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A 24-year-old man presented to our center with a huge goiter compressing his airway. He had a previous diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) of the lung. Core needle biopsy was consistent with histiocytosis. Thyroidectomy was performed. A very invasive mass was encountered at the time of surgery. Histopathology result was consistent with an invasive papillary cancer of thyroid co-occurring with LCH. Although association of LCH with different malignancies has been reported, co-existing invasive papillary thyroid cancer and LCH is a rare combination.  相似文献   
Autophagy is emerging as a central regulator of cellular health and disease and, in the central nervous system (CNS), this homeostatic process appears to influence synaptic growth and plasticity. Herein, we review the evidence that dysregulation of autophagy may contribute to several neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS. Up-regulation of autophagy may prevent, delay or ameliorate at least some of these disorders, and - based on recent findings from our laboratory - we speculate that this goal may be achieved using a safe, simple and inexpensive approach.  相似文献   
Among breast cancer patients p53 gene mutation is associated with a poor prognosis. Young women with breast cancer are more likely than older women to have a poor prognosis, but whether p53 gene mutation plays a role in breast cancer in young women is not clear. This study identified 199 breast cancer patients and tested the hypothesis that p53 gene mutation was associated with early onset breast cancer. Patients with p53 gene mutations were 3-times more likely to have an early onset breast cancer (age < or = 40 years at diagnosis) than those without p53 mutations (OR = 3.05, 95% CI = 1.10-8.45). Patients with both missense and silent mutations were 7-times more likely to have a diagnosis of early onset breast cancer (OR = 7.56, 95% CI = 2.22-25.8). Patients with mutations in exon 8 of the p53 gene were 6-times more likely to be diagnosed with early onset breast cancer (OR = 6.48, 95% CI = 1.37-30.6). These findings suggest that p53 gene mutation may hasten the onset of female breast cancer.  相似文献   
Junctional ectopic tachycardia is recognized predominantly as a postoperative arrhythmia after surgery for congenital heart disease. Diagnosis and treatment distinguish it from more commonly observed mechanisms of supraventricular tachycardia. We present a case of junctional ectopic tachycardia that occurred in the setting of abdominal trauma caused by child abuse and then explore the significance of this arrhythmia in a patient with trauma.  相似文献   
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