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Technetium-99m hexakis-2-methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile(99mTc sestamibi) has been used for myocardial perfusion imaging in the evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD) since 1990. The experience of its use in an Asian population with and without previous myocardial infarction (Ml), diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HPT) and collateral circulation (COL) is reported. One hundred and thirty-nine patients who underwent treadmill exercise testing with 99mTc sestamibi single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and coronary angiogram were studied. The overall sensitivity for the detection of CAD was 91.0% and specificity was 64.7%. For patients without previous myocardial infarction, the sensitivity was 83.8% and specificity was 83.3%. Patients with COL had a higher sensitivity while those with HPT had a lower specificity. Sensitivity was higher in patients with multi-vessel disease (MVD) than single vessel disease (SVD). The overall detection for individual artery stenosis was 74.1% with a specificity of 73.1 %. Amongst the three major coronary arteries, sensitivity was highest for the right coronary artery and specificity was highest for the left circumflex artery. Specificity was higher in patients without MI or COL. We found that the agreement between 99mTc sestamibi SPECT and coronary angiogram for the extent of CAD was only 52.5%. The concordance rate was higher for patients with MVD than SVD. It is concluded that 99mTc sestamibi SPECT is a sensitive and specific test for the detection of CAD and localization of disease to individual coronary arteries in our patients with some differences in the subgroups. Agreement between coronary angiogram and 99mTc sestamibi for the extent of coronary artery disease was also satisfactory.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We evaluated the effectiveness of and patient preference for analgesia used during shock wave lithotripsy by comparing diclofenac alone with a combination of diclofenac and patient controlled analgesia, that is alfentanil. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 64 patients were treated using a Lithotriptor S (Dornier Medical Systems, Marietta, Georgia) and randomized to receive diclofenac alone or combined with an alfentanil patient controlled analgesia pump. If treated twice, they crossed over to the alternative form of analgesia. A record was maintained of the site and size of the stone, maximum power achieved, number of shocks, amount of alfentanil used and need for additional analgesia. After treatment patients scored on a visual analog scale the maximum level of pain and satisfaction with analgesia. RESULTS: There was no difference in the mean size of the stone treated (8.6 and 7.5 mm.), energy level (71% and 71% or approximately 17 kV.) or number of shocks (3,000 and 2,900, respectively) in the groups. Only 2 patients in the diclofenac group required additional analgesia and there were no significant side effects from either treatment. The mean pain scores were not significantly different in the diclofenac and patient controlled analgesia groups (3.54 and 2.93, respectively, (p = 0.34), although those on patient controlled analgesia were more satisfied (7.72 versus 9.14, p = 0.04). Of the 38 patients who presented twice 58% preferred diclofenac alone. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that there is no significant difference in the level of pain experienced with diclofenac alone or when combined with an alfentanil patient controlled analgesia pump during shock wave lithotripsy. However, patients are more satisfied with treatment when a patient controlled analgesia pump is available.  相似文献   
Objective. Unconverted 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) can be released from dental resin materials and can enter the body in humans. In the present study the uptake, distribution and excretion of 14C-HEMA applied via different routes were examined in vivo in guinea pigs.

Methods. HEMA (0.02 mmol/kg bw labelled with a tracer dose 14C-HEMA 0.3 Bq/g bw) was administered by gastric tube or by subcutaneous injection. Urine, feces, and exhaled carbon dioxide were collected for 24 h after administration. Guinea pigs were killed 24 h after the beginning of the experiment and various organs removed and 14C radioactivity measured.

Results. Low fecal 14C levels (about 2% of the dose) and urinary levels of about 15% after 24 h were noted with either route of administration. Direct measurement of exhaled CO2 showed that about 70% of the dose left the body via the lungs. Two pathways for the metabolism of 14C-HEMA can be described. It is likely that 14C-pyruvate is formed in vivo resulting in the formation of toxic 14C-HEMA intermediates. 14C-HEMA was taken up rapidly from the stomach and small intestine after gastric administration and was widely distributed in the body following administration by each of the routes.

Conclusions. Clearance from most tissues following gastric and intradermal administration was essentially complete within one day. The peak HEMA levels in all tissues examined after 24 h were at least onemillion-fold less than known toxic levels.  相似文献   

Latex allergy has become the epidemic of the 1990s for health care workers, as indicated by a remarkable increase in its prevalence. This literature review provides a brief background to the latex problem, strategies for prevention and management, a cost analysis of glove substitution in a clinical setting, and the implications for the military environment. Primary care providers must recognize the financial, medico-legal, occupational, and personal ramifications of latex allergy. Risk managers should realize that moving to a latex-free environment will reduce liability.  相似文献   
Cell culture models of the cornea are continually developed to replace the isolated animal cornea for transcorneal drug absorption studies. The aim of this study was to determine and compare epithelial tightness and permeability of currently available corneal cell culture models to avoid interlaboratory variability and to assess their usefulness for in-vitro permeation studies. Pure epithelial cell culture models (CEPI, SIRC and HCE-T cell lines), primary cultures of human corneal epithelium (HCEpiC) and the two commercially available models (RHC and Epiocular), as well as organotypic human cornea constructs (HCC, HCC-HCE-T), were investigated and data were compared with those obtained from the excised bovine cornea. Barrier properties were assessed by measurements of transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and permeability of three passively absorbed substances (mannitol, testosterone and timolol maleate) with different physico-chemical properties. TEER experiments revealed weak barrier functions for all of the investigated epithelial models (相似文献   
The effects of starvation and of plasma exchange with a cholesterol-free substitute on efflux of tissue cholesterol and on lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity in plasma and peripheral lymph were investigated in two pigs fed a cholesterol diet for 3-4 months. The pigs were labelled with i.v. [14C]cholesterol before plasma exchange or starvation. The cholesterol diet increased plasma total cholesterol concentration and LCAT activity in plasma and lymph, but had little effect on the rate of esterification of cholesterol in plasma or lymph. During cholesterol feeding, and when the animals were fed a normal diet, cholesterol esterification rates in plasma and lymph were much lower than the maximum rates achieved when LCAT was saturated with substrate, suggesting that LCAT in normal pig plasma and lymph is not saturated with substrate. Plasma exchange, carried out when the specific activity of tissue cholesterol exceeded that of plasma cholesterol, was followed by a brief rise in the specific activity of plasma cholesterol to a maximum value between the specific activities of muscle and adipose-tissue cholesterol, reflecting the transfer of radioactive cholesterol from tissue to plasma. During the rise in plasma total cholesterol specific activity there were no differences between the specific activities of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in plasma or lymph. Starvation had no effect on the plasma-cholesterol specific-activity curve. From about day 14 after labelling, cholesterol-specific activity decreased in the order: tissues greater than lymph greater than plasma. This suggests that the transfer of cholesterol from tissues to plasma was mediated by lipoproteins in the interstitial fluid.  相似文献   


