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In the early days of video-assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy (VLC), obesity was considered a contraindication for the procedure. We reviewed charts from 304 patients undergoing VLC; 90 patients were obese, and among these, according to a classification currently used by medical nutritionists and based on BMI, 45 were overweight (BMI > or = 25 < or = 29.9), 27 were considered conventionally obese (BMI > or = 30 and < 40) and 18 morbidly obese (BMI > or = 40). In this study we considered only the morbidly obese patients (5 males and 13 females). The average age was 42.3 years (range: 21-65) and the average weight 275 Ib (range: 186-331 Ib). Six patients had previously undergone abdominal surgery. All patients were symptomatic for gallstones, and 5 of them were suffering from acute cholecystitis. Mean operative time was 20 minutes (range: 10-45 minutes) longer than that of non-obese patients. No open conversion was necessary. No major postoperative morbidity and no cases of mortality occurred. The mean hospital stay and resumption of normal diet were similar to those of non-obese patients. Regardless of the higher postoperative risks after open cholecystectomy in obese patients (pulmonary complications, thromboembolism, wound infections and cardiovascular complications), we suggest VLC as the procedure of choice for cholecystectomy in these patients.  相似文献   


Until now technologic evolution in coronary bypass surgery has focused on extracorporeal circulation, on operation without extracorporeal circulation, and on the exposure of the operative site. Recently a one-shot anastomotic device for the proximal anastomosis in coronary surgery was developed. We investigated whether the use of the aortic connector system (ACS) could facilitate the creation of aortosaphenous vein graft anastomoses in myocardial revascularization.


From November 2000, 40 ACS devices were used in 36 consecutive patients (mean age 70.7 ± 8.9 years); 12 patients (33.3%) underwent surgery on pump and 24 patients (66.6%) off pump; 50 distal anastomoses were performed. In all cases the connection with the ascending aorta was created before the distal anastomoses because of the necessity to slide the saphenous vein graft (SVG) over the vein transfer sheath. Intraoperative graft function was tested measuring blood flow by Doppler analysis. Postoperative evaluation of the anastomotic patency was carried out by early angiography in 34 patients (94.7%) but was excluded in 5 patients (5.3%) with extensive extracardiac vascular occlusive disease.


Of 38 AC (95%) evaluated, 36 (94.7%) functioned properly. The end-to-side proximal anastomosis without aortic clamping is instantaneous, the quality of anastomoses was highly rated, no additional stitches were required, and all coronary arteries could be reached. Intraoperative quantity flow was measured by Doppler analysis and all but one showed good flow. Early postoperative angiography demonstrated good patency of the grafts in all cases but 2 (5.3%). At 1-year follow-up, 1 patient died of stroke; all other patients remained free of symptoms and no reoperation was required.


The use of ACS makes end-to-side anastomosis rapid, effective, and reproducible while eliminating aortic cross clamping; it opens a new era in beating or nonbeating coronary surgery. Long-term results are mandatory to confirm our favorable preliminary results.  相似文献   


In renal cell carcinoma (RCC), lymph node status at preoperative imaging is affected by a non-negligible false-positive rate. We aimed to investigate which factors are related to a concordance between clinical suspicion and pathological confirmation of lymph node invasion (LNI).


At a single tertiary care institution, 2954 RCC patients underwent either partial or radical nephrectomy. For the aim of the study, only clinically positive lymph node cases were included (cN1). Statistical analyses assessed the concordance between preoperative and pathological nodal status.


Preoperative axial CT scans revealed 424 (14.4 %) patients showing at least one enlarged lymph node suspected for LNI (cN1). All lymphadenopathies were removed at surgery, and LNI was pathologically confirmed (pN1) in 122 patients (28.8 %). When focusing the analyses on clinical characteristics (variables known before surgery), metastases at diagnosis [OR 3.0 (95 %1.9–4.8), p < 0.001] and tumor size [OR 1.1 (95 % 1.1–1.2), p < 0.001] were the two most informative predictors of concordance between clinical and pathological nodal status. Concordance was also more likely in patients with papillary type II tumors (55.6 %) relative to papillary type I (38.1 %), clear cell (27.7 %) and chromophobe (8.3 %) tumors. At multivariable analyses, none of the considered blood markers resulted to be independently associated with LNI.


