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Gastric cancer is unusual during pregnancy. Also, because of the physiologic changes that occur with pregnancy, it is rare to see a worsening of peptic ulcers during pregnancy. A patient with an exacerbation of peptic ulcers presented with gastric carcinoma during pregnancy.  相似文献   
Seventy-two patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) of Qi deficiency syndrome with abnormal immune indices were treated with Yiqi Mianyi Granule (YQMYG) and the efficacy was compared with that of 30 cases treated with Zhenqi fuzheng Granule (ZQFZG) for control. Results showed that the markedly effective rate of symptomatic improvement of Qi deficiency in YQMYG group was 65.3%, the total effective rate 93.1%. 88.6% of the immune indices lower than normal were corrected and 43. 7% of them were normalized, while for indices that were higher than normal the rate were 78.2% and 52.9% respectively. These results suggested that YQMYG could improve symptom of Qi Deficiency markedly, strengthen cellular immunity and regulate immune dysfunction. Its therapeutic efficacy was obviously superior to ZQFZG (P<0.Q5).  相似文献   
Penetrating craniocerebral firearm injuries remain one of the most lethal causes of all trauma and are common both in war or peace time. Data were reviewed for 4140 severely head-injured patients (Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores 3-8) treated at Xi-Jing Hospital between 1973 and 1993; 51 of these patients had acute penetrating craniocerebral injuries caused by firearm missiles. These patients consisted of 46 males (90.2%) and 5 females (9.8%) ranging in age from 3 months to 48 years (median 22.4 years). The lesion types included 2 tangential wounds, 37 tubular wounds and 12 through-and-through wounds. All cases were urgent with the patients in severe and unstable states. After emergency treatment and operation, 5 cases died (9.8%). Follow up studies at three months showed that 23 cases (45.1%) had made a good recovery. Moderate disability, severe disability and vegetative states in this series were 29.4%, 13.7% and 2.0% respectively. Long term follow up studies indicated that 32 were able to resume their occupation. The principles for managing penetrating craniocerebral firearm injuries and suggestions for operation are discussed.  相似文献   
Da-Nian Zhu, Long-Mei Xue, Peng Li. Effect of central muscarine receptor blockade. with DKJ-21 on the blood pressure and heart rote in stress-induced hypertensive rats.

The experiments were performed on Wistar or Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes divided at random into stress and control groups. The rats in the stress groups were put into cages and subjected to electric foot-shocks and noises for 9-15 days, which caused an increase in blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). In hypertensive rats DKJ-21 (4mg/lml) was injected intravenously (i.v.), and 0.5-1.0h after administration the BP and HR dropped from the high level to normotensive level. In normotensive rats, however, administration of DKJ-21 had no effect on BP or HR. In separate groups of normotensive rats, pretreatment of DKJ-21 (4 mg/l ml, i.v.) blocked the pressor and tachycardiac effect induced by microinjection of physostigmine (0.4μg/0.1 /μl/site), corticosterone (40μg/0.1μl/site) or aldosterone (40 μg/0.1 μl/site) into the rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM). Furthermore, DKJ-21 also attenuated the enhancement of the pressor response to stimulation of the defense area in the midbrain, which was induced by microinjection of drugs (mentioned above) into the rVLM. These results indicate that i.v. DKJ-21 can selectively block the muscarinic receptors in the rVLM in stress-induced hypertensive rats, which suggests that abnormal enhancement of cholinergic mechanism in the rVLM may be related to hypertensive effects of corticoids in this area.  相似文献   
Abstract: In the commercially available intravenous formulation of Cyclosporin A (Sandimmun®), polyoxyethylated castor oil (Cremophor®EL) is used as a solubilizing agent. We have recently reported that the acute nephrotoxic effect of this preparation was alleviated by replacing Cremophor®EL with a soybean oil-based fat emulsion in a rat model. To further explore the potential of fat emulsions as carriers for cyclosporin A, data on the in vivo pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution are required. In this study in pigs, the pharmacokinetics of soybean oil-cyclosporin A was compared to that of Sandimmun®. The two formulations seemed bioequivalent, as there were no significant differences in the systemic clearances, volumes of distribution or elimination half-lives. Moreover, the tissue distributions of soybean oil-cyclosporin A and Sandimmun® were compared in rats. These studies also included two additional lipid-based carriers: one based on iodized ester of poppy seed oil and the other on a liposomal preparation. The tissue distributions were found to be similar regardless of the carriers used. Fat emulsion carriers seem to offer possibilities for preparing better tolerated intravenous formulations of cyclosporin A while maintaining the same characteristics concerning pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution.  相似文献   
The posterior tibial flap is a type C fasciocutaneous flap from the medial calf with the posterior tibial vascular bundle as its pedicle. Most of the skin perforators, 1 to 3 in number, can be found in the middle third of the leg, with an average diameter of 0.8 mm and an average length of 22 mm. The posterior tibial artery ranges between 1.5 and 2.0 mm in diameter, although it is absent in 8 percent of limbs. Since the saphenous nerve is taken with the flap, this is an innervated flap. The flap can be transferred as a free flap or a pedicled flap. The reversed-flow pedicled flap has an average pedicle length of 8 cm. The posterior tibial flap is a reliable, large, thin, innervated flap and can be raised with the patient supine. Case reports are presented of six patients who received a free flap transfer and of one patient who received a reversed-flow pedicled flap. There were two cases of heel ulcerations, two crushed hands, one chronic ulceration and osteomyelitis of the tibia, one burn contracture of the neck, and one salvage flap for diabetic gangrene of the hand.  相似文献   
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