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Numerous studies addressed the predictive value of the nighttime blood pressure (BP) as captured by ambulatory monitoring. However, arbitrary cutoff limits in dichotomized analyses of continuous variables, data dredging across selected subgroups, extrapolation of cross-sectional studies to prospective outcomes, and lack of comprehensive adjustments for confounders make interpretation of the literature difficult. We reviewed prospective studies with total mortality or a composite cardiovascular end point as an outcome in relation to the level and the circadian profile of systolic BP. We analyzed studies in hypertensive patients (n = 23 856) separately from those in individuals randomly recruited from populations (n = 9641). We pooled summary statistics and individual subject data, respectively. In both patients and populations, in analyses in which nighttime BP was additionally adjusted for daytime BP and vice versa, nighttime BP was a stronger predictor than daytime BP. With adjustment for the 24-hour BP, both the night-to-day BP ratio and dipping status remained significant predictors of outcome but added little prognostic value over and beyond the 24-hour BP level. In the absence of conclusive evidence proving that nondipping is a reversible risk factor, the option whether or not to restore the diurnal blood pressure profile to a normal pattern should be left to the clinical judgment of doctors and should be individualized for each patient. Current guidelines on the interpretation of ambulatory BP recording need to be updated.  相似文献   
Precision medicine research often searches for treatment-covariate interactions, which refers to when a treatment effect (eg, measured as a mean difference, odds ratio, hazard ratio) changes across values of a participant-level covariate (eg, age, gender, biomarker). Single trials do not usually have sufficient power to detect genuine treatment-covariate interactions, which motivate the sharing of individual participant data (IPD) from multiple trials for meta-analysis. Here, we provide statistical recommendations for conducting and planning an IPD meta-analysis of randomized trials to examine treatment-covariate interactions. For conduct, two-stage and one-stage statistical models are described, and we recommend: (i) interactions should be estimated directly, and not by calculating differences in meta-analysis results for subgroups; (ii) interaction estimates should be based solely on within-study information; (iii) continuous covariates and outcomes should be analyzed on their continuous scale; (iv) nonlinear relationships should be examined for continuous covariates, using a multivariate meta-analysis of the trend (eg, using restricted cubic spline functions); and (v) translation of interactions into clinical practice is nontrivial, requiring individualized treatment effect prediction. For planning, we describe first why the decision to initiate an IPD meta-analysis project should not be based on between-study heterogeneity in the overall treatment effect; and second, how to calculate the power of a potential IPD meta-analysis project in advance of IPD collection, conditional on characteristics (eg, number of participants, standard deviation of covariates) of the trials (potentially) promising their IPD. Real IPD meta-analysis projects are used for illustration throughout.  相似文献   
High incidences of multiple pregnancies, after transferringa maximum of three embryos, were observed after in-vitro fertilization(IVF) treatment. In a randomized study, it was demonstratedthat, after taking into account embryo quality and other positivelyinterfering parameters, an elective transfer of two good qualityembryos does not significantly influence the pregnancy rate.The intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique was successfullydeveloped in the meantime and high incidences of multiple pregnancieswere also obtained after ICSI. The question arose whether afterICSI there was also room for elective double embryo transferin a well-defined patient group. This report covers 1 year of IVF and ICSI treatment and theresults are presented in relation to the number of embryos transferred.The embryo development is similar for zygotes obtained afterIVF and ICSI; for both techniques 63% of the zygotes developto type A-B embryos and 13% to type C embryos. There is alsono difference in the pregnancy rate after ICSI or IVF. Globally,after IVF, 307 out of the 766 double and triple transfers (40.1%)and 317 out of 774 double and triple transfers (40.9%) afterICSI resulted in a positive HCG. After IVF, 73.9% (227) andafter ICSI 76.3% (242) of the pregnancies were evolutive. Neitherwas there any difference between the two techniques as regardsthe implantation rate per transferred embryo. After IVF, 22.8%of the transferred embryos implanted compared with 21.8% afterICSI. When the elective double embryo transfers were compared,no difference was found between IVF and ICSI. After IVF, 102of the 211 elective double transfers (48.1%) resulted in a pregnancyversus 93 out of 225 (41.3%) after ICSI [not significant (NS)].A high implantation rate per transferred embryo (IVF: 33.2%;ICSI: 26.9%, NS) was obtained in this elective double transfercategory, as was also reported in the randomized study. Thesedata confirm the results obtained in our randomized study andthe effectiveness of the elective double embryo transfer forIVF as well as for ICSI.  相似文献   
The Syst-Eur study investigated whether active antihypertensive treatment could reduce cardiovascular complications in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension. Patients (> or = 60 years) were randomly assigned to active treatment (n = 2398), i.e. nitrendipine, with the possible addition of enalapril and hydrochlorothiazide, or matching placebos (n= 2297). In the intention-to-treat analysis, the between-group difference in blood pressure amounted to 10.1/4.5 mm Hg (P < 0.001). Active treatment reduced the total incidence of stroke (primary endpoint) by 42% (P = 0.003), of all cardiac endpoints by 26% (P = 0.03), and of all cardiovascular endpoints combined by 31% (P < 0.001). Cardiovascular mortality was slightly lower on active treatment (-27%; P = 0.07), but all-cause mortality was not influenced (-14%; P = 0.22). For total (P = 0.009) and cardiovascular mortality (P = 0.09), the benefit of antihypertensive treatment weakened with advancing age and for total mortality it decreased with higher systolic blood pressure at entry (P = 0.05). The benefits of active treatment were not independently related to gender or to the presence of cardiovascular complications at entry. Further analyses also suggested benefit in patients who were taking nitrendipine as the sole therapy. The per-protocol analysis largely confirmed the intention-to-treat results. It can be concluded that stepwise antihypertensive drug treatment, starting with the dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker nitrendipine, improves prognosis in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension.  相似文献   
