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The authors examine the conflicted relationship between Orthodox Judaism and psychoanalysis. Orthodox Jewish thinkers about psychology have responded to psychoanalysis as incompatible with the practice of Orthodox Judaism. On the other hand, those psychoanalytic writers who have examined the beliefs and practices of Orthodox Jews have tended to treat these issues in a reductionistic fashion. However, the authors find possibilities for reconciliation and dialogue in the work of Aaron Rabinowitz and Moshe Halevi Spero.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Pulmonary congestion is associated with poor outcome in patients with acute coronary syndromes. In consecutive patients presenting with acute unexplained chest pain to a primary care facility, the prognostic impact of pulmonary congestion is indeterminate. Therefore, we assessed the predictive value of clinical signs of pulmonary congestion in patients presenting with acute chest pain to an emergency department with regard to the origin of the symptoms. METHODS: 1288 consecutive patients with acute chest pain were prospectively assessed for clinical signs of pulmonary congestion. The diagnosis was confirmed by chest radiography. The association of pulmonary congestion and short- and intermediate-term mortality in patients with coronary (n = 381) and non-coronary (n = 907) causes of chest pain was determined using multivariate Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: 108 (8%) patients had clinical signs of pulmonary congestion. Within the mean follow-up period of 23 months (SD 4) 67 patients died, mainly within the first 6 months. Of 108 patients with pulmonary congestion, 82 (76%) had coronary and 26 (24%) had non-coronary chest pain. Pulmonary congestion was independently associated with mortality in patients with coronary chest pain (hazard ratio 6.4, 95% confidence interval 2.5 to 16.1, p < 0.0001), both in patients with acute coronary syndromes or angina pectoris. However, in patients with non-coronary chest pain we observed no independent association of pulmonary congestion with outcome. CONCLUSION: Clinical signs of pulmonary congestion indicate an increased risk for poor outcome in patients with chest pain due to myocardial ischemia. Mortality of these patients is high, particularly in the first months after presentation. Therefore, hospital admission is warranted, including patients with angina pectoris, who otherwise may be candidates for early discharge.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether athletes with a history of low back pain (LBP) would, on average, perform slower on a timed 20-m shuttle run as compared with a normal athletic population. DESIGN: A timed shuttle run to evaluate residual functional limitations in college athletes with resolved LBP. SETTING: National College Athletic Association (NCAA) division I college. PARTICIPANTS: NCAA division I athletes (161 men, 50 women). INTERVENTION: A timed 20-m shuttle run. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Each athlete was timed in a divided 20 m (66 ft) run in which 2 taped lines were positioned 6.7 m (22 ft) apart. RESULTS: Of 211 athletes evaluated, 27 had been treated for LBP during the previous year. Currently asymptomatic athletes with a recent history of LBP were slower (6.3s vs 5.8s) during performance of the timed 20-m shuttle run than athletes without LBP (P=.0002). CONCLUSIONS: Athletes with resolved LBP were slower than a matched group of normal athletes without LBP in the timed 20-m shuttle run. Further research is needed to support these findings and to understand fully the influence of the kinetic chain and the effects of both gender and sport on the observed findings.  相似文献   
Background: Systematic reviews (SRs) and/or meta-analyses of in vitro research have an important role in establishing the foundation for clinical studies. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the reporting quality of SRs of in vitro studies using the PRISMA checklist.

Method: Four databases were searched including PubMed, Virtual Health Library (VHL), Web of Science (ISI) and Scopus. The search was limited from 2006 to 2016 to include all SRs and/or meta-analyses (MAs) of pure in vitro studies. The evaluation of reporting quality was done using the PRISMA checklist.

Results: Out of 7702 search results, 65 SRs were included and evaluated with the PRISMA checklist. Overall, the mean overall quality score of reported items of the PRISMA checklist was 68%. We have noticed an increasing pattern in the numbers of published SRs of in vitro studies over the last 10 years. In contrast, the reporting quality was not significantly improved over the same period (p?=?.363). There was a positive but not significant correlation between the overall quality score and the journal impact factor of the included studies.

Conclusions: The adherence of SRs of in vitro studies to the PRISMA guidelines was poor. Therefore, we believe that using reporting guidelines and journals paying attention to this fact will improve the quality of SRs of in vitro studies.  相似文献   
BackgroundPatients undergoing pancreatic resection frequently require rehabilitation facilities after hospital discharge. We evaluated the predictive role of validated markers of frailty on rehabilitation facility placement to identify patients who may require this service.MethodsSingle-center retrospective cohort study of patients who underwent pancreatic resection from 2010 to 2015. 90-day morbidity and mortality were calculated. Postoperative validated markers of frailty (Activities of Daily Living scale, Braden scale [assesses pressure ulcer risk, lower scores = higher risk] and Morse fall scale) were evaluated via multivariate regression to identify predictors of discharge to rehabilitation facility.Results470 patients with complete data were included. Mean age was 62 and 49.2% were male. Postoperative median length of stay (LOS) was 8 (IQR 7–10). 92 (19.66%) patients were discharged to rehabilitation facilities and 138 (29.49%) patients were readmitted within 90 days. On multivariate analysis, age, sex, LOS > 8 days, inpatient Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI) and initial Braden scale were predictive of rehabilitation placement.ConclusionA marker of frailty routinely collected daily by nursing staff, the Braden scale, is available to help surgeons predict the need for postoperative rehabilitation placement after pancreatic resection. Engaging discharge planning services for at-risk patients may help prevent delayed hospital discharge and should be further evaluated.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to evaluate the parents' knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) towards the use of antibiotics for childhood upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), at the Jordanian University Hospital.


This was a cross-sectional study. During the study period, 1301 parents of young children completed a validated – structured questionnaire.


Gaps in common knowledge related to antibiotics and their use were noted among participants. Nearly half of respondents believed that antibiotics are void from adverse effects, while 72.4% of them believed that a child should be given an antibiotic if it develops fever, even though 60% they were aware that most URTIs were viral in nature. Parents reported that they administered antibiotics to children without medical advice most of the time for various causes, including using a previously prescribed antibiotic for a similar illness (27.1%), or based on pharmacist's recommendation (23.8%).


The results demonstrated the need for educational interventions to increase the awareness of parents about antibiotics to reduce inappropriate use and its consequences.  相似文献   
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