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Three drugs namely caffeine, paracetamol, and aceclofenac are commonly used for treating various acute and chronic pain related ailments. These 3 drugs have varied solubility profiles, and formulating them into a single tablet did not have the desired dissolution profile for drug absorption. The objective of the present research was to tailor the drug release profile by altering drug solubility. This was achieved by loading the drug into nanosponges. Here, three-dimensional colloidal nanosponges were prepared using β-cyclodextrin with dimethyl carbonate as a cross-linker using the hot-melt compression method. The prepared nanosponges were characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR spectroscopy, DSC, XRPD studies and SEM. The FTIR and DSC results obtained indicated polymer-drug compatibility. The 1H NMR spectroscopy results obtained indicated the drug entrapment within nanosponges with the formation of the inclusion complex. XRPD studies showed that the loaded drug had changed crystalline properties altering drug solubility. SEM photographs revealed the porous and spongy texture on the surface of the nanosponge. Box–Behnken experimental design was adopted for the optimization of nanosponge synthesis. Among the synthesized nanosponges containing paracetamol, aceclofenac and caffeine, batch F3–P31, F3–A31 and F3–C31 were considered optimized. Their particle size was 185, 181 and 199 nm with an entrapment efficiency of 81.53, 84.96, and 89.28% respectively. These optimized nanosponges were directly compressed into tablets and were studied for both pre and post-compression properties including in vitro drug release. The prepared tablet showed desired drug dissolution properties compared to the pure drug. The above outcomes indicated the applicability of nanosponges in modulating the drug release with varied solubility for combination therapy.

Polymeric nanosponges as potential carriers for successful combination therapy of poorly soluble drugs (paracetamol, aceclofenac, caffeine).  相似文献   
The outbreak of novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has infected more than 36 million people and caused approximately 1 million deaths around the globe as of 9 October 2020. The escalating outspread of the virus and rapid rise in the number of cases require the instantaneous development of effectual drugs and vaccines. Presently, there are no approved drugs or vaccine available to treat the infection. In such scenario, one of the propitious therapeutic approaches against viral infection is to explore enzyme inhibitors amidst natural compounds, utilizing computational approaches aiming to get products with negligible side effects. In the present study, the inhibitory prospects of ilimaquinone (marine sponge metabolite) were assessed in comparison with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, favipiravir, ivermectin and remdesivir at the active binding pockets of nine different vital SARS-CoV-2 target proteins (spike receptor binding domain, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, Nsp10, Nsp13, Nsp14, Nsp15, Nsp16, main protease, and papain-like-protease), employing an in silico molecular interaction based approach. In addition, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease (PLpro)–ilimaquinone complex were also carried out to calculate various structural parameters including root mean square fluctuation (RMSF), root mean square deviation (RMSD), radius of gyration (Rg) and hydrogen bond interactions. PLpro is a promising drug target, due to its imperative role in viral replication and additional function of stripping ubiquitin and interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) from host-cell proteins. In light of the possible inhibition of all vital SARS-CoV-2 target proteins, our study has emphasized the importance to study in depth ilimaquinone actions in vivo.

Inhibitory potential of ilimaquinone (marine sponge metabolite) against nine essential SARS-CoV-2 target proteins, employing a molecular interaction and dynamics simulation approach.  相似文献   
In order to satisfy the energy demands of the electromobility market, further improvements in cathode materials are receiving much attention, especially high energy density cathode materials for Li-ion batteries (LIBs). In this work, the self-propagating combustion (SPC) method is use to synthesise undoped LiNi0.6Co0.3Ti0.1O2 (LNCT), novel nano-sized Al-doped LiNi0.6Co0.3−xAlxTi0.1O2 (LCA) and LiNi0.6−xCo0.3AlxTi0.1O2 (LNA) (x = 0.01) cathode materials. LNCT, LCA and LNA were annealed at 700 °C for 24 h. Following the synthesis, the phase, chemical structure and purity of the materials were analysed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Based on the XRD results, all materials exhibit a single-phase structure with rhombohedral layered structure. Based on the HRTEM and EDX results, all samples exhibit polyhedral-like shapes, while the Al-doped samples display smaller crystallite sizes compared to the undoped sample. As for the electrochemical performances, the initially discharged capacity of LCA (238.6 mA h g−1) is higher than that of LNA (214.7 mA h g−1) and LNCT (150.5 mA h g−1). However, LNA has a lower loss of capacity after the 50th cycle compared to the LCA sample, which makes it a more excellent candidate for electrochemical applications. The main reason for the excellent electrochemical behaviour of LNA is due to lower cation mixing. Furthermore, Rietveld refinements reveal that the LNA sample has a longer atomic distance of Li–O and shorter TM–O in the cathode structure, which makes Li+ ion diffusion more efficient, leading to excellent electrochemical performance. These findings further proved the potential of the novel nano cathode material of LiNi0.6−xCo0.3AlxTi0.1O2 (LNA) to replace the existing commercialized cathode materials for rechargeable Li-ion batteries.

