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A retrospective cohort study was conducted to determine the incidence of post-caesarean infections in a Canadian community teaching hospital using computer algorithms designed for the diagnosis of nosocomial infections. Inferential chart review was done on 1335 women delivered by lower-segment caesarean section (793 primary and 542 secondary) at the Calgary General Hospital between January 1985 and April 1988. The overall infection rates were 42·1 and 46·1% for women delivered by primary and secondary caesarean section, respectively. Incisional surgical wound infection accounted for the largest proportion of post-caesarean infections found. Women delivered by primary caesarean section had significantly higher rates of endometritis, deep surgical wound infection and bacteraemia than those delivered by secondary section. All types of post-caesarean infection, except asymptomatic bacteriuria, caused the duration of the post-partum hospital stay to be significantly increased.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of subcutaneous erythropoietin treatment on dialysis efficiency in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients. DESIGN: Dialysis efficiency, platelet and white cell aggregation, and red cell deformability were measured monthly for six months in nine anaemic CAPD patients treated with erythropoietin, and on a single occasion in seven control CAPD patients with intrinsically high haemoglobin concentrations. SETTING: Renal dialysis unit. PATIENTS: Nine patients stable on CAPD for a minimum of six months and with haemoglobin concentrations less than 8.5 g/dl were treated with erythropoietin. Seven CAPD patients matched for age and renal function, with haemoglobins greater than 9.0 g/dl served as controls. RESULTS: Daily peritoneal clearances and net ultrafiltration volumes were unchanged when haematocrit increased from 25.0 +/- 2.2% to 36.5 +/- 3.5%. Spontaneous whole blood platelet aggregation was significantly increased from week twelve (pre-treatment aggregation 46 +/- 23%; 12 weeks: 67 +/- 19%, p less than 0.05; 16 weeks: 64 +/- 19%, p less than 0.01; 20 weeks: 71 +/- 16%, p less than 0.01; 24 weeks: 73 +/- 10%, p less than 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The increase in haematocrit and platelet aggregation associated with erythropoietin treatment did not affect peritoneal clearances or ultrafiltration capacity.  相似文献   
Psychoeducational findings among children treated for phenylketonuria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Early treated phenylketonuric children who maintained a phe-restricted diet through age 10 were compared with those who discontinued the diet after age 6 on standardized tests of intelligence, school achievement, language, and perceptual skills. Mean IQ, reading, and spelling test scores improved between ages 6 and 10 for the on-diet children in comparison to those who were off diet. Mean scores on arithmetic, language, and perceptual skills, however, declined at a uniform rate for both groups. Children with PKU scored significantly lower than did their non-PKU siblings on tests of visual perception and visual-motor skills. We conclude that children with PKU should be maintained on a phe-restricted diet.  相似文献   
Conjugates of poly-N-methylglycine (polysarcosine) and grass pollen extracts, previously found to be capable of suppressing immature IgE antibody responses in mice, were shown to be highly effective at inhibiting the capacity of immune splenocytes to produce a secondary response in sub-lethally irradiated recipient animals. Anamnestic IgE responses in mice primed without adjuvant were also suppressed, but the effects were modest and of short duration. The predictive value of murine models for selecting clinically appropriate specific IgE suppressive agents and treatment schedules that might be successfully employed for clinical use are discussed.  相似文献   
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