Roughly 70 % of patients showing a suspected lymph node preoperatively do not show LNI at the final pathological report. Among patients with clinically positive nodes, clinical tumor size and metastases at diagnosis represent the most informative and independent predictors of confirmed LNI at final pathology.
Background  Roentgenographic and functional outcomes of expandable self locking intramedullary nailing and platelet rich plasma (PRP) gel in the treatment of long bone non-unions are reported. Materials and methods  Twenty-two patients suffering from atrophic diaphyseal long bone non-unions were enrolled in the study. Patients were treated with removal of pre-existing hardware, decortication of non-union fragments, and fixation of pseudoarthrosis with expandable intramedullary nailing (Fixion™, Disc’O Tech, Tel Aviv, Israel). At surgery, PRP was placed in the pseudoarthrosis rim. Results  The thirteen-month follow-up showed 91% (20/22 patients) of patients attaining bony union. The average time to union was 21.5 weeks. No infection, neurovascular complication, rotational malalignment, or limb shortening >4 mm were observed. The healing rate of non-unions was comparable to that observed in previous studies but with a lower complication frequency. Conclusions  The combined use of self locking intramedullary nailing and PRP in the management of atrophic diaphyseal long bone non-unions seems to produce comparable results with less complications than previously reported. Further data are warranted to investigate the single contribution of PRP gel and Fixion nail.  相似文献   
Cardiovascular disease caused by accelerated atherosclerosis is the major determinant of morbidity and mortality in chronic kidney disease patients. Vitamin D and its analogs provide survival benefit for hemodialysis (HD) patients. Vitamin D exerts its effects through the vitamin D receptor (VDR) that is coded for by a gene showing several polymorphisms that, in turn, are associated with a variety of diseases and differential responses to vitamin D. In this study, we evaluated the association between 4 VDR polymorphisms (ie, those identified by the restriction enzymes BsmI, ApaI, TaqI, and FokI) and iron indices (serum iron, transferrin, transferrin saturation, and ferritin) in 88 hemodialysis patients routinely treated with vitamin D. The absence or presence of the BsmI, ApaI, TaqI, and FokI restriction sites were denominated B and b, A and a, T and t, F and f, respectively. Our results show that in HD patients with transferrin saturation <20%, the F allele was more frequent than in HD patients with transferrin saturation >20% (P = .03). This relationship may provide a link between VDR alleles and iron and nutritional markers, which are highly predictive variables of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis patients.  相似文献   


Most reports in the literature on botulinum toxin A (BoNTA) therapy for neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) are based on the results of a single injection. Because most patients may require retreatment, the efficacy and safety of multiple injections must be addressed clearly.


To investigate the effectiveness and safety of BoNTA intradetrusorial injections in a group of spinal cord–injured (SCI) patients with refractory detrusor overactivity (DO).

Design, setting, and participants

Seventeen SCI patients were prospectively included in the study and followed up to 6 yr.


All patients received repeat intradetrusorial injections of BoNTA 300 units (Botox, Allergan, Irvine, CA) under cystoscopic control on an inpatient basis.


The preliminary assessment included voiding diary, urodynamics, kidney and bladder ultrasound, and cystourethrography. Patients also completed a standardised quality-of-life (QoL) questionnaire. Clinical evaluation, urodynamics, urinary tract imaging, and QoL assessment were repeated every year throughout the follow-up.

Results and limitations

Before treatment, all patients complained of urinary incontinence and had DO. Bilateral and monolateral renal pelvis dilatation were detected in six and five patients, respectively, and a monolateral and third-grade vesicoureteral reflux was observed in three. At 6-yr follow-up, a significant decrease in the frequency of daily incontinence episodes (p < 0.01), a significant increase in first uninhibited detrusor contraction and in maximum bladder capacity (p < 0.001 for both), and a significant decrease in maximum pressure of these contractions (p < 0.01) were observed. Fifteen patients (88.2%) were completely continent. Renal pelvis dilatation and vesicoureteral reflux resolved in all cases, and the QoL index significantly increased. Limitations of the study are related to the small number of included patients.


In SCI patients with refractory NDO who do not want or are unfit for invasive reconstructive surgery, BoNTA intravesical treatment represents a valid alternative to control DO and urinary incontinence and to preserve upper urinary tract function over a long-term follow-up.  相似文献   


Plaque incision and tunical grafting is widely used to correct penile curvatures secondary to Peyronie's disease (PD), but there is no consensus on the ideal graft to be used.