Al substitute into Ni site increase Li–O and reduce M–O atomic distance lead to excellent cycleability with high energy density.  相似文献   
Correction for ‘Pharmacophore-based approaches in the rational repurposing technique for FDA approved drugs targeting SARS-CoV-2 Mpro’ by Vishal M. Balaramnavar et al., RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 40264–40275, DOI: 10.1039/D0RA06038K.

The authors regret that the name of one of the authors (Talha Jawaid) was shown incorrectly in the original article. The corrected author list is as shown above.The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.  相似文献   
Ethnic differences of the presence and severity of coronary atherosclerosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: Although cardiovascular risk factor levels are substantially different in Caucasians, African-American, Hispanics, and Asians, the relative rates of coronary heart disease in these groups are not consistent with these differences. The objective of the study is to assess the differences in the prevalence and severity of coronary artery calcification, as a measure of atherosclerosis, in these different ethnic groups. METHODS: Electron-beam tomography was performed in 16,560 asymptomatic men and women (Asians=1336, African-Americans=610, Hispanics=1256) aged >or=35 years referred by their physician for cardiovascular risk evaluation. The study population encompassed 70% males, aged 52+/-8 years. RESULTS: Caucasians were more likely to present with dyslipidemia (p<0.0001), while African-Americans and Hispanics had a higher prevalence of smoking, diabetes, and hypertension (all p<0.001). After adjustment for age, gender, risk factors, and treatment for hypercholesterolemia, compared with Caucasians, the relative risks for men having coronary calcification were 0.64 (95% CI: 0.48-0.86) in African-Americans, 0.88 (95% CI: 0.67-1.15) in Hispanics, and 0.66 (95% CI: 0.55-0.80) in Asians. After similar adjustments, the relative risks for women having coronary calcification, were 1.58 (95% CI: 1.13-2.19) for African-Americans, 0.84 (95% CI: 0.66-1.06) in Hispanics, and 0.71 (95% CI: 0.56-0.89) in Asian women. After adjusting for age and risk factors using multivariable analysis, African-American men were least likely to have any coronary calcium while African-American women had significantly higher OR of any calcification. Asian men and women had significantly lower OR of any calcification. There was no significant difference in prevalence or severity of atherosclerosis between Hispanics and Caucasians, in men or women. CONCLUSIONS: Our study results demonstrate significant difference in the presence as well as severity of calcification according to ethnicity, independent of atherosclerotic risk factors. Results from this study (physician referred) closely parallel the results from MESA (population based, measured risk factors). Ethnic specific data on the predictive value of differing coronary calcium scores are needed.  相似文献   
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality and a major cause of morbidity. Coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for nearly half of all CVD deaths. Currently estimation of risk in primary prevention is based on the Framingham risk equations, which inputs traditional risk factors and is helpful in predicting the development of CHD in asymptomatic individuals. However many individuals suffer events in the absence of established risk factors for atherosclerosis and broad based population risk estimations may have little precision when applied to a given individual. To meet the challenge of CHD risk assessment, several tools have been developed to identify atherosclerotic disease in its preclinical stages. This paper aims to incorporate information from coronary artery calcification (CAC) scoring from a computed tomographic "heartscan" (using Electron Beam Tomography (EBT) as the validated prototype) along with current Framingham risk profiling in order to refine risk on an absolute scale by combining imaging and clinical data to affect a more comprehensive calculation of absolute risk in a given individual. For CAC scores above the 75th percentile but <90th percentile, 10 years is added to chronological age, and for CAC scores above the 90th percentile, 20 years is added to current chronological age. Among those in whom a positive CAC score is the norm such as older individuals (men> or =55 years, women> or =65 years) a CAC = 0 will result in an age point score corresponding to the age-group whose median CAC score is zero i.e., 40-44 years for men and 55-59 years for women. The utilization of CAC scores allows the inclusion of sub-clinical disease definition into the context of modifiable risk factors as well as identifies high-risk individuals requiring aggressive treatment.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to determine the feasibility of biodiesel production from candlenut oil using supercritical methanol (scMeOH) as a non-catalytic transesterification process. The influence of the scMeOH transesterification process was determined with varying pressure (85–145 bar), temperature (260–300 °C), methanol to oil (M : O) ratio (15 : 1–35 : 1), and reaction time (15–25 min). The experimental conditions of the scMeOH transesterification process were designed using central composite design (CCD) of experiments, and the process was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). It was found that scMeOH temperature, pressure, M : O ratio, and reaction time substantially influenced the transesterification process. The maximum biodiesel yield of 96.35% was obtained at an optimized scMeOH transesterification process at the pressure of 115 bar, the temperature of 285 °C, M : O ratio of 30 : 1, and reaction time of 22 min. A second-order kinetics model and Eyring equations were utilized to determine the kinetics and thermodynamics of biodiesel production from candlenut oil. The activation energy value was determined to be 28.35 KJ mol−1. Analyses of the thermodynamic properties of biodiesel revealed that the transesterification process was non-spontaneous and endothermic. The physicochemical properties of produced candlenut biodiesel via scMeOH complied with most of the biodiesel properties as per ASTM D6751 and EN14214, thereby referring to good quality biodiesel production. The findings of the present study reveal that the scMeOH is an effective non-catalytic transesterification process for biodiesel production from candlenut oil.

