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Antioxidant capacity and nitric oxide in patients with hepatic cirrhosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigated the relationship between the antioxidant capacity of blood and the serum level of nitric oxide (NO) in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. The study included 20 patients with compensated cirrhosis (group I), 30 with decompensated cirrhosis (group II), and 30 healthy controls (group III). The serum levels of NO, albumin, bilirubin, and uric acid, and the erythrocyte activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured in all groups. The mean erythrocyte SOD activity (5.94 +/- 3.21 U/mg protein) and serum NO level (25.19 +/- 8.15 micromol/L) in group I were similar to those of controls (6.86 +/- 2.47 U/mg protein and 21.67 +/- 6.51 micromol/L, respectively). However, erythrocyte SOD activity in group II was significantly lower than in groups I and III and mean serum NO level was significantly higher in group II than in groups I and III. In regard to non-enzymatic antioxidants, the mean serum albumin level was lower and the mean serum total bilirubin level was higher in group II than in groups I and III. As expected, group I had higher mean serum total bilirubin level than the control group. Correlation analysis showed that erythrocyte SOD activity in cirrhotic patients was negatively correlated with their serum levels of NO. These results suggest that disturbances of antioxidative mechanisms may diminish hepatic resistance to oxidative stress, thereby contributing to the development of fibrogenesis.  相似文献   
The distribution and metabolism of ACTH and the dynamics of the adrenal cortical response to this tropic hormone were characterized in the rat, through mathematical models involving data derived from experiments, where plasma corticosterone concentrations were measured following both single injections and infusions of ACTH. The models, which incorporate a previously established model of the dynamics of plasma corticosterone, were statistically validated. The simulated dynamics of the different processes linking ACTH secretion by the adenohypophysis to corticosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex include: (1) a variable MCR for plasma ACTH, modeled as the sum of a constant and a saturable degradation process; (2) the ability of the adrenal gland to secrete at a maximal rate aven after the plasma ACTH concentration has become negligible, modeled as the accumulation of an intermediary productZ directly controlled by the plasma ACTH concentration; (3) a saturable secretion with a small time constant and which, for single injections, always starts in the same fashion, modeled as a “synthesis process” whose input is a saturable function ofZ; (4) an immediate fall of the plasma corticosterone concentration at the end of the ACTH infusions, modeled as a “release process” also controlled byZ. Supported by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada (MT-1205, MT-1555, and MA-4970), and from INSERM, France (CRL-76-5-020-4).  相似文献   
Human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) causes Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and lymphoproliferative disorders in both HIV-infected and uninfected patients. HHV-8 has a worldwide occurrence but infection rates vary according to a combination of geographic and behavioral risks. The main transmission route seems to be sexual, nevertheless, nasal secretions, saliva, blood, and organ graft have been proposed. HHV-8 was postulated as a new infectious agent for screening in blood donors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of antibodies against HHV-8 antigens in blood donors of South America. Serum samples from 2,470 blood donors from Argentina, Brazil, and Chile corresponding to five geographic regions were studied by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Seroprevalence rate was 3.7% (92/2,470; 95% CI 2.9-4.5) in the entire blood donor population distributed as follows: Argentina, 4.0% (Buenos Aires city, 4.3%; Bahia Blanca, 2.4%; and Córdoba, 4.0%), Campinas (Brazil), 2.8%; and Santiago de Chile, 3.0%. There was no difference (P>0.05) between men and women or age related, except in Brazil where positive cases were 30-49-year-old males. The present study, which includes different geographical areas of multiple countries from South America, has not been done before. The results show similar prevalence rates among the studied zones corresponding to low-prevalence regions. South America is a large sub-continent with a wide spectrum of population and geographical characteristics, thus, more HHV-8 prevalence studies should be necessary to establish possible regional differences.  相似文献   
A total of 431 consecutive patients from the Midi Pyrenees area with acute hepatitis with unknown etiology in 2001-2002 were tested for the presence of immunoglobulin G-class (IgG) anti-hepatitis E virus (HEV) antibodies. Forty-six (10.7%) had anti-HEV IgG, and the results were questionable for a further 17 (3.9%). Real time PCR based on TaqMan detection was used to identify HEV genome fragments in the serum of patients with positive or questionable anti-HEV serology. HEV RNA was found in 25.4% of cases. All amplification products were sequenced and analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all the strains were genotype 3. In conclusion, virological and epidemiological data indicate that genotype 3 viruses are circulating in the south west part of France (Midi-Pyrenees) in patients with acute hepatitis and who have not visited recently areas in which HEV is endemic.  相似文献   