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from an human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-identical donor is currently the only proven curative treatment for chronic granulomatous disease. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with alternative donors is associated with higher morbidity and mortality. Therefore, we performed in vitro fertilization and preimplantation HLA matching combined with female sexing for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in chronic granulomatous disease. Ethical and psychological issues were considered carefully. We used in vitro fertilization with X-enriched spermatozoa followed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis to identify female HLA-genoidentical embryos in a family in need of a suitable donor for their boy affected with severe X-linked chronic granulomatous disease. Two preimplantation genetic diagnosis cycles were performed in the family. In the second cycle, 2 HLA-genoidentical female embryos were transferred and a singleton pregnancy was obtained, resulting in the birth of an unaffected girl at term. Because of insufficient cell numbers in the cord-blood source, conventional hematopoietic stem cell transplantation had to be performed at 12 months of age of the donor and 5 years of age of the recipient and resulted in complete stable donor chimerism and immunologic reconstitution up to 25 months post-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after in vitro fertilization and combined female sexing and HLA matching offers a new and relatively rapid therapeutic option for patients with X-linked primary immunodeficiency such as chronic granulomatous disease who need hematopoietic stem cell transplantation but lack an HLA-genoidentical donor.  相似文献   
Meta-analysis of individual patient data (IPD) is the gold-standard for synthesizing evidence across clinical studies. However, for some studies IPD may not be available and only aggregate data (AD), such as a treatment effect estimate and its standard error, may be obtained. In this situation, methods for combining IPD and AD are important to utilize all the available evidence. In this paper, we develop and assess a range of statistical methods for combining IPD and AD in meta-analysis of continuous outcomes from randomized controlled trials.The methods take either a one-step or a two-step approach. The latter is simple, with IPD reduced to AD so that standard AD meta-analysis techniques can be employed. The one-step approach is more complex but offers a flexible framework to include both patient-level and trial-level parameters. It uses a dummy variable to distinguish IPD trials from AD trials and to constrain which parameters the AD trials estimate. We show that this is important when assessing how patient-level covariates modify treatment effect, as aggregate-level relationships across trials are subject to ecological bias and confounding. We thus develop models to separate within-trial and across-trials treatment-covariate interactions; this ensures that only IPD trials estimate the former, whilst both IPD and AD trials estimate the latter in addition to the pooled treatment effect and any between-study heterogeneity. Extension to multiple correlated outcomes is also considered. Ten IPD trials in hypertension, with blood pressure the continuous outcome of interest, are used to assess the models and identify the benefits of utilizing AD alongside IPD.  相似文献   
Background: The current risk assessment for environmental cadmium (Cd) largely relies on the assumption that urinary Cd (U-Cd) is a reliable biomarker of the Cd body burden. Recent studies have questioned the validity of this assumption.Objectives: We studied the lifetime trend of U-Cd as a function of diuresis, gender, smoking status, and protein tubular reabsorption. We also analyzed the associations between U-Cd and urinary proteins.Methods: Cd, retinol-binding protein, and albumin were measured in the urine of six cohorts of the general population of Belgium, with a mean age ranging from 5.7 to 88.1 years (n = 1,567). Variations of U-Cd with age were modeled using natural cubic splines.Results: In both genders, U-Cd decreased to a minimum (~ 0.20 μg/L) at the end of adolescence, then increased until 60–70 years of age (~ 0.60 μg/L in never-smokers) before leveling off or decreasing. When U-Cd was expressed in micrograms per gram of creatinine, these variations were amplified (minimum, 0.15 µg/g creatinine; maximum, 0.70 µg/g creatinine) and much higher U-Cd values were observed in women. We observed no difference in U-Cd levels between never-smokers and former smokers, and the difference with current smokers did not increase over time. Lifetime curves of U-Cd were higher with increasing urinary retinol-binding protein or albumin, a consequence of the coexcretion of Cd with proteins.Conclusions: At low Cd exposure levels, U-Cd and age are associated through nonlinear and nonmonotonic relationships that appear to be driven mainly by recent Cd intake and physiological variations in the excretion of creatinine and proteins.Citation: Chaumont A, Voisin C, Deumer G, Haufroid V, Annesi-Maesano I, Roels H, Thijs L, Staessen J, Bernard A. 2013. Associations of urinary cadmium with age and urinary proteins: further evidence of physiological variations unrelated to metal accumulation and toxicity. Environ Health Perspect 121:1047–1053; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1306607  相似文献   
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