The present study was conducted to determine the feasibility of biodiesel production from candlenut oil using supercritical methanol (scMeOH) as a non-catalytic transesterification process.  相似文献   
Sleep disturbance is prevalent in aging and painful rheumatologic populations, but it has largely been a neglected dimension of the routine clinical care of arthritis patients. Pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of disability worldwide, and factors that contribute to pain in OA are poorly understood. Sleep disturbance is not only a consequence of pain, it is also likely to play an integral role in pain expression. Emerging research suggests that many patients with OA demonstrate signs of generalized hyperalgesia and faulty central pain modulatory processing similar to other idiopathic pain disorders, such as fibromyalgia. Sleep disruption is increasingly recognized as a direct contributor to both hyperalgesia and impaired endogenous pain modulation. This article reviews the extant literature on sleep disturbance and hyperalgesia in patients with OA. We propose a conceptual working model describing pathways by which sleep disturbance interacts directly with central pain processing mechanisms and inflammatory processes, and indirectly with mood and physical functioning to augment clinical OA pain. The clinical and research implications of the model are discussed.  相似文献   
Nurses' health literacy knowledge and communication skills are essential for improving patients' health literacy. Yet, research on nurses' health literacy knowledge and perception is limited. The study aimed to evaluate nurses' health literacy knowledge, communication techniques, and barriers to the implementation of health literacy interventions. A cross‐sectional study was used, and a total of 1697 nurses in 104 community hospitals in Thailand completed self‐report measures. Approximately 55% of the participants had heard about the concept of health literacy; 9% had received formal training specific to interaction with patients with low health literacy. About 50% of the nurses were aware of their patients' low health literacy; therefore, they applied the recommended communication techniques for them. Delivery of effective health literacy training was hampered by a lack of assessment tools, health literacy training and specialists, educational materials, and health provider time. Hospital administrators, nurse managers, health leaders should develop strategies to create environments and resources supporting health literacy interventions.  相似文献   
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