaluated. These surgical guides were designed based on the fusion of an optical impression and the radiological data. The clinical use showed that the surgical guides could be accurately placed on the residual dentition without tipping movements. The conventional surgical guides were used as a control for the manual check of the deviation of the implant axis. The direct transfer of the digital planning data allows the fabrication of surgical guides in an external center without the need of physical transport, which reduces the logistic effort and expense of the central fabrication of surgical guides.  相似文献   
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, a common inhabitant of the human upper aerodigestive tract, produces a repeat in toxin (RTX), leukotoxin (LtxA). The LtxA is transcribed as a 114-kDa inactive protoxin with activation being achieved by attachment of short chain fatty acyl groups to internal lysine residues. Methyl esters of LtxA that were isolated from A. actinomycetemcomitans strains JP2 and HK1651 and subjected to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry contained palmitoyl (C16:0, 27-29%) and palmitolyl (C16:1 cis Δ9, 43-44%) fatty acyl groups with smaller quantities of myristic (C14:0, 14%) and stearic (C18:0, 12-14%) fatty acids. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry of tryptic peptides from acylated and unacylated recombinant LtxA confirmed that Lys(562) and Lys(687) are the sites of acyl group attachment. During analysis of recombinant LtxA peptides, we observed peptide spectra that were not observed as part of the RTX acylation schemes of either Escherichia coliα-hemolysin or Bordetella pertussis cyclolysin. Mass calculations of these spectra suggested that LtxA was also modified by the addition of monohydroxylated forms of C14 and C16 acyl groups. Multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry identified hydroxymyristic and hydroxypalmitic acids in wild-type LtxA methyl esters. Single or tandem replacement of Lys(562) and Lys(687) with Arg blocks acylation, resulting in a >75% decrease in cytotoxicity when compared with wild-type toxin, suggesting that these post-translational modifications are playing a critical role in LtxA-mediated target cell cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
Classically, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the head and neck is a disease of older adults, but recently there have been reports of an increasing incidence in young people. This study of patients in the Republic of Ireland compares sex distribution, sites, risk factors, stage and grade of tumour, and nodal status of 130 patients with SCC of the head and neck, 30 of whom were less than 40 years old. There was a highly significant association between age, smoking status, and site of tumour. For the first time to our knowledge in a study such as this, the preoperative haematological status of the patients was assessed, and although 15% were anaemic there was no significant difference in the occurrence of anaemia between the younger and the older patients. We think that it is possible that the biology of SCC of the head and neck in young people differs from that in older people.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the UK National Guidelines for identifying patients with potentially malignant oral disease which were introduced in 2000. DESIGN: Retrospective audit. SETTING: The oral medicine unit in a university teaching hospital in London. METHODS: All new referrals over a one year period were retrospectively reviewed in a departmental audit to evaluate guideline effectiveness. Reasons for referral and final diagnosis were compared in a randomly selected sub-population. RESULTS: Four hundred and eighty-seven of 901 new patients referred were classified as having potentially malignant disease from the referral letter. In a randomly selected subgroup of 241 patients, 18 actually had malignant (8) or dysplastic lesions (10). Of 75 patients referred with a persistent oral ulcer, only nine were actually malignant or dysplastic. Eight of 116 patients referred with a white patch and none with red patches were found to have dysplastic or malignant lesions. The criteria failed to identify three carcinomas and two severely dysplastic lesions (15% of the malignant or dysplastic lesions). All of the latter had been referred by primary care physicians with orofacial pain of unknown cause. CONCLUSIONS: UK National Guidelines discriminate poorly between potentially malignant and other oral mucosal disease.  相似文献   
Domain specific knowledge is often not static but continuously evolving. This is especially true for the medical domain. Furthermore, the lack of standardized structures for presenting knowledge makes it difficult or often impossible to assess new knowledge in the context of existing knowledge. Possibilities to compare knowledge easily and directly are often not given. It is therefore of utmost importance to create a model that allows for comparability, consistency and quality assurance of medical knowledge in specific work situations. For this purpose, we have designed on object-relational model based on structured knowledge elements that are dynamically reusable by different multi-media-based tools for case-based documentation, disease course simulation, and decision support. With this model, high-level components, such as patient case reports or simulations of the course of a disease, and low-level components (e.g., diagnoses, symptoms or treatments) as well as the relationships between these components are modeled. The resulting schema has been implemented in AMOS II, on object-relational multi-database system supporting different views with regard to search and analysis depending on different work situations.  相似文献   
Stem-cell-based tissue engineering of murine teeth   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Teeth develop from reciprocal interactions between mesenchyme cells and epithelium, where the epithelium provides the instructive information for initiation. Based on these initial tissue interactions, we have replaced the mesenchyme cells with mesenchyme created by aggregation of cultured non-dental stem cells in mice. Recombinations between non-dental cell-derived mesenchyme and embryonic oral epithelium stimulate an odontogenic response in the stem cells. Embryonic stem cells, neural stem cells, and adult bone-marrow-derived cells all responded by expressing odontogenic genes. Transfer of recombinations into adult renal capsules resulted in the development of tooth structures and associated bone. Moreover, transfer of embryonic tooth primordia into the adult jaw resulted in development of tooth structures, showing that an embryonic primordium can develop in its adult environment. These results thus provide a significant advance toward the creation of artificial embryonic tooth primordia from cultured cells that can be used to replace missing teeth following transplantation into the adult mouth.  相似文献   
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