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Suramin,a drug used for the treatment of African trypanosomi-asis and onchoceriasis,has potential anti-cancer activity.In the present study.the effect of suramin on proliferation of human head and neck squamous cellcarcinoma cells was determined.A significant growth inhibition in all threecell lines tested was observed when the concentration of suramin was 100μg/ml or more.The hypothesis was tested whether growth inhibition may bedue to selective interference with the action of epidermal growth factor.Suraminat growth inhibiting concentrations only partly antagonized the growth slimulat-ing effect of EGF at concentrations as low as 0.1 ng/ml,indicating that alsoother mechanisms of action may contribute to the growth inhibitory activity ofsuramin.Furthermore,evidence was found that also serum proteins other thangrowth factors presented in the culture medium have a growth stimulating effecton cells and a strongly antagonistical effect on suramin activity.  相似文献   
Background: In BRCA2 mutation carriers, increased risks have been reported for several cancer sites besides breast and ovary. As most of the families included in earlier reports were selected on the basis of multiple breast/ovarian cancer cases, it is possible that risk estimates may differ in mutation carriers with a less striking family history. Methods: In the Netherlands, 139 BRCA2 families with 66 different pathogenic mutations were included in a nationwide study. To avoid testing bias, we chose not to estimate risk in typed carriers, but rather in male and female family members with a 50% prior probability of being a carrier (n = 1811). The relative risk (RR) for each cancer site with the exception of breast and ovarian cancer was determined by comparing observed numbers with those expected, based on Dutch cancer incidence rates. Results: We observed an excess risk for four cancer sites: pancreas (RR 5.9; 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.2 to 10.0), prostate (2.5; 1.6 to 3.8), bone (14.4; 2.9 to 42.1) and pharynx (7.3; 2.0 to 18.6). A small increase was observed for cancer of the digestive tract (1.5; 1.1 to 1.9). Histological verification was available for 46% of the tumours. Nearly all increased risks reached statistical significance for men only. Cancer risks tended to be higher for people before the age of 65 years. Moreover, families with mutations outside the previously defined ovarian cancer cluster region tended to have a higher cancer risk. Conclusions: We found that BRCA2 carriers are at increased risk for cancers of the prostate and pancreas, and possibly bone and pharynx. Larger databases with extended follow up are needed to provide insight into mutation specific risks of selected carriers in BRCA2 families.  相似文献   
The development of this guideline was initiated and coordinated by the Netherlands Association of Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists (Nederlandse Vereniging van Maag-Darm-Leverartsen). The aim is the establishment of national standards in the evaluation and antiviral treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. This includes recommendations on the initial evaluation of patients, choice and duration of antiviral therapy, follow-up after antiviral therapy and monitoring of patients not currently requiring antiviral therapy. The initial evaluation of chronic HBV-infected patients should include testing of liver biochemistry, virus serology and abdominal imaging. In patients without cirrhosis, antiviral treatment is recommended for those with a serum HBV DNA of at least 1.0 x 105 c/ml (>or=2.0 x 10(4) IU/ml) in combination with: a) elevation of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) level above twice the upper limit of normal during at least three months, and/or b) histological evidence of porto-portal septa or interface hepatitis on liver histology. In patients with cirrhosis, antiviral treatment is recommended if serum HBV DNA is 1.0 x 10(4)c/ml (>or=2.0 x 10(3) IU/ml) or higher, independent of ALAT levels or histological findings. If the patient has decompensated cirrhosis, antiviral treatment is recommended if serum HBV DNA is 1000 c/ml (>or=200 IU/ml) or higher. Patients who do not have an indication for antiviral treatment should be monitored because there is a risk of (re)activation of disease activity. Monitoring every three to six months is recommended for HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative patients with high viraemia (HBV DNA >or=1.0 x 10(5) c/ml or >or=2.0 x 10(4) IU/ml) and normal ALAT levels. For patients with serum HBV DNA below 1.0 x 10(5) c/ml (<2.0 x 10(4) IU/ml) the recommended frequency of monitoring is every three to six months for HBeAg-positive patients and every six to 12 months for HBeAg-negative patients. Peginterferon (PEG-IF N) therapy should be considered as initial therapy in both HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative patients without contraindications for treatment with this drug because of the higher chance of achieving sustained response compared with nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy. In patients starting nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy, the use of lamivudine is not preferred if long-term antiviral treatment is expected due to the high risk of antiviral resistance against this drug. Of the currently licensed nucleos(t)ide analogues, entecavir has the lowest risk of antiviral resistance (compared with lamivudine, adefovir and telbivudine), while suppression of viral replication seems most profound with either entecavir or telbivudine. The recommended duration of treatment with PEG-IF N is one year for both HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative patients. In HBeAg-positive patents, nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy should at least be continued until HBeAg seroconversion and a decline in HBV DNA to below 400 c/ml (80 IU/ml) has been achieved and maintained for six months during therapy. Whether nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy can be safely discontinued in HBeAg-negative patients is unknown; usually prolonged or indefinite antiviral treatment is necessary. Patients receiving PEG-IF N should be monitored once a month, while three monthly monitoring suffices for those receiving nucleos(t)ide analogues. Genotypic analysis of the HBV polymerase is indicated if an increase in serum HBV DNA of at least 1 log(10) c/ml (IU/ml) compared with the nadir value is observed during nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy. Antiviral therapy should be changed as soon as possible in case of confirmed genotypic resistance. Adding a second antiviral agent seems beneficial over switching to another agent. With the availability of multiple new antiviral drugs for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, effective treatment is now possible for more patients and for longer periods. However, the complexity of HBV therapy has also increased. Nowadays, virtually all chronic HBV-infected patients can be effectively managed, either by inducing sustained off-treatment response or by maintaining an on-treatment response.  相似文献   
AIM/METHODS: To assess the risk of hypoglycaemia-associated seizures in large-for-gestational-age (LGA) full-term neonates data from the Netherlands Perinatal Registry were analysed. RESULTS: From 1997 to 2002 hypoglycaemia was recorded in 1513 of 9318 (16.2%) admitted LGA (defined as birthweight > or = 97.7 percentile) full-term neonates without maternal diabetes, of whom 20 (1.3%) had seizures. In six of these 20, hypoglycaemia was the single cause of seizures. CONCLUSION: Symptomatic hypoglycaemia occurs in healthy LGA full-term neonates.  相似文献   
Objective: To determine whether genetic amniocentesis performed in the second trimester of pregnancy is associated with the risk of preterm delivery. Study design: Case–control study performed in several departments of obstetrics and gynaecology of nine European countries. Three thousand and ninety-one preterm births and 5298 controls randomly selected from singleton births born at term during 1994–1997 were analysed. Logistic regression models were used to compare preterm births altogether and, separately, spontaneous preterm delivery and induced preterm delivery. Results: An increased risk of preterm delivery was found in women having second trimester genetic amniocentesis after taking account of other risk factors and confounding variables (odds ratios (OR)=1.59, 95% confidence intervals (95% CI): 1.31–1.92). The association was statistically significant and similar for spontaneous preterm delivery and induced preterm delivery. Conclusion: The study shows an association between preterm delivery and genetic amniocentesis. In view of the wide use of amniocentesis, further research on the etiologic role of this prenatal diagnostic technique is needed.  相似文献   
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