To evaluate the efficacy, safety, and reproducibility of plaque incision and buccal mucosa grafting (BMG) in the correction of severe penile curvatures secondary to PD.

Design, setting, and participants

Fifteen patients reporting normal erections and stable curvature (>12-mo duration) entered this prospective study carried out at two university hospitals.


All patients underwent plaque incision and BMG.


Preoperative evaluation included the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) and penile duplex ultrasounds with measurement of curvature and length of affected side. Follow-up visits were scheduled at 1, 3, 6, and 12 mo postoperatively, then yearly. Three-mo postoperative evaluation included IIEF-5, patient and partner satisfaction, and intracavernous injection test with evaluation of penile rigidity, straightness, and length; patient and partner satisfaction was recorded at all subsequent visits.

Results and limitations

Mean patient age was 56.3 yr and mean penile curvature 72°; five patients had a two-sided curvature with mean second curvature of 37°. There were no complications. All patients resumed unassisted intercourse 1 mo after surgery. Three-mo postoperative evaluation showed 100% penile straightening, 1.8-cm mean increase in length of affected side, no curvature recurrence or de novo erectile dysfunction, 1.6 mean increase in IIEF-5 score, and patient and partner satisfaction of 93.3% and 100%, respectively. Although results remained stable at subsequent follow-up (mean 13.1 mo), a greater number of patients and longer follow-up are needed before drawing any definite conclusions.


BMG provided excellent short-term results, probably because its prompt revascularisation, suggested by the fast return of spontaneous erections, prevented shrinkage, which is the main cause of graft failure. It also proved to be safe and reproducible, thus representing a valuable treatment option for PD.  相似文献   
The mucosa of the gastric stump is considered at greater risk of dysplastic and neoplastic changes than that of the intact stomach. The combination of enteric reflux and Helicobacter pylori infection may have a synergistic damaging effect on the mucosa of the gastric remnant, both producing and increasing mucosal proliferation. The aim of this study was to assess whether the occurrence of H. pylori infection in the remnant mucosa of partially gastrectomized subjects for peptic ulcer disease is associated with an increase of the mucosal precursor lesions of malignancy. A series of 151 subjects who underwent partial gastrectomy for peptic ulcer disease were submitted to upper digestive endoscopy for long-term surveillance. Biopsy specimens of the gastric stump were tested for the occurrence of H. pylori infection and for the presence of precancerous mucosal lesions. The prevalence of H. pylori colonization in the remnant stomach was less than 30% and similar in subjects with different time intervals between gastrectomy and endoscopy. Age at surgery (χ2: p = 0.03) and H. pylori infection (χ2: p = 0.002) were significantly associated with the grading of mucosal lesions. The prevalence of normal mucosa was 10 times higher in H. pylori-negative patients as in H. pylori-positive ones (22.0% vs. 2.4%), and the prevalence of intestinal metaplasia was four times higher in H. pylori-positive patients than in H. pylori-negative ones (19.6% vs. 4.6%). We concluded that H. pylori infection may play a causal role in the development of gastric lesions in the operated stomach.  相似文献   
Abstract:  This longitudinal study assessed the influence of post-transplant clinical and therapeutic variables in 50 kidney transplant recipients aged 2–19 yr receiving a triple immunosuppressive regimen consisting of cyclosporine microemulsion (CsA), steroids and MMF (300–400 mg/m2 body surface area twice daily), the full pharmacokinetic profile (10 points) of which was investigated on post-transplant days 6, 30, 180 and 360. Total plasma MPA was measured by Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique. CsA therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) was performed via C2 blood monitoring, while MPA TDM via C0. MPA Cmax, tmax, AUC0-12 and AUC0-4 pharmacokinetic profile changed significantly during the first post-transplant year. C0 was a poor predictor of the total MPA exposure [as measured by the area under the concentration-time curve AUC)], while a truncated AUC was a good surrogate of the 12-h profile (r = 0.91; p < 0.001) Graft function and cyclosporine therapy influenced MPA pharmacokinetics, as shown by the univariate and multivariate analyses. We conclude that because after transplantation MPA exposure varied over time, a strict TDM is advisable in the pediatric population.  相似文献   
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