Individual sperm from men with balanced translocations have different chromosomal contents. Thus, an estimation of the overall sperm chromosomal imbalance of such patients could help to give the couple an adapted genetic counselling. We report here the study of a balanced translocation carrier, t(17;22) (q11;q12) whose reproductive history reported four miscarriages. Moreover, he had an abnormal semen analysis with oligoteratozoospermia. The meiotic segregation pattern was examined in 700 sperm, using fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). Nineteen percent of the sperm had balanced translocations or were normal. All other sperm were unbalanced (81%) and their distribution was observed as follows: the frequencies of adjacent 1, adjacent 2 and 3:1 segregations were 12.9, 5.8 and 46.8% respectively. Among the segregations scored, 13.7% were related to second meiotic division abnormalities. Less than 2% of the total sperm scored were not explained. The 3:1 segregation was present at a very high rate, which is very unusual. In cases of balanced translocations, we believe that no general features can be drawn. Thus, the FISH technique may be very helpful for genetic counselling, which remains an important step and must be done with care.  相似文献   
Binding of human and rat CD59 to the terminal complement complexes.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
T Lehto  B P Morgan    S Meri 《Immunology》1997,90(1):121-128
CD59-antigen (protectin) is a widely distributed glycolipid-anchored inhibitor of complement lysis. CD59 interacts with complement components C8 and C9 during assembly of the membrane attack complex (MAC). To evaluate species specificity of these interactions we have in the present study examined cross-species binding of isolated human and rat CD59 to the terminal complement components C8 and C9. By using primarily soluble CD59 isolated from urine (CD59U) potentially non-specific binding interactions of the phospholipid portion of the membrane forms of CD59 could be avoided. Sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation analysis showed that human CD59U bound to both human and rat C8 in the SC5b-8 complexes. Similar binding occurred when rat CD59U was used. The degree of binding did not significantly differ between the heterologous and homologous CD59-C8 combinations. C9 from both species inhibited the binding of CD59 to soluble SC5b-8. In ligand blotting analysis human and rat CD59U bound to human and rat C8 alpha gamma-subunit and C9. Binding of human and rat CD59U was stronger to human than rat C9. In plate binding assays the erythrocyte form of CD59 (CD59E) bound to both human and rat C8. Binding of CD59E to heterologous C9 was considerably weaker than to homologous C9. Our results imply that the reciprocal binding sites between C8 and CD59 and to a lesser degree between CD59 and C9 are conserved between human and rat. Interactions of CD59 with the terminal C components are thus species selective but not 'homologously restricted'.  相似文献   
The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei relies on trans-splicing of a common spliced leader (SL) RNA to maturate mRNAs. Using the yeast two-hybrid system a protein (TSR1IP) was identified that interacts with the T. brucei serine-arginine (SR) protein termed TSR1. TSR1IP shows homology to U1 70 kDa proteins, and contains an SR rich domain as well as an acidic/arginine domain homologous to the U1 70 kDa poly(A) polymerase inhibiting domain. This protein is localized in the nucleoplasm and excluded from the nucleolus in trypanosomal bloodstream and procyclic forms. Based on structural modelling predictions and on the identification of a RNA recognition motif (RRM), it was possible to demonstrate by the yeast three-hybrid system that TSR1IP interacts with the 5' splice region of the SL RNA. All the above characteristics suggest that TSR1IP could be involved in trans-splicing.  相似文献   
Pig kidney diamine oxidase (DAO) and rat intestinal histaminase (Hi-are) activities are inhibited in vitro by high concentrations of both a substrate (histamine) and a coenzyme (pyridoxal-5-phosphate). This inhibition may be at least partially associated with the formation of a cyclic compound between histamine (Hi) and pyridoxal-5-phosphate (PLP).The dynamics of this cyclic compound formation in the presence of both enzymes has been examined. In an incubation mixture containing partially purified pig kidney DAO, the rate of cyclization decreased slightly as compared with a buffer. On the contrary, in the presence of crude rat intestinal histaminase, the rate of cyclization was inhibited significantly; this inhibition was proportional to the amount of enzyme preparation present in the incubation mixture. The possible mechanism of the influence of enzyme protein on the rate of cyclic compound formation, and its possible biological significance, are discussed.  相似文献   
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