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BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species may contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma. Functional genetic polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase are good candidates for asthma susceptibility. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of the manganese-containing form of SOD (MnSOD) gene at amino acid position 16 (Val16Ala) and catalase gene in the promoter at A-21T and C-262T polymorphisms and asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese population. METHODS: The association study was conducted in a case-control design in asthma patients (n=251) and healthy controls (n=316) by genotyping. The functional significance was assessed by determining erythrocyte SOD and catalase activity. RESULTS: The Val allele of MnSOD at Val16Ala and the A allele of catalase gene at A-21T were not different between patients and controls, while the C allele of catalase gene at C-262T was found to be significantly different between patients and controls (P=0.033). The less frequent variant of catalase gene (-262T) was found to be protective from the development of asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese non-smoking population (adjusted odds ratio=0.35, 0.15-0.85; P=0.017). Asthma patients had elevated erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities in comparison with healthy controls (P<0.01). However, their activities were not associated with different genotypes within healthy controls or asthma patients. CONCLUSION: This is the first report showing that SOD and catalase functional activities are not associated with their respective genetic polymorphisms but related to the presence of asthma in a Hong Kong Chinese population.  相似文献   
Effects of sodium salts of various monovalent inorganic anions on transdermal permeation of salicylic acid were investigated. In in-vitro experiment using a Franz-type diffusion cell and excised mouse skin, the permeation-enhancing activities of the sodium salts of inorganic anions were roughly proportional to lyotropic Hofmeister swelling abilities of the anions; F?<SO4 2?<Cl? <ClO4 ?<NO3 <SCN? <Br <I?, i.e. l, Br and SCN increased the flux of drugs through the mouse skin, while F?, SO4 2?, Cl?, ClO4 ? and NO3 ? decreased or did not affect the flux. In invivo experiment using the rabbit as the test animal, the plasma concentration of salicylic acid of the rabbit to which 10%-salicylic acid ointment containing 5%-Nal or NaBr was applied was significantly higher than that of the rabbit to which the ointment without the electrolytes was applied. The amounts of sterol leached out of stratum corneum sheet when the sheet was immersed in aqueous solutions of Nal, NaBr, or NaSCN were much more than that of stratum corneum immersed in aqueous solutions of the other inorganic anions. The FTIR/ATR spectroscopy showed that the peaks at 2853 cm?1 and 2924 cm?1 in the IR absorption spectrum of the stratum corneum sheet of the mouse were shifted to higher frequencies by the anions which enhanced the transdermal drug permeation, while not shifted by the anions which did not have any permeation-enhancing activities or have permeation-reducing activities. These results suggest that sodium salts of some anions such as iodide, bromide and thiocyanate enhance transdermal permeation of salicylic acid through swelling and perturbation of the skin structure by these anions.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Several studies have shown a relation between hyperhomocysteinaemia and vascular disease. To assess the risk of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) associated with hyperhomocysteinaemia, we studied plasma homocysteine levels in patients with deep-vein thrombosis and in normal control subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We measured plasma homocysteine levels in 48 patients with deep-vein thrombosis and in 33 healthy controls matched to the patients according to age and sex. Plasma homocysteine levels were measured with high performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection. Hyperhomocysteinaemia was defined as a plasma homocysteine level about 15 micromol/L in both groups. The diagnosis of all patients with deep-vein thrombosis (n=48) was verified by Doppler ultrasonography. RESULTS: Plasma homocysteine levels were found to be increased in the deep-vein thrombosis group compared the control group (p<0.001, t-test). The mean plasma homocysteine level in the patients was 17.1 SD 5.13 micromol/L (range 6.4-31.3), and that in the controls was 9.0 SD 1.27 micromol/L (range 6.0-11.5). The association between elevated homocysteine levels and venous thrombosis was stronger among men than among women. CONCLUSIONS: The increased plasma homocysteine levels we have observed may have a causative role in the development of deep-vein thrombosis.  相似文献   
This article discusses issues to be considered by nurse researchers when groups should be used as the unit of randomization. Advantages and disadvantages are presented, with statistical calculations needed to determine the effective sample size. Examples of these concepts are presented using data from the Black Cosmetologists Promoting Health Program. Different hypothetical scenarios and their impact on sample size are also presented. Given the complexity of calculating the sample size when using groups as the unit of randomization, it is advantageous for researchers to work closely with statisticians when designing and implementing studies that anticipate the use of groups as the unit of randomization.  相似文献   
Recent evidence points to the fact that osteoclasts are derived from mononuclear cells of hematopoietic bone marrow. In this study we have examined the formation of osteoclasts from mononuclear cells in vitro. The mononuclear cells were isolated after 7 days from cultures of mouse bone marrow cells. The isolated cells were co-cultured with osteoclast-free, fetal-mouse calvaria. After 10 to 14 days of co-culture, multinucleated cells which have all the characteristics of osteoclasts were found in juxtaposition to seams of woven bone. These data strongly suggest that bone marrow mononuclear cells, when suitably induced, can give rise to osteoclasts in vitro.  相似文献   
Between 1984 and 2000 in the Thoracic Surgery Centre pneumonectomies were performed in 947 patients. Postpneumonectomy empyema (PE) occurred in 67 (7%) patients. The aim of this paper were: analysis the reasons of postpneumonectomy empyema appearance, defined bacterial flora, clinical course and optimal management. The causes of PE were: pleural cavity haematoma (20 patients-29.8%), wound suppuration (18 patients-26.8%), bronchial fistula (31 patients-46.2%). These complications appeared singly or together in 49 (73.1%) patients. In 2 (3.0%) patients a long treatment in the Intensive Care Unit because of postoperative shock was the cause of infection. In 3 (4.5%) cases the cause of empyema was associated with infection during the operation. In 13(19.4%) cases the cause of empyema was not established. In 55 patients infections of pleural cavities were diagnosed in the first 8 weeks after operations. In 12 patients empyemas were established later. 12 (17.9%) patients died during the analyzed 1 year period after operation. In 18 (26.9%) patients infections were caused by only one bacterial strain and in 49 (73.1%) by two or three bacterial strains. The different methods of treatment (thoracentesis, drainage, operation) depending on general condition of patient were done.  相似文献   
Metastatic tumors in the sellar and parasellar regions are uncommon and rarely detected in clinical practice. We present four cases of sellar and parasellar metastatic tumors, which metastasized from distant organ in one case and extended directly from adjacent structures in three. Common presenting symptoms were cranial neuropathies, headache and facial pain. Invasion into the cavernous sinus was noted in all cases. We report rare cases of sellar and parasellar metastases. Also, we should consider the possibility of metastasis in these regions for patients who showed the above clinical presentations in systemic cancer patients. In extensive diseases, transient symptomatic relief could be obtained by direct surgical management, even in restricted degree.  相似文献   
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