(1) To investigate the genotoxicity of a glass ionomer cement (GIC) and GIC incorporated with titanium dioxide nanopoarticle (TiO2NPs) and with microparticle (TiO2MPs) on DNA double-strand breaks of human gingival fibroblast cells (HGFs). (2) To compare the genotoxic differences between GIC and two modified cements.


TiO2NPsGIC and TiO2MPsGIC were prepared by adding 10% w/w of TiO2NPs and TiO2MPs to the GIC powder and hand-mixed followed the manufacturer instruction. Dulbecco’s Minimum Essential Medium (DMEM) was used as a culture medium for HGFs and eluate preparation. Eluates from all groups were collected for XTT cell viability assay to obtain EC50 values. γ-H2AX immunofluorescence assay was performed to detect DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) of HGFs.


EC50 values were from 38% to 60% and eluate concentrations at 20% and 5% were selected for γ-H2AX immunofluorescence assay. At both concentrations, HGFs exposed to eluates from all cements groups had fewer mean foci per cell and higher percentage of free foci cells than H2O2 (p < 0.05). At 20% concentration, cells exposed to eluates from both TiO2NPsGIC and TiO2MPsGIC groups had fewer mean foci per cell and higher percentage of free foci cell than GIC and culture medium (p < 0.05).


Neither GIC nor 10% TiO2-modified GICs had a genotoxic effect on HGFs. Both TiO2NPsGIC and TiO2MPsGIC demonstrated less genotoxic effect than GIC. When comparing between the two modified cements, there was no genotoxic difference between the modified cements from different particle sizes (nanoparticle and micro-particle) of TiO2.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: In a previous study it was postulated that toxicity of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) and triethleneglycoldimethacrylate (TEGDMA) is based on oxidative metabolites. In this study the influence of antioxidative vitamins (including uric acid) on the toxicity of HEMA or TEGDMA was tested. Toxicity of HEMA and TEGDMA was determined in rat alveolar epithelial L2, human malignant A549, and human fibroblast-like 11Lu cells by inhibition of methionine incorporation (as a marker of protein synthesis inhibition) and by determination of glutathione depletion, as well as by measurement of GSSG increase. RESULTS: Toxicity of the composite components HEMA and TEGDMA was demonstrated by GSH depletion as the most sensitive method. Five hundred micromoles per litre Vitamin C or 250 micromol/l Vitamin E were mostly able to decrease toxicity of HEMA and TEGDMA in the cell lines tested. In addition, 250 micromol/l Vitamin A was only effective in L2 cells impairing HEMA toxicity and 250 micromol/l uric acid impairing TEGDMA toxicity as assessed by decreased GSH depletion. In A549 cells only methionine incorporation inhibition but not GSH depletion was significantly affected. By contrast, in 11Lu cells methionine incorporation inhibition was not significantly changed, but GSH depletion was. CONCLUSIONS: The postulated mechanism of HEMA or TEGDMA toxicity based on radical metabolites is supported by the effectivity of the antioxidative substances tested in mitigating toxicity and by the greater susceptibility of the glutathione redox system as compared to protein synthesis inhibition in assessing toxicity.  相似文献   
Frensing T  Seitz C  Heynisch B  Patzina C  Kochs G  Reichl U 《Vaccine》2011,29(41):7125-7129
Influenza B virus infections are mainly restricted to humans, which is partially caused by the inability of influenza B virus NS1 protein to counteract the innate immune response of other species. However, for cell culture-based influenza vaccine production non-human cells, such as Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, are commonly used. Therefore, the impact of cellular pathogen defence mechanisms on influenza B virus propagation in MDCK cells was analysed in this study. Activation of the cellular antiviral defence by interferon stimulation slowed down influenza B virus replication at early time points but after 48 h the same virus titres were reached in stimulated and control cells. Furthermore, suppression of the antiviral host defence by transient expression of a viral antagonist, the rabies virus phosphoprotein, could not increase influenza B virus replication. Finally, canine Myxovirus resistance (Mx) proteins showed no antiviral activity in an influenza B virus-specific minireplicon assay in contrast to the murine Mx1 protein. Taken together, these results indicate that an insufficient antiviral defence in MDCK cells promotes efficient influenza B virus replication favouring the use of MDCK cells in influenza vaccine production.  相似